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Lv 5

Why do many people only criticize Muslim women for wearing the head scarf...?

...but not our Jewish sisters for doing the same? They both practice the same exact traditions of the prophet and messenger Abraham ﷺ?

Our beloved Mary, the virgin who gave birth to Jesus ﷺ wore a head covering...but you don't see her being criticized.

Anyone know any legitimate answers to this chide behavior?


Women in Islam are not forced ever...whereas the women in Judaic laws were forced. I know...I'm a Jewish brother, albeit Muslim now.

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't recall the last time I heard a new story about a Jewish women being killed to protect the honour of her family - nor do I recall that there is any country in the world that forces women to cover their heads, and that includes Israel, except those operating under Sharia law.

    Comparing oranges and apples my friend, not the way to make an argument.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Islam is the only truth religion without changes in its holy book and the fastest growing religion in the world. SO non Muslims are afraid that their religion will perish and because of this fear they try with every mean possible to criticize and show Islam as a bad religion . Their media is doing the same thing showing the false image of Islam by every mean possible. Its a propaganda against us. Although Marry the virgin wore a head covering and it is also in christianity and other religions . ANd look at the Christian nuns doens they look the same as ANY Muslims women wearing that black burqa. When a 60 year old Muslim Man Marries a 18 year GIrl that is on the top of the news all over the media. But When a 70 year old rapes a 15 year old girl thats brief news and you will be lucky if you find this news somewhere in those inner pages of the newspaper.

    This explains everything.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I believe that it is not the scarf so much as knowing that Muslim women are very naive to take the position of being repressed by a religion that says it is of the spirit when men expect sex with 40 virgins in the afterlife, a carnal desire of the flesh. I have yet to hear what the female's reward for being exempt from the commandment not to kill and being a "martyr" when her culture has done more to debase her life than any "infidel". What does she think about a old man that would sleep with a 9 year old little girl and still be called a good and holy man? Those who disrespect you have no right to even if Islam is a religion of the flesh and nothing higher. I'll bet Muslims have read what they call insults I've addressed to Islam but the truth also hurts and and all my admonishments toward Islam is no lies but truth. But Islam shows that it is impotent when they think they have the right to kill behind a insult to Allah.Muslims can talk about Jesus Christ and call Him any name they want to degrade Him, it don't bother us who love Him cause He is real and will reward that person who defames Him in His own time. If I saw someone disrespect you for your scarf I'd defend you.But the 40 virgins I can't help but to laugh at. But please tell us what the women get?

  • 1 decade ago

    Recipe for: Typical R&S Opinion of Muslim Women Cake

    Ingredients: Islamophobia, misogyny, and prejudice

    Bake in an oven for 45 minutes on 350 degrees.

    Frost it with paternalistic attitudes.

    And there you have it.

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  • Center
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because Jewish women aren't forced to do so under Sharia Law

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know- I wonder the same thing. Jehovah's Witness women also use head coverings in some situations.

  • 1 decade ago

    well I will say this, The quran and the bible are both the word of GOD, I read both, my mother is cristian my father is catholic so we have alot of mix in my family kinda of a cocktail if you will, and if you read both, all true out history woman always wore this, but because of diferent reasons. And the head wraps or HIJAB with is what we call it are a sing of RESPECT and MODESTY. But I understand this is america and people are not use to this, and is ok. I love americans even doe sometimes i dont understand them, and I love this constitution.

  • sakota
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Muslims are the ones that are being demonized now., mostly to justify waging wars in Muslim countries. It used to be the Jews, Japanese, Communists that were dehumanized like this but now it's the Muslim's turn. Just depends on whether you're an ally of the US or not. If you're not then they go to great pains to brainwash their citizens into believing how bad and evil you are so they wont protest when they blow the crap out of Muslim countries.

  • 1 decade ago

    uh hello

    Muslims get the most criticism?

    Have you seen the rude, obnoxious and totally disrespectful way people treat Mormons and their clothes?

    For some reason it is perfectly acceptable to mock Mormons, but at least there is somewhat of a taboo to do it to Muslims and Jewish people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because women are beautiful and I do not wish them to be pressured to hide themselves.

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