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Why hasn't God struck me down?

In the last few months I have corresponded with several Christians from YA, They usually start off civil enough then threaten me with hell or other such nonsense. In the last month or so, 2 different individuals have told me that God was gonna smite me, to prove his power. (one even told me he was Jesus and was gonna do it himself) I asked for a time line and details but they refused. Well Life is great, everything is wonderful and nothing bad has happened. Where is my smiting? Is this not evidence enough that your God isn't real?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is just evidence that you talk to alot of schizophrenics.

  • J C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Interesting. So he's my God. Yet you show enough respect for Him that you would capitalize the G. Most mockers do away with such things. So there is in you some doubt about how you feel or think you feel about the non existence of God. There may be hope for you yet.

    As for the smiting thing. I'm sure that if God were going to smite you, you would definitely be smitten.

    Have a nice day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those people who told you that stuff were either not Christians or a poor example of what a Christian should say. You didn't exactly say why they said God would smite you. You may have done some bad things in your life, but if you are really sorry for them and ask God to forgive you (if you are already saved), then you can continue with your life, new and born again. You should be leery of people who walk around claiming to be Jesus and then saying they are going to smite you. There will be ways to tell if God has come back to earth or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dearest Anna,

    God hasn't smitten you because we are all enjoying the 'Dispensation of Grace'. However we would all do well to remember that there are many dispensations - one of them being Judgement Day. The Bible says that the reason for the record of the Great Flood being in there is to cause us to be mindful of how life was great, and the world was really enjoying their respective activities; suddenly Noah's warnings came into real time! The inhabitants of the earth were swept away. When we see the present day News Reports of how powerful flash floods can be, and how destructive they are in such a quick time without much warning, then it gives us a glimpse if we are truthful, of what destructive power nature can unleash if this relative calm that the world enjoys comes to a sudden end. I for one certainly don't wish you any harm or any of your friends, but it would be a big mistake to take God for granted don't you think? Today I saw video of the terrible Metro bombings in Moscow, and survivors coming out of there making the sign of the cross, and thanking God that they had lived through it - many didn't. Remember that this is in Russia where communism has ruled many years, but believers still exist - many in fact. This world is getting more dangerous, not less, so just think about things a little deeper Anna please. I'm a Christian, and I wouldn't like to be without God in my life. Best regards Anna

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  • 1 decade ago

    You know what they say about tempting fate, right? I'm not saying you've done anything to cause any kind of bad Karma or something, but I am not sure I walk around bragging about how great life is is a good idea, just because it has a way of taking unexpected turns.

    If it does, & that info gets back to your fundie pen pals, you will have made their day, or maybe even year...

    But, in the meantime, enjoy. Just don't piss off the tooth fairy, that one is real, nobody wants multiple root canals, do they?

  • 1 decade ago

    God is to busy stuck in the past. He doesn't care about us. If you were told you would be smited to prove gods power 2000 years ago, you probably would have been smited.

  • How can it be evidence of any kind ? Evidence proves a point but you can't just claim the point and the evidence.

    You can't say I am Lingor of Alapusa and to prove it I will drop this egg on the floor and in 3 days ti will be black.

    Why must God strike you down.

  • 1 decade ago

    first of all god doesn't just randomly strike people down, maybe god may see you turning from your foolish ways in the future, cause now you are on your way to hell and god loves you and he doesn't want you in hell so maybe he wants to give you more time to repent of your sins and get to know him... God loves you and he would do whatever it takes to get you in heaven but you have to want it... don't listen to idiots saying that they are jesus... i once to questioned if God was real but the difference between me and you is that i didn't go around assuming God wasn't real cause i was to smart to believe in something beyond science i found out for my self and you should to... So stop going around trying to piss everybody off and feeding your ego and search the truth... think about it if your right about God then you have nothing to lose but if your wrong then you lose everything... SEARCH THE TRUTH

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If someone from Y.A. answers told you that he was Jesus why did you continue corresponding with him? Christians do not do that so please do not judge us all by the action of the idiot with whom you were corresponding

    If you ever give cause for God to strike you down it will be done without you being aware of it. You will not be left to tell us all about it on Yahoo Answers. God did not give us permission to tell others that He is about to strike them down..

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't particularly believe in 'God' as a person. There is a creator, and i'm telling you now that he couldn't care less about you, he's probably far too busy eating jelly beans to waste his time smiting you. Have a good day:)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God has great patience... He is still waiting for you to come to Him... you have until your last conscious mortal breath to do so... if you choose to reject God, then God will reject you... and you will be eternally separated from Him... and that is certain to be hell for those who suffer that fate... regardless of the form hell may take.

    There is only One Way to come to God... The Way He prescribes.... should you ever wish to honestly seek Him... feel free to contact me... I would be glad to offer what assistance I can to get you started on the path to The Way to God.

    Source(s): God's Word... and His promise to me in the instant of my Salvation
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