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Enigma to the scientific world?

How do you explain this I am curious at the atheist approach to this Enigma?

The approach of I do not believe until I see it with my own eyes be warned.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.

Scriptures say. Often misquoted but never the less.


CHAPTER 11 verse 6

6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

Now I know that its not the complete set of happenings as the scripture say. But the young lion and calf bit...

The documented story "Heart of a Lioness" shows a young lioness aged 2-3 given the nick name Kaumnyak adopts a Fledgling young Oryx calf. Not once but 6 times in total. Over a period of time.

If this news article about the dates of her adoptions are to believed the coincidence is astounding. However further verification would be needed.

One of many youtube videos on this

How can an ancient scripture predict some thing that today baffles scientist. We have a very good understanding of the nature between lions and prey.

If any thing you have to wonder at this aberration of nature as described at in the scriptures

What say you the atheists community?

How does a lioness fight her innate nature and allow the mother to feed the calf. And go through a process of starvation while the very food source she can eat is under her nose. Not once but as far as we know 6 times. And with the first calf go hunting until it gets eaten by a lion. Then to ensure the safety of the other calf's stops hunting all together. Showing some sort of awareness that her hunting actions can cause the death of the the calf.

All reasoning comments are welcome.. All stupid comments will be seen as a lack of intellect and failure to reason you own destiny whether you a believer or not.

Please provide proof if you claim to have scientific answer to her and the calf's behaviour in that both of them are clearly seen acting outside their natural instinctual behaviour and bonding.


Throwing humanized animal examples at me as quailfied examples of proof? If we can train animals to do tricks we can train them to accpet other animals.

Three years have passed and astonishingly Kamunyak, (the lioness’ Samburu name), had in total adopted six Oryx calves. The sequence of her adoptions are as follows:

• Dec - Jan 2002 1st Adoption: 16 days – calf eaten by male lion;

• Feb 2002 2nd Adoption: 2-3 days – calf rescued by Kenya Wildlife Service(KWS);

• Apr 2002 3rd Adoption: 2 days – calf rescued by mother, lioness injured;

• May 2002 4th Adoption: 24 hrs – calf abandoned, rescued by mother;

• Sept 2002 5th Adoption: 2 days – calf starves to death, and when dead is eaten by the lioness (lions sometimes eat their own cubs when they die).

• Jan 2003 6th Adoption: 24 hours – calf escapes back to its mother, shortly after there were reports of a battle between Kamunyak and other females.

Three years is an awful long time to get over cub loss. Don't you think

Update 2:

Legal Alien how ironic. You presume that I am stupid. You assume that I never to biology or understand psychology. As the saying goes Assumption is the mother of (Fill in the blanks)Your boast of your achievements before answering the question is Narcissistic. Yes go look it up. Your first link may hold a clue as to why but does not explain it for the duration of this happening. Your second links. Shame on you for not following the example of the site "Let's be friends, If they can do it, then so can we" And as for your ending insult. My response is

Sic in totus res , quisquis vos votum alius efficio vobis , operor quoque pro lemma illa res

Mr Know it all Narcissistic Legal Alien, Have a nice day.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1.) It happened 8 years ago, why bring it up now?

    2.) The scientist quoted in the article was not in the least bit baffled.

    "Cases of lionesses showing maternal affection for animals they would normally see as prey are not unprecedented", conservationist Daphne Sheldrick said, "Lions, like all the other species, including human beings, have this kind of feelings for babies "

    3.) What exactly do you think it proves? And why?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How can an ancient scripture predict some thing that today baffles scientist. We have a very good understanding of the nature between lions and prey.

    As a pet owner, I can vouch for the nature of my cats - they don't kill my pet mice even when they are feeding from the same plate or they are still hungry, my cats also still go and hunt outdoors - I've had to clear away the dead things from my porch many a time. The mice are now several generations now and not one has ever been attacked by my cats.

    Of course, the bible is obviously right and my cats are obviously "abominations unto the lord" or some other bullcrap for not acting naturally.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never taken a formal biology or psychology class have you? Whenever I see one of these "science can't explain it" posts from theists, I know I'm about to read a post from a scientific illiterate. And no, I don't respect illiteracy and ignorance. I came from a poor family and managed to earn a bachelor's and three master's degrees, because unlike theists, I know that studying the Bible would never have produced the computer you type on.

    First of all, if you would like me to catalog all the outright scientific errors in the Bible, we could be here for months.

    Secondly, cross-species adoption is unusual, but not the rare occurrence you seem to think it is. At the first link below you can see cross species-adoption from a cat to it's natural prey, baby bunnies. It includes some explanation of the phenomenon if you care.

    The second link is a site specializing in cross-species adoptions.

    Short answer, like most theists, you don't know what you are talking about and are just aping some bullshit apologetics.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh please! And what happened to the calf? Have your followed up on the complete story?

    The explanation is simple; The media love to anthropomorphise animal stories and attribute motives to their actions based on human emotions.

    Lionesses often bring back live game. It is their instinct - the victims are for the cubs of the pride to practise their hunting and killing skill on. Which is what happened to the calves in this case, only that part of the story went unreported in most versions.

    Trying to see this as confirmation of an ancient 'prophesy', that was probably allegorical in any case, is really a "lack of intellect and failure to reason you own destiny whether you a believer or not."

    try googling 'Confirmation bias'!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Exceptional behavior in all sorts of animals is hardly the story points out, various individuals of a number of species have 'adopted' members of others...especially females who have recently lost their own young. If the maternal instinct can override self-preservation altogether, it's hardly surprising it can do so for the urge to least to a point. If food became scarce, I'm not so certain of that onyx's continued existence. After all, there are plenty of examples of exceptional behaviour in the other direction too...mothers abandoning or even killing their own young.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can't you get to the point. Animals "adopt" Other animals a lot. Look on u tube dog cats pigs you name it if it suckles its you it will feed the young of others, at least till it gets hungry. Even you suckled a cows milk, sure it came from a bottle but you drank it. So called Christians with half baked ideas and delusions of superiority provide more reasons to doubt Gods love then embrace it.

    Source(s): So upon whole occurrence , whoever you prayer other to do you , to work also for theme that occurrence WHAT DA HECK, even your latin gets on my nerves
  • Avery
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is not an enigma.

    Nature is not perfect. There have been many documented cases of animals 'adopting' the young of others, and attempting to raise it.

    In the case of this lioness, if it is indeed the one I have heard about the most, she had recently lost her own cubs and was attempting to 'replace' them. This could hint towards a sort of mental trauma that affected her because of the death of her children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unusual animal companion-ships occur all the time. Like the cat that befriended a raven, or the horse that befriended a duck. There was even a case where a swan adopted a small, swan-shaped boat as his life-partner.

    It is not biblical, it just happens.

    Source(s): my opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    Such match-ups are watched very closely because the true nature of the animals is never too far behind.


  • 1 decade ago

    Didn't read anything except your intial question.... Simply put.

    The AIDS virus.

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