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Jehovah's Witnesses- About The Principle Found At Deut. 22:8 (Quoted In Q Details)....?

“In case you build a new house, you must also make a parapet for your roof, that you may not place bloodguilt upon your house because someone falling might fall from it."

A little background:

Vot has some diluted white paint in a large glass jar (it had tomato paste in it originally) in the kitchen, and this morning I looked at it and thought how much it looked like tasty milk. Now I know there's warnings about storing chemicals of any sort in "food containers" but I don't live with any kids so I don't have to worry about them. But then I remembered that sometimes the girl next door raids my fridge (Vot raids hers more often than she does mine) and she might feel like some milk and take a gulp before she realised what it was.

The Eve in me chuckled and thought "That would serve her right for trying to "steal" my 'milk'!"

Then the JW in me realised that it wouldn't be so funny if that actually happened, because Vot is responsible before Jehovah to make sure her "house" has "parapets" where necessary so no one gets hurt while here.

Now that made Vot wonder about this:

Does this principle in any way apply to using electric fences as a security measure on one's property? You know, the kind that zap intruders upon contact?

Vot is not for the fences because of the many cases of them accidentally zapping a family member trying to LEAVE the property, but what about when it zaps a burglar trying to get in?

Just fishing for thoughts outside my own head.... xD


Oh, and as usual non-JWs, anti-JWs and JW-wannabes are welcome to collect the free 2 points :)

Update 2:

Debbie- I guess people wire their fences differently; these ones threw children way across to the other side of the yard.

And yes, they died.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I love all of you. :) It's nice to see our little community of "Jehova witness people." LOL

    Anyway, good questions, Vot! I'd wonder the same thing... I don't like electric fences at all because I still don't want to hurt anyone even if it doesn't kill them.

    Regarding the "milk"- I would label it or put it somewhere else... or you could just tell your neighbor that it isn't milk. haha.

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    While the white paint and milk mix might be a "distasteful" effect, what if the whiting compound was lead based? Many countries still sell it, since it is cheaper than titanium based.

    And then what of someone who is not sharp or quick enough to spit out the bad taste fast enough and drinks the whole container. We had that happen at our company. They saw a white cup and what was in it was white and it wasn't milk, rather a very powerful glue.

    In our area, only "shocking" low voltage fences to control animals are allowed for private ownership. The government on the other hand, can fry who ever wants to play with their secured areas. Businesses might be allowed to damage the intruders, but I haven't seen one that lawyers wouldn't be making a fortune off of. "My client can't read and just wanted to rest against the fence!"

    The principle at Deut. would apply to Christians, because we know we can be blood guilty if we neglect our ministry. We are reminded that we are responible for the condition of our property so others will not be harmed by neglect.

  • 1 decade ago


    If you have not forbidden your visitor from 'stealing' from your refridgerator, and since you also return the favor, I would say that she is an 'implicit guest' who visits your house periodically (just as you are also an 'implicit guest' of hers). Would you want her to put some poisonous substance in a food container and cause you to accidentally ingest some of it? Therefore what you want her to do for you, you should likewise do for her. (Mathew 7:12) You both have a responsibility to ensure each others safety in relation to your 'sharing' of each others food.


    This is a tough call. I would say it should be clearly labelled so that all can be made to know that it is an electric fence. But on the other hand, what if someone is blind. Or what if a young child who cannot read strays near your property and touches it? Personally I would say that a lethal voltage should not be used - a strong enough voltage to be painful and avoid intruders, yes. Also, I would surround an electric fence by a regular fence so that one would have to go to the effort of climbing the regular fence first in order to be in danger from the electric fence - only a thief should do this.

    But why would a Christian want to go to such extreme measures that can endanger the lives of the innocent to protect his property? Love for one's neighbor - including a thief - should be greater than any fear of losing our possessions.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Since the article was a number of years ago and I haven't heard any anti-JW cite these as "misquotes", I figure they are reliable. But since you have a computer and the internet, and the resources, I figure you can do some of the same research. Here is a web site that has the writings of the men you asked about. I will poke around in there too, and later report back what I found. Here is a sample of Justin Martyr's writing: But the utterances of truth we judge by no separate test, giving full credit to itself. And God, the Father of the universe, who is the perfect intelligence, is the truth. And the Word, being His Son, came to us, having put on flesh, revealing both Himself and the Father, giving to us in Himself resurrection from the dead, and eternal life afterwards. --- So it is out there somewhere --- Edited on your question about supporters of the trinity in the early 2nd century christians. Since the apostasy was maturing, and there were divisions and sects forming, I am not surprised or concerned that there were early 'trinitarians'. That was the basis, the conflict between the groups, that caused Constantine to force the "bishops" to come together. It was his force of sword and power base that moved them to adopt the path of raising Jesus to the Level of Jehovah God, his Father, and to add to the insult to Jehovah, turing HIS holy spirit which comes from him, into a sperate being and raise IT to his level.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Vot, I remember reading about intruders in Israel-the ancient nation-and if a person had the light of day shine on him, and you hurt the intruder, and the intruder died, you were responsible.

    I just put new tires on both of my vehicles, and new brakes on my little Chevy S:10. It wasn't free either.

    I live where it rains like crazy, and I have roof shingles on my starways, front and back so no one will slip on them.

    This is the second time I put brakes on my little truck, and have already put brakes on my other car, which is a Ford Exploerer. But, I don't want to hurt, or kill anyone.

    P.S. Vot, keep things that can kill another person in a safe place. I have a nephew that is 4 years old, and I don't let him in my tool shed, and I watch him in the kitchen.

    Agape' Jeshurunknight144.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, Vot,

    Nice to know you are watching out for others! Of course, no one except prisons in motion pictures use electric fences for security, because they are easy to defeat--just lay a metal pole, or wire, against a strand, and it gets shorted to earth and can't shock you. And, of course, the voltages are just to startle, not injure (except that one child was killed trying to wade a creek and get under an electric fence that crossed the creek--he was wet and in water, though, so he was very vulnerable.) I touched mine with rubber-soled tennis shoes on, and it barely tingled, so I thought, "What would it feel like if I took my tennis shoes off?" And POW. (Not a good idea.)


    Ouch! Very sorry about the children! They must have been barefoot on wet grass, or else that electric fence must have been wired with dangerous (but cheap) 120-240V house current instead of with a proper fence you use 120V or 240V where you are?


    Electric fence wires differ in size and visibility. Mine was so thin that it was practically invisible, so I hung "Electric Fence" signs from it periodically and wrapped big wrappings of aluminum foil in other places to make sure that it was clearly visible. No danger to anyone, but it was just common courtesy to neighbors, children...and to our bull!

    Best regards,


    Source(s): Experience!
  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Vot.

    I had electric fences on my farm. The voltage is about 12 and won't kill anyone .

    It would NOT kill pets either. No harm in having electric fences.

    But if you wire something straight to 220 whoever touches that would probably die.

    Mark the jar or tell her about it or just throw it out

  • usually the wire is visible, so unless it it invisible i guess it wouldn't hurt to put up a warning, just like beware of dog, i think it would be advisable since some have pacemakers that could be affected by the voltage. anytime you have an area that needs to have a caution sign, i think it would only be right to do so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You must label the fence (and the jar). That will adequately warn all of the dangers.

  • 1 decade ago

    2 points. Cha-Ching!

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