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Amos Ben David
I'm a Sofer in Torah--Practitioner in Qur'an. Qara'i Jewish, born/raised Hadera, Israel; revert Muslim--neither Sunni, nor Shia...but Hanifiyyah. Fluent in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. An academic in Judaeo-Islamic studies. Master's Degree in Western Religion. Scholar in Hanifiyyah Theosophy. Advocate of Judaeo-Islamic ethics and jurisprudence. Observer of fiqh. Supporter/member of Neturei Karta. Former U.S. Marine--Sergeant! Oorah! Active in Krav Maga. A Qur'anist Jew; Jihadi Jew ------------- In the Name of GOD, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful... I follow no other except the Word of GOD. I try my best to surrender, obey, and submit to the One GOD—Whom is the Sovereign of the heavens and the earth. All praise and thanks are to GOD, and to Only Him Alone. Peace Be Unto All!
What is the brand of this acoustic guitar?
There is an "A" at center of the emblem on the headstock.
2 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years agoWhy should there be support of Zionism for Eretz Ysra'el?
I've been pondering on this issue for the past month: Why would anyone, particularly Christians, support Zionism?
In details, will our fellow Christians--who pertains to this matter-explain to me on why you support the Zionists, or claim being a Zionists?
This is a serious issue that I feel should be discussed among our peers, for the sake of academics and clear understanding.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoIs Jesus going to Hell (permanently)?
I hear over and over again about those who accepted Jesus as the 'Savior', are the ones guaranteed a free ticket to Heaven.
But, since Jesus never preached to anyone about him being a "Savior", or a blood atonement/sacrifice for sins.....that means that Jesus never accepted himself has Savior of mankind, since logically, he never conceived that idea in the first place.
I've read the Gospels, word by word, page-to-page...and never found any sayings of Jesus being a sacrificial lamb.
I know that 'good' people go to Heaven, without a doubt! But Jesus said that 'He wasn't good'. Only GOD is the One that is good. And this isn't the same as saying: "I'm not good, but other 'me' is good'. That would make Jesus a schizophrenic, or someone suffering from multiple personality disorder. That I cannot believe.
Yes, I'm aware of the epistles of Paul saying that he is the "Savior"....but that is Paul speaking out of opinion. Those weren't the words of Jesus. I even had my professor in Theological Seminar confirm the literary analysis that Jesus didn't write or speak in the epistles...JUST only the Gospels. Therefore, I'm only concerned on what Jesus himself had spoken, NOT someone else making his/her own interpretations.
And do people go to Heaven, according to their good works/deeds, abiding by the Law? As Jesus has taught and proclaimed?
Or just only having faith and not following the Law? As Paul of Tarsus has proclaimed?
So, Jesus didn't know what he was talking about, or Paul had to correct Jesus, because Jesus had it all wrong.
I'm not sure who was more correct about the teachings of Jesus; Paul or Jesus? Since Paul ordained his own philosophy as the 'true' teachings...that means that what Jesus had taught were not accurate; therefore Paul corrected Jesus.
QUESTION: He did visit Hell, so I am making this question more clarified. Jesus going to Hell, permanently?
This is just a tip of the iceberg on many confusing statements made in the NT.
NOTE: need to post Bible verses---either for sources or proselytizing---I'm well-aware of the Book(s) with full content knowledge. I'll suffice without it, there is no need. I have several versions at hand as it is; my prominent source is the one written in Greek.
I need logical answers, from actual sources; NOT anyone speaking of their own opinions and desires.
--I know that 99% of you are not Christian scholars, so don't act like your a scholar and prophet.
--I know that 80% of you don't even read the Bible entirely, those who only chooses daily verses to tailor their own flaunting ideas; I am wanting people who actually are knowledgeable of the NT.
IF anyone's answer contradicts the next fellow's answer...then I beginning to smell fraud...and that the 'wannabe' scholars are here infiltrating my question; disrespecting and disregarding my humble request. It is a real religion that shares the same common idea, and don't contradict teachings, nor have millions of denominations just because they 'think' that they have answer. Then that would totally deter any person who is curious about become Christian. IF Christians cannot agree with each other, regardless of denominations (you all have the same Book!), then Christians themselves don't even know what the reality is, it'll be based off of opinions only, no facts.
So...are any of you willing to deter me away from Christianity, or establish a real logical standing on your belief, so that I can welcome Christianity for me, with valid and sturdy enthusiasm.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoHow do I repair a partitioned hard drive that has corrupted/loss of volume space?
My drive shows that it has 149 GB of overall memory that it can have for storage, however all the files and data only takes up 127 files options are not on hidden, so there are no files that I am not seeing.
Plainly, there has been some type of corruption...there are 22 GB that isn't accountable.
I was encrypting files by using a hidden volume that would be located within one of my partitioned drives (using TrueCrypt) but my PC rebooted right in the the middle of the process [due to the annoying updates--it gave me no option to postpone--it just rebooted].
This extra info here is irrevelant but I'll enlighten anyway--I had to restart the whole encryption over again----this is how I noticed the lack of space....somehow I lost 22 GB of data storage/loss of volume space on that particular (partitioned) hard drive.
System restore didn't solve the problem...and I'm nervous about formatting this drive since it is a partitioned drive...I don't want to make the problem worse by doing things that I don't know.
Anyone know what I can do, or to fix this problem?
3 AnswersOther - Hardware9 years agowhat amp fuse is required for a 12v power inverter for my vehicle?
the power inverter is 750 watts, with 1000 watt peak; directly to car battery; I'm using a in-line fuse.
I plan on using it for laptop, etc.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoStarting fluid into diesel engine intake?
My car has been issues with pre-glow lamp has been flashing for 3 weeks...a couple times it would take forever to start; now, it has't started at all. Most likely a glow plug problem.
I sprayed starting fluid into the intake (I took the breather off) and it, almost started...but after a couple more sprays, it wouldn't start. So I quit from there. Most likely a glow plug problem?
I heard everyone say..."Don't use starting fluid on will severely damage the engine!" Now I am worried that I had done some serious internal damage to my car! I'm going to replace the glow plugs when they come in. I smell ether still, I think, from the engine.
So...what kind of damage does starting fluid do to diesel engines?
And if it is so damaging...why do starting fluid proclaim on its own label (on the can) that is can be used on diesel engines?
If if extremely damages diesel engines at 100%, then why are they selling cans of starting fluid used for diesels?
What are my chances that my engine is screwed...or am I paranoid from other people's exaggeration about starting fluid?
This inquiry applies to: 1980 Mercedes-Benz 240D
12 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago1992 Jeep Cherokee, w/missing head?
I own this vehicle, but someone wants to buy it from me. It is even a 4x4. The engine is in great condition, just that the only problem is that it is missing a head and its gasket. The body is in good condition too, and it's a four-door. And it also has a towing hitch.
How much is this vehicle worth?
2 AnswersJeep1 decade agoIf Christianity is totally against pagans and their practices...?
..then why is almost every rituals and holidays originate from pagan worship? Wasn't it their sole purpose to destroy the customs and traditions of paganism, not to adopt and fulfill it?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy do many people only criticize Muslim women for wearing the head scarf...?
...but not our Jewish sisters for doing the same? They both practice the same exact traditions of the prophet and messenger Abraham ﷺ?
Our beloved Mary, the virgin who gave birth to Jesus ﷺ wore a head covering...but you don't see her being criticized.
Anyone know any legitimate answers to this chide behavior?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoA satanist who is also an atheist?
What is wrong with this picture? How is that possible?
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf your boss exclaims that you cannot pray at work anymore, does that violate rights; is it unconstitutional?
It didn't interfere with work status and production, nor disrupt any other colleagues. His excuse is that there is a reason for separation between church and state. What rights do I have?
12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIf the Buddha taught self-discipline...?
...then why is he an obese, fatty man?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDoes this invalidate fasting during Ramadan?
I failed to wake up on time for Fajr today. I awakened at 07:00 and prayed to make up Fajr, then I ate a meal afterwards, not prior, in hoping it counts as suhoor....then continued the day fasting.
Is my fasting valid or not?
6 AnswersRamadan1 decade agoWhere can I get a copy of the canonical four Gospels of Jesus?
I'm wanting a copy of only the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Not the whole New Testament; I don't want any other books other than the gospels which I inscribed above. Anyone know where I can look?
I tried looking in Christian book stores; online and physically...but no avail.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWho believes that conscription is the best thing for the United States?
I believe that it is a well-sought solution to this problem concerning the issues of the bad apples in our society.
To be used as a social cleansing, or purification effort in eliminating those thugs that never learned manners while they humped their mothers; pertaining to those that have poor dressing attire, hats backwards/combs in hair, disregard to authority, bad ethics, etc.
Perhaps mandatory military service in the Armed Forces may do the trick. Every male that graduates High School conscripts by law. What do you all think?
7 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoA Muslim woman pregnant with child to a Muslim man, both not married?
There is a Muslim woman 24 years old that is pregnant with a Muslim man, who is 29 years old. The man is born in the United States, she is from India, but originated from Saudi Arabia; she [and her parents] immigrated to the United States a few years ago. The man is willing to accept the child and her if allowed; he is in love with her deeply. She is scared to tell her parents and considering an abortion (the man disagrees, considers it an abomination) to avoid the repercussion from her parents because of the dishonor of trust. They both are not married to anyone, nor each other; both are single. Her parents do not know about their secret intimacy and are very traditional and live by strong Islamic customs. What should she/they do?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow do you feel about a Muslim fighting for the Western World?
As-Salaam Alaykum, Everyone!
This one here is more directed toward the Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Insurgence and any other extremist terrorist bastards that proclaim they fight for Allah [Alhamdulillahi]: How does it feel that a Sunni Muslim, I'm talking about me, has hunted you all down in your caves; you all were supposed to fight 'til the bloody end but instead ran like rabbits! Me and my Marines (and Corpsmen) too much for you? Shall I slap you around with my Holy Qur'an and re-educate you of the proper teachings of Islam, its Sharia, and of the Hadith? Killing of innocents is haraam knuckleheads! And Taliban...every evil deed you place upon any of those people living in Aghanistan, I vow that every M67 fragmentation grenade, pin pulled and spoon opened, be shoved deep up your Taliban asses! Fear me, as you may consider me an American Jihadist...Inshallah!
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim...Allahu Akbar!
For those who are fellow Americans: Sorry for this imprudence behavior, just that I have a distaste for these bastards that claim they are of Islam but are not "real" Muslims! Too many American citizens fear that we, as Muslims, are fighting a jihad against the United States.
Well, I'm U.S. Marine and a Sunni, that should clarify that whatever the case may be, it isn't true about the war against Christian nations. In fact, many, if not most Muslims love Christians (even though we disagree on the Trinity concept), and we love Jews (even though they don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah)...but we keep in mind that we do believe in the same God [in Unitarian fashion] (Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah - all same God, different languages referring to Him).
This question here is for all to answer, friend and foe: What are your opinions on us Muslims as US citizens fighting for the West in the Armed Forces? I don't mind the negative answers...feel free to give me your absurd input! All positive answers...welcomed!
9 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoHow do you feel about a Muslim fighting for the Western World?
as Salaam Alaykum!
This one here is more directed toward the Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Insurgence and any other extremist terrorist bastards that proclaim they fight for Allah [Alhamdulillahi]: How does it feel that a Sunni Muslim, I'm talking about me, has hunted you all down in your caves; you all were supposed to fight 'til the bloody end but instead ran like rabbits! Me and my Marines (and Corpsmen) too much for you? Shall I slap you around with my Holy Qur'an and re-educate you of the proper teachings of Islam, its Sharia, and of the Hadith? Killing of innocents is haraam knuckleheads! And Taliban...every evil deed you place upon any of those people living in Aghanistan, I vow that every M67 fragmentation grenade, pin pulled and spoon opened, be shoved deep up your Taliban asses! Fear me, as you may consider me an American Jihadist...Inshallah!
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim...Allahu Akbar!
For those who are fellow Americans: Sorry for this imprudence behavior, just that I have a distaste for these bastards that claim they are of Islam but are not "real" Muslims! Too many American citizens fear that we, as Muslims, are fighting a jihad against the United States.
Well, I'm U.S. Marine and a Sunni, that should clarify that whatever the case may be, it isn't true about the war against Christian nations. In fact, many, if not most Muslims love Christians (even though we disagree on the Trinity concept), and we love Jews (even though they don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah)...but we keep in mind that we do believe in the same God [in Unitarian fashion] (Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah - all same God, different languages referring to Him).
This question here is for all to answer, friend and foe: What are your opinions on us Muslims as US citizens fighting for the West in the Armed Forces? I don't mind the negative answers...feel free to give me your absurd input! All positive answers...welcomed!
11 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoDoes a Muslim woman have the right to oppose marriage?
If her parents have chosen a man to marry, does she have the right to refuse him, due to not being interested in him? Perhaps, so she can have the right to select and chose one for another that is more fitting. Would this be along the terms of being acceptable? And what are proper methods that can be suggested for her to speak to her parents (whom are very traditional), without dishonoring their decision?
7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoHow do I greet a non-Muslim female; if she reaches her hand out gesturing do I not offend her?
Before people begin to take offense...I should elaborate here: It is not customary for a male Muslim to touch a female, regardless of them being Muslim or not. It is not because Muslims believe that males are more superior; it is because women are sacred and shall be treated as such. Only spouses/family members may touch them as such.
My question is...if a woman, especially of the western society, reach her hand out as a greeting, gesturing that I shake it...what do I do as to not offend her...I wish to maintain obligatory of my formality in sunnah and hadith, regarding the situation as such.
7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago