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Lawyer X asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

So, what are the Tea Baggers FOR?

We know all the things they hate: Their government, their representatives, their president, taxes, socialism, communism, change, health care reform, poor people. But what, specifically, are they in favor of besides vague generalities--like liberty--which everyone favors?


To those who have defended the Tea Party: Thank you for illustrating my point.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thank you. You actually made a question the tea baggers can't respond too. Let's read there answers:

    ☠LCPL USMC (AH-1W death machine says "What a moron"

    HEAD M&M IN CHARGE says "we are for small gov, work for what you want, freedom, liberty and getting obama out of office"

    see that? he actually said what you said then admitted he just wants to get obama out of office. It's not that he doesn't like big government so much as he doesn't like his opposition to have it.

    JamalB says "Your ignorant hate is not worthy of a detailed response based in truth."

    JamalB can't even answer that right because he doesn't have an answer. That 'detailed response base on truth' he talks about is also known as the democrats.

    Then the rest of them said freedom and equality which is stupid cause they are totally stealing the democrats platform. If they actually believed in equality they would let some of the poor people up so they might have a chance at a good life.

  • 1 decade ago

    You've been listening to the liberal media too much.

    We don't hate government, we oppose bloated government. The optimum size of gov't is about 25% of GDP. We currently are at 45% of GDP and growing.

    We want a President and representatives that uphold their oath of office. The rest should be removed.

    Taxes should be contained. No one I know has an endless source of funds except the federal gov't.

    Socialism and communism are unAmerican! If you don't oppose them, you should find yourself another country more to your liking, and stop trying to change this one. Change doesn't always mean improvement.

    Health care reform would be good. Unfortuneately, the bill that was passed is severely flawed, and pushed through with much arm twisting.

    Poor people should have an opportunity to improve themselves. Creating a welfare state just makes them more dependent. Bad for them and bad for the taxpayers.

    Sorry to hear that you think liberty is a vague generality. Obviously, you haven't experienced it.

    EDIT: It really is frightening the number of people who oppose what I've stated. Are you telling me that you want a bloated, nanny state government where the representatives think they know more than you do and ignore their oath of office?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Will ANY Democrat EVER even try to make a point here without LYING?

    As you KNOW:

    1) They are for Americanism.

    2) They hate unlawful usurpation.

    3) They oppose representatives who SAID "the people" are their enemy.

    4) They oppose a President who said the same.

    5) They oppose taxes ABOVE the revenue optimum.

    6) They oppose socialism/communism because it's 100% antithetical to Americanism.

    7) The oppose changing the republic into an oligarchy.

    8) They oppose being made BODILY federal government property.

    9) They oppose policies DESIGNED to entrench poverty.

    Those are 9 reasons Democrats HAAAATE them.

    You KNOW liberals/Democrats fight against liberty. "Everyone favors liberty" is a bald-faced LIE.

    You are unable to name ONE Democrat policy in your lifetime that did not involve using guns and badges to prevent YOU making a choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't hate poor people.

    Liberty is not a vague generality. It is the product of independance, which the liberals are tying to eliminate. So no, everyone does not favor liberty.

    Now that I have addressed your baggage, I will answer your question: fiscal responsibility.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Limited, Constitutional government.

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I gathered, the Tea Party is essentially republicans who aren't very happy with the republican party right now. :(

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    anything unAmerican and not for the Declaration of Independence nor the flag nor the Constitution, they want anarchy above all else ...but my vote is to "php" or "hoohaw" their answers were perfect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are for elected servants to uphold the oaths of office they all took.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Tea Party wants the original Constitution upheld, not government take over. But here's another example of the "tolerant" left respecting someones opinion by making a sexually perverted remark out of a movement.

  • WJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not so, lawyer X. If everyone loves liberty, why are taxes so high? I have you there, don't I?

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