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Lv 5
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Two kids under age 2, looking for advice?

My son will be 1 year old saturday and I am 33 weeks pregnant. This was planned, it's what my husband and I wanted, but I'm starting to get nervous. All my family is at least 16 hours away by car and his family, though near aren't any help. My husband just started a job through a temp agency and where he might be able to get a day or two off, he doesn't get any sort of paternity leave. Like I said, I'm getting very nervous about caring for a newborn and my 1 year old at the same time, with absolutely no help.

I'm wanting advice from parents who have been here before. How did you handle things? What advice would you give?

Thank you!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It will be ok , I was in a similar situation , I was pregnant and had a 2yr old at home. There father worked 12 hour night shifts 6 days a week and when he was home he was sleeping. When I had my daughter it was tuff im not going to lie , but there are ways to do it with out you having to be stressed. Make a routine and go by it , it usually takes a week or so to set in but it helps. If you can make a routine that fits everyone it will work , with a newborn they sleep alot so its easier than you think it will be. Get fun activities your 1yr old can do on his own that way he is occupied while you are feeding the newborn , get your son involved with the baby as well, have him help you. I know he is young but there are things he can do.

    It will be ok , do not stress stay calm all will work out , God gave us woman the strength to everything.

    Source(s): ***mom of 2***
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm in a very similar situation. I have 2 boys 19 months and 7 months. I have no family near by and my husband family is 5 min away and wont even answer the phone if i call. My husband was out of work for almost 2 years. I can get hard if you let it bother you. Try very hard to look past the negative and focus on the good. This is much easier said than done. I let my oldest be apart of everything, help changing diaper( let him hand you the diaper or wipes), maybe let him pick out an outfit for baby to wear. When the new baby is sleeping and your 1 yr old is not, take that time to color with him or play with his toys. just let him know that your still there for him. Put the baby in a swing or bouncy seat near by so baby can see and hear you and you son will have your arms free if he wants or need you for something. When you have to tend to baby have your son color a picture, or sit him in his highchair and give him a snack. And if by some miracle you get both of them to sleep at the same time, take a nap with them. A well rested mommy is a happy mommy. As baby get older this will get easier. My boys are very close and plays well with each other. Before baby get here try to put your son on a schedule, at least a sleep schedule. As baby get older maybe 3 months old put him on the same schedule.

    I wish the very best for you. good luck.

    P.S. My husband is investing in a business that i would like to tell you about. If you're interested contact me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had my first 2 .. 14 months apart. I was scared because I knew my husband could take any time off..

    When the baby comes, he will sleep most of the time... giving you time to ajust to a new routine with your toddler.

    The only thing I found hard was, when they were both due to eat at the same time... you wont have that problem because your son will be able to eat finger foods and drink, while your are feeding baby.

    I think you are going to do great... but just make sure you get a break once in a while, even if it just out to dinner with a friend...

    Source(s): mom of 5 (7-6-3-22m & 6m)
  • 1 decade ago

    you handle it like you handle anything else. you learn to deal and cope. hopefully your oldest is still getting naps - keep that schedule. its a life saver when you have a newborn. that will probably be your only down time during the day. time to rest in the begining or if you are crazy time to clean or whatever but i highly recomend napping while the kids nap. you learn that you may only have 2 eyes but they are on hyper focus. going to the store seems insane but you learn. you have a curve so take it little by little. tips? try and involve the oldest as much as possible with the new baby. almost like its his baby. a helpful older siblings is a lifesaver when you are in the middle of a poop fest and you forgot to grab the wipes before you took off the diaper.

    you will learn to feed the baby while reading to your other child. all that will come. just try and not blame your lack of anything on the new baby - sorry mommy cant do X cuz im doing Y for baby.

    you'll be fine.

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  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    my neighbor has 3 boys all under the age of three. I see the two dad and mom working at the same time to care very loving to all the youngsters. No there house is clutter with toys and infant stuff. There objective is to have chuffed healthful babies.Oh I forgot to tell you the 1st 2 are twins. most of the ladies help them out and do laundry, freshen up the kitchen. and that i've got taken care of them for some hours so as that they could bypass out on my own. we could wish your acquaintances and family members will step up and supply you with a hand. i understand in case you became into my neighbor I specific might. i admire young babies. reliable success and be chuffed your so blessed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you religious? Find a young lady in your church to come in and help you on occasion even if you are there as well. Make sure you and hubby make time for each other, and not just for sex. Also, make time for yourself! When he is off, leave him with the kids for a few hours so you can do your thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My two youngest are 14 months apart. Red Bull is a life saver - seriously. I drink one every morning and it gets me through the day without being tired, so that I can get everything done... and then some. :-)

    All the best.

    Source(s): SAHM of 3
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