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Should Christians be allowed to work jobs where if they were raptured it would result in injury?

it would result in the injury or mass death of people? I say NO! What do you think?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interesting point.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Secret Rapture Non Sense:

    because it is a LIE that has decieved Millions!!! there is NO Scriptural support for a "secret rapture", Jesus' 2nd Coming will be Visible, Audible, Glorious, Literal and FINAL...Acts 1:10,11 / Luke 24:38,39 / Rev. 1:7 / Matthew 24:30 / Matthew 24:27 / Matthew 24:31 / 1 Thess. 4:16,17/Psalm 50:3 / Rev. 6:14 / Matthew 16:27, 25:31 / Rev. 22:11,12...this theory originated in the Dark Ages. Many Bible scholars had noticed there would be serious problems in the Christian church; others refused to acknowledge it. To avoid discussion of the issues, 2 clergymen were assigned to come up with a theory that would divert attention away from the Christian church. A scholar named Alcazar developed a theory that said most of the Bible prophecy had already been fulfilled in the distant past (Theory named "preterism) therefore the Bible couldn't possibly be talking about the Christian church.

    Cardinal Riberia designed another theory that has come to be known as "futurism" which is similiar to the modern rapture theory. This theory states that most of the Bible prophecy would be fulfilled in a final short burst of history, and therefore the Bible couldn't be talking about the problems in the church of his day. The Theory - which is a complete fabrication devised to accomplish a political purpose almost 5oo yrs. ago - is still with us today. It essentially teaches that the OT prophets couldn't see the Christian church. They were able to see the Cross and the Second Coming, but nothing in between. This effectively eliminated the possibility that the prophets saw problems in the Christian church. Even those who teach this theory today admit it is not found in Scripture.

    Source(s): not PeRfeCt/Just Forgiven SDA former catholic
  • 1 decade ago


    I have to agree with Suzanna, there is no evidence what so ever of a 'clandestine' coming of our Lord and Saviour. People attach themselves to this now popular doctrine of man, as it is a very comfortable theory that eliminates them from the Great Tribulation. The warnings in scripture for us not to take the mark of the beast, which is the mark of a man (Anti-Christ) would hardly be relevant to believers if they (we) were not going to be here. I personally believe that the Bible is clear that the rapture is at the same time as the Great Trump which hales The Second Coming of Christ.

    As long as it is honest employment Christians should and must avail themselves of the opportunity to work. There are very few jobs where other people who do not believe in Christ are not reliant on Christians. For example think of the scenario of a surgeon operating on a patient when this fictional clandestine rapture occurs - should Christians not become surgeons? Of course they should. The end of this false trail will and has in the past leads/led to naive Christians going up some mountain side, many giving up their jobs, to await Christ's return. This happened in Los-Angeles some years ago, and how ridiculous it all was and is. Too much reliance on TV Religious Programming me thinks, and not enough of the harder work of studying the Bible personally. Too much 'parroting' of what others have to say, without carefully checking in the Bible.

  • It would be hard to get them insurance coverage. If they could get rapture coverage then yes. If they hold higher positions and it does come, thats more of a chance for promotion for the ones still here.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why not? Anyone could be abducted by aliens, and if that happened while someone was operating heavy machinery, that could result in injury...what's the difference?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If ruptured the world should be ending, injury is the last of you worries.

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