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kittyluv asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Advantage not strong enough?

My kitten was given advantage and the fleas got a little better but about a week later he had all his fleas again. I constantly get flea bites. I also have another cat but he doesn't have a problem with fleas. Why is just one cat getting it? And what else can he take that would work better? Thanx!


My white cat used to have fleas but didn't get them anymore when we moved. My kitten with the fleas is black with some white marks

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I use Revolution on my cat. It also kiss hook worms and ring worms. I also spray my house with Nylar once a month, which you can by at your local vets office. Revolution is FDA approved and is the best on the market. I would first spray your house with the Nylar then bath your cat with a flea and tick shampoo. then the next day apply Revolution. And spray your house twice a week until you see the flea problem decreasing. Hope that helps. Also continue to apply the Revolution from now on in case the get fleas again, because this will keep it under control.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've had this same problem with Advantage, as well as Frontline. Some hair types or age and immune system make them more susceptible.

    Both of those treatments are SO superior to the over-the-counter treatments, though, and flea collars (which are useless).

    We foster a lot and the kittens they bring us that have been living outdoors are in dire need of the most aggressive flea eradication possible because the fleas are all over them, and their little bodies just can't fight all the problems that come with fleas. We've lost many to anemia caused by fleas or to constant diarrhea and dehydration from tapeworms, which are carried by fleas.

    Sometimes I'll use a Capstar initially to kill all the fleas, then bathe them right away in a baby shampoo, leaving the shampoo on for at least ten minutes to drown the fleas (because they'll burrow their heads in the kitten's skin for a few minutes and will survive otherwise) and THEN use Advantage or Frontline after they're dry.

    Ck with your vet, but I believe you can bathe them AFTER you've applied it, without washing away the effects, as long as 48 hours have passed after you dosed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Advantage is completely fine in dealing with fleas. (Frontline, and Revolution are ok too, they have additional drugs in the them to help prevent fleas, ticks, and other parasites-where advantage strictly does fleas but it is not a bad product like some others)

    In a bad flea infestation you may have to keep applying it once every 3 weeks for several months on BOTH cats to get rid of the fleas. The fleas can hibernate in the house and re-infest your pets so it is important to treat the environment as well ( wash all the bedding, vacuum, possibly even bomb the house)

    Also make sure you are apply the appropriate dose of advantage in the right way.

    If you go to the vet they can give an oral pill to the cat in addition to the advantage that starts killing fleas within minutes (called Capstar)

    The reason that you have to continuously apply advantage (which should be done year round to avoid this) is because of the different life stages of fleas.

  • 1 decade ago

    hun... you don't want to use any flea medicine other than frontline or Revolution. they're expensive... but not harmful.

    all those other's are just a step away from poison and it's a surprise they're even allowed to sell them.

    if i can think of the name later i'll come back and add it.

    but you should still put the flea medicine on both cats...

    and does your flea infested cat happen to be white? because fleas love white cats.

    ours was COVERED in them last year.

    we have two turkish vans.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Anybody is unfastened to talk out some thing they want to or some thing they suppose.Practically speakme the query you are asking is highly convenient.Pakistan does not stand a hazard in opposition to India's could.India's is way more awesome and more potent the them in all of the 3 departments.People who suppose Taliban to be more potent or whatever like that to tackle Indian navy appear to be dreaming.Taliban is not anything however a number of terrorists.ZamZam appears to be having paranoid illusions which he narrates in his lengthy descriptions.

  • sky
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    you can get frontline,but if the fleas got into carpets,you will need house spray as well otherwise kitten will keep getting

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    try " revolution " its for kittens . and its stronger. my grls have used it! ask ur local vet for it. cuz u cant find it in any stores.. the reason why ur kitten only has fleas is bcuz his skin is more softer and fresh for the fleas. they lik the baby skin..

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