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26 year old mommy of 2 beautiful babies! Stay at home mom. Former nurses assistant and medication assistant. Avid reader of fiction, science fiction, fantasy and science journals.

  • What's wrong with my hot water heater?

    We're renting and our landlord doesn't seem to think there's a problem. However, he's more or less useless on other repairs needing done around the house.

    Our water heater is very loud when we use hot water, When it kicks on it makes a very loud vibrating noise and makes our kitchen shake. I feel like our house is on the verge of exploding.

    So does anyone know what's going on? Is it dangerous? Thanks :)

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Is it abuse? What should I do?

    I'm married and have two kids. My husband has never hit me. But he's thrown things that have accidentally hit me. ie he threw and empty can that bounced off the cupboard and hit me in the face. He's gotten up out of a chair hands raised and threatening me. At times I'm very afraid of him. He has no patience with the kids and yells and terrorizes them, but doesn't hit. If I don't perform sexual acts he gets angry and throws temper tantrums and yells until I give in just to make the yelling stop.

    I am currently an illegal immigrant. My paper work was denied and he told me not to leave and blamed me and yelled. I want to leave him but he threatens that I'll never see the kids again because I'm not legal. I don't want to leave my kids alone with him. If I went to the cops would it even be abuse if there's no physical sign? Would they place my kids in a foster home and send me across the border? Would they give the kids back to them?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • Irregular period? Should I be worried?

    I started my period on time on the 2nd and ended on the 6th. Normal. However Friday I had some dark red/rusty coloured spotting. Today I'm having a bit of bright red spotting. Just enough to have to wear a pad.

    Should I be worried? Should I wait it out and see what happens? Make a doctor appointment? Go the walk in clinic? Or the ER?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Can you reccomend me a song for a slide show?

    Okay, I know this isn't in the right category per say, but this is where all the mommies and daddies hang out and I want your opinions!

    In 2 months my oldest will be two, in 3 months my youngest will be 1. I am doing slide shows for their birthdays. I need music to set it to. I did one for my oldest sons first year and used Bob Dylan's "Forever Young". I'm thinking about using Cat Steven's "If You Want To Sing Out" for him this year, but haven't made up my mind.

    I'd like songs that aren't *too* sappy, and something relevant to children/babies, growing, or individuality. I'd prefer no country, but I'm flexible. They are both boys! Thanks!!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Anyone know this movie?

    I remember it from when I was younger. I think it was probably 80's maybe early 90's. I don't remember much of it.

    It was something to do with a girl and building a weird ramp to caputre the moon? And I remember something about building with playing cards. Not a lot to go on. Can anyone help me out here?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • My husbands boss just told me I have to tell him he's fired?

    My husband's employer just notified me via facebook that I have to tell my husband he's fired. I'm just wondering if he violated some sort of law/work ethics here. It should also be said that my brother in law is also my husband employer.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • When do you put baby in bedroom with sibling?

    I have two boys. 5 month and 18month. I was just wondering when you put them in the same room together?

    The problem I'm having is we have no room in our bedroom for the crib and my 5mo is a giant and is getting way to big for his cradle. However 5mo still isn't sleeping through the night. He's getting up sometimes every hour, but sometimes sleep until 5am.

    So I'm looking for suggestions on what the heck I'm supposed to do. Moving the crib is not an option.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Period and sex after pregnancy?

    This is my second child, and I didn't have any problems with my first.

    First of all, I've had my period for about four months and I'm not regular. Sometimes it's a month a part but twice now I've had a period two times in one month, but then they're both very light. Is this normal? Should I be worried? I haven't had my post natal pap smear because every time I've scheduled it, I've been on my period.

    Second is a sex problem. My kids are 13 months apart so I realize I've been through a lot recently. However sex is still uncomfortable. (4 months after) Not really painful, but not pleasurable. Does this go away? My husband thinks that we need to have sex more often and it will get better.

    Experiences and advice most welcome. Thank you!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Help with toddler beds?

    My son is 16 months. He's been climbing out of the crib, falling and hurting himself. So we got a toddler bed today. Put it together let him check it out and play with it all day. And I went to put him down and turned off the light. The minute I closed the door he started crying. I can hear him running around in there. So what do I do?

    Do I keep going back in there and putting him back into bed. Do I wait until he just falls asleep anywhere and then put him into his bed?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do I have to give my breastfed baby vitamin D drops?

    My midwife has told me that as long as baby gets atleast 15 minutes of sunlight a day he doesn't need vitamin D drops until the colder months. And I did that with my first son.

    However, my current family doctor has told me that no matter what breastfed babies need vitamin D drops.

    I know for a fact you have to have sunlight to make vitamin D naturally and my family doctor is telling me there's not enough surface area of the baby to get the amount he needs.

    I just really want him to be wrong because he was so rude to me about my choice of a natural at home birth and how it wasn't doing what was best for my baby.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What can I do about blocked milk ducts?

    This is the third time I've had a blocked milk duct in the last two months and it is so painful. I massage the area and take some tylenol for the pain. I never had this problem with my first.

    So is there anything I can do to prevent it? What causes it? And what is the best treatment?

    I have a pump, but it's impossible to get the time to pump with a 15mo and a 2 mo old. My 2 mo eats constantly during the day and then sleeps 4-6 hours a night.

    I really want breastfeed for a whole year, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to last with the blocked ducts being a constant problem. :(

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When can I take a bath with sutures?

    I had my baby two days ago. With my first born I got the okay to take a bath right away, but I have a ton of sutures this time around, the first time I only had three. Does it make a difference?

    I keep thinking that it's constantly moist down there anyways what can sitting in a warm bath hurt?

    My mom keeps telling me it's a bad idea.

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • When can I take a bath with sutures?

    I had my baby two days ago. With my first born I got the okay to take a bath right away, but I have a ton of sutures this time around, the first time I only had three. Does it make a difference?

    I keep thinking that it's constantly moist down there anyways what can sitting in a warm bath hurt?

    My mom keeps telling me it's a bad idea.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I have a question about "false labour"?

    Saturday night I started having contractions. The first four were very random but became regular very quickly at 6 minutes, then 5 minutes apart. Lasting 15-25 seconds. They weren't painful but not comfortable.

    I called my midwife up, she told me to take some tylenol, gravol and a hot shower and get some sleep. I was heart broken to wake up to nothing.

    My question is, was it braxton hicks? I didn't have any with my son and haven't had it with this pregnancy, but from what I understand braxton hicks aren't regular.

    My midwife says it's a good sign that real labour is very near, is this true? Or is she just trying to reassure me?

    Also, anyone late in there pregnancy have trouble peeing? It's not painful or burning but my stream is very weak and it constantly feels like I just can't get it out fast enough.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need some baby name help!?

    I'm due any day now and starting to have last minute doubts about the boys name I picked out.

    Dylan Richard Airic Waring. The first name is going to be Dylan and Richard has to be a middle name first or second doesn't matter, I'm just not sure about Airic/Eric anymore.

    Maybe I'm just being silly. but my youngest brother passed away and Eric was his middle name. However my first son's middle name was my brothers first name. And I'm afraid maybe it's a bit much?

    So what are some good names?

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Is cancer modern evolution at work?

    It seems to me like cancer is a form of asexual reproduction. The body doesn't fight off cancer because it mimics much the same way a foetus does.

    By treating cancer are we slowing evolution?

    What are your opinions?

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • What was early labour like for you?

    I'm 38 weeks today and I can't tell if what I'm experiencing is the beginning of labour or not. With my son I had back labour and only felt it in my back, so I'm not sure what I should be looking for. When I stand up my stomach cramps. I have occasional short stabbing like pain in my lower right abdomen which my midwife told me was probably a pulled ligament. But I've also gotten a couple of shooting pains in my pelvic region. It is not painful at all, more of a discomfort. The baby is still moving but not kicking, more like rumbling feeling in my belly. I had a very strong urge that I had to have a BM right away, but when I got up the feeling wasn't as urgent and I didn't go very much, but it was my 3rd BM today.

    So, does that sound like early labour or am I just being hopeful? I had my son at 38wks 2days.

    What was early labour like for you?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My husband wants to shave my sons head?

    He just turned a year old and because my son has curly hair like me, it's always messy no matter how much I try to groom it. What's more I've never heard or seen a 1 year old with a shaved head.

    Should I do it or not?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What songs remind you of your little one?

    I'm having a home birth and I'm making a play list to listen to during the labor/pushing to be my focal point.

    I don't know if I'm having a boy or a girl so it will be a surprise, so I'd like to avoid anything with male or female reference, but not necessarily, if I really like the song.

    I listen to about everything, I don't care much for country or rap. However, I've picked several country songs so far including Let them be little and God bless the broken road. So I'm not completly rigid.

    Suggestions please?

    Thank you. :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Two kids under age 2, looking for advice?

    My son will be 1 year old saturday and I am 33 weeks pregnant. This was planned, it's what my husband and I wanted, but I'm starting to get nervous. All my family is at least 16 hours away by car and his family, though near aren't any help. My husband just started a job through a temp agency and where he might be able to get a day or two off, he doesn't get any sort of paternity leave. Like I said, I'm getting very nervous about caring for a newborn and my 1 year old at the same time, with absolutely no help.

    I'm wanting advice from parents who have been here before. How did you handle things? What advice would you give?

    Thank you!

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago