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  • Help Identifying a plant?

    Hi Guys I need help in identifying a plant. For me it looks like a prehistoric plant and stands out from the surrounding plants. I have tried looking for it on the net but no luck. I will give you as much info as I can. But basically its a single stemmed plant that grows from 15-75 cm in height. It grows a single stem/stalk has 5 leaves growing from it which then has 5 stems growing directly after the leaves. These are about 3-5 cms in length which has 3 leaves growing from it. Which then has 3 stems growing from it which then end with what appear to be flower/fruits in groups of 3.. So from a single stem it has a total of 45 flowers. Its all one colour which is a light green. and the flowers/fruit are only 2-5 millimeters in size. For me this plant would not look out of place as part of prehistoric undergrowth or grassland/shrub..

    Place found growning: England

    Height 10-cm to 75 cm

    Colour of flowers green

    Leaves are single blade no lobes and hairless grow directly form the stalk/stem in 1 group of 5 and then in groups of 3.

    The stalks immediately divide after the leaves from 1 into 5 then those 5 each have a further division of 3 immediately after 3 leaves on the stalk. Each stem then teminates into what appears to be 3 flowers although they look like leaves curled up into a ball.. Giving a total of 45 flowers per plant.

    I missed the start of the growing season.. But the smaller/younger plants look like miniature of the big/adult plants.. there does not to appear to be anything missing like the flowers or tiers of stalks..

    Time of growing is August still growing now although has been infected with an orange mold..

    Colour of stem lightish green

    Colour of leaves lightish green

    Colour of flowers lightish green

    The whole plant is the same colour there is no variation or colour change to any of the parts growing..

    Soil: Chalky till, Boulder clay..

    Hope some one can identify the plant..

    thanks in advance

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Been mislead by science and media who can we trust?

    Cranberry madness in the media. After digging around I found this. Take a look at the dates and the sudden U turn the BBC makes..

    Science Daily:- July 25, 2008 reports How Cranberry Juice Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infections.. A new study by researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.. reveals that the juice changes the thermodynamic properties of bacteria in the urinary tract, creating an energy barrier that prevents the microorganisms from getting close enough to latch onto cells and initiate an infection.

    Aug. 23, 2010 -- Scientists report that within eight hours of drinking cranberry juice, the juice could help prevent bacteria from developing into an infection in the urinary tract. Source Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    (link removed due 10 link limit)

    BBC News:-Jul 10, 2012 – Juice cocktail 'good for heart' · Urinary tract infection. Drinking cranberry juice to prevent urine infections does work say medical experts.. Source The National Taiwan University Hospital Laboratory studies have shown the anti-adhesion activity of cranberry on bladder bacteria lasts for around eight hours after ingestion, which suggests a few doses a day might be ideal.

    Here is the sudden U turn 3 months later..

    Cranberry juice 'not effective' against cystitis. BBC News, October 17 2012.

    ok lets track this condundrum see what if anything can be found...

    Apr. 30, 2012 Antimicrobial Resistance for Common Urinary Tract Infection Drug Increases Five Fold Since 2000 Science Daily.

    Antibiotic Resistance Increasing With Urinary Tract Infection Treatment 12 Oct 2012 MNT (Medical News Today)

    So its becoming resistant too normal methods. So why isn't cranberry natures remedy been touted. why all of a sudden across major new networks do we see this???

    Cranberry juice is not effective against cystitis, say scientists. The Independent, October 17 2012

    Link to this On NHS link (limited to 10 links )

    'Myth' of cranberry cure for infections: Sufferers would have to drink two glasses a day for months to gain any benefit. Daily Mail, October 17 2012

    See NHS site for link (10 link limit so removed)

    abcnews:- Oct 17, 2012 – Cranberry Juice No Good for Bladder Infections.. Researchers at Sterling University

    NHS own site. Thursday October 18 2012.. Cranberry juice 'won't prevent' bladder infections... This updated review comes from the respected Cochrane Collaboration..

    Oct 19, 2012 – From Yahoo! News: Scottish researchers have shot down a popular home remedy believed to have infection-fighting properties. Source Sterling University.

    Wow the time line is suspect major news companies tv and newspapers all release on the same day... 17th Oct 2012. What is going on???

    Check this out. oooh so quiet announcement of a new UTI treatment. Why was it not mentioned like the trashing of cranberries supposed affects..

    Fri, Aug 17, 2012.. Chemists have come up with new treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs) that avoids the use of antibiotics. Beat Ernst, Ph.D., of Switzerland's University of Basel, led a research team whose conclusions appeared in an American Chemical Society podcast. Their new approach caused excitement in the scientific community because by not including antibiotics, it avoids completely the growing issue of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, according to Medical News Today. The potential treatment works by preventing bacteria from sticking to the inside of the bladder.

    August 13, 2012 Beat Ernst, Ph.D. claims.. “We developed substances that target bacteria virulence factors, keeping them from sticking to the inside of the urinary bladder. Therefore, the microbes are not able to launch an infection. In addition, this new class of antimicrobials is expected to have a reduced potential for the emergence of resistant microbes.”

    WTF.. years of research showed cranberries doing the exact same thing. Science claims the exact same thing but trashes the natural source and remedy. Shame on Science for trying to mislead us?

    4 AnswersOther - Science8 years ago
  • Really what's with an Atheist Church?

    An Atheist Church? If you are so against religion why create one and secondly...

    Why do they follow the theme of a real church so closely? Singing songs just like the hymns ina real church. and instead of praying contemplate in silence for a few minutes. And have a list 10 virtues.. Have a leader and then claim it has no religious aspect.. I believe every one has the right to follow what and whom they like..

    With out the belief in God.. why come close to emulating a Organised Religion.

    So my question is this..

    How many Atheists on here think this is something they would follow. Or would to be to close to an Organised Religion?

    Your thoughts for it or against it are welcome.

    Please take time to read the article. If you leave an idiotic response I will only assume you have nothing to offer humanity. Which you need to sustain you..

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What happened to cause this on the Earth's surface?

    A little information.. I was looking for something else on Google Earth when I came across an area that covers a quiet a huge area (200 miles squared or more) of Northern Kazakhstan and Russia that is pock marked with thousand and thousand of lakes most circular in shape or tear drop shaped . When you zoom in you can see the area is been farmed and there is evidence of these lakes having been filled up. In the fields, some are quite big according to Google tape measure over 3 miles shore to shore. While other might be classed more as a pond than a lake. What caused this? Is this a result of testing thousands of missiles? Shelling from either WW1 or WW2. Because to my uneducated eyes the area looks like a war zone with thousands of craters been filled in with water. Strange as it seem a question popped into my mind "What would an orbital bombardment look like on the planets surface and a length of time had passed?" This area would fit that profile. But that is a stupid explanation, there has to be another one.

    So my question is this.. What is this feature on the earth's surface. Is it a geological or man made? What caused this?

    If you have Google earth go to. 54" 23' 02, 57" N 67" 08' 23, 81"E and zoom in and out you will see what I mean..

    For those of you who don't here is a map link just click the satellite image and use the controls to zoom in or out to see what I am getting at. Here is a town built on the edge of one such lake and the surrounding area is pock marked with smaller ones.

    thank you to those who actually bother to take a look and try to answer my question in advance.

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • Uplifting music help.?

    Hi Yahoo Answer Users.

    I know this has probably been asked before. However I need your help. I would like to broaden my horzion's and want to listen some uplifting songs. So if you can list your favourite song that lifts up your spirit. Gets you going in the morning or during the day or even when your at a club. Basically anything that makes YOU feel more alive, relaxed, chilled out. Any thing that Makes your day better.

    If you have a compilation of songs even better.

    Thanks in advance.

    8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Would you like to get?

    13,881.16 euros.

    Ok I did some maths and that's the approximately the average sum the irish get per person are getting from the 85 million euro bail out.

    The population of Ireland on November 25th 2010 is approximately 6,213,404. (Extrapolated from a population of 6,150,000 in 2007 and a population of 6,197,100 on February 3rd 2010.)

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What do you do after..?

    Answering a question. You get a best answer with reply. The reply under the community guideline would be seen as Venting, ranting or using hate speech, Being mean or obscene, Abusive.

    A) Do you report the Questioner

    B) See the funny side and laugh at it

    C)See the funny side and laugh and still report the Questioner

    D)Swop Princples for Pride and keep the Points

    E) None of the above. You have your own response.

    For those of you who are curious the question is;_ylt=Ag...

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have your ever seen? fake or real?

    I came across this video of a guy flying RC helicopter doing stunts. Is it real or fake.

    If its real thats some flying if its fake thats some good CGI

    link to the video

    For those of you who don't like to click links google

    Alan Szabo - Astonishing RC Helicopter Aerobatics

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Enigma to the scientific world?

    How do you explain this I am curious at the atheist approach to this Enigma?

    The approach of I do not believe until I see it with my own eyes be warned.

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.

    Scriptures say. Often misquoted but never the less.


    CHAPTER 11 verse 6

    6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

    Now I know that its not the complete set of happenings as the scripture say. But the young lion and calf bit...

    The documented story "Heart of a Lioness" shows a young lioness aged 2-3 given the nick name Kaumnyak adopts a Fledgling young Oryx calf. Not once but 6 times in total. Over a period of time.

    If this news article about the dates of her adoptions are to believed the coincidence is astounding. However further verification would be needed.

    One of many youtube videos on this

    How can an ancient scripture predict some thing that today baffles scientist. We have a very good understanding of the nature between lions and prey.

    If any thing you have to wonder at this aberration of nature as described at in the scriptures

    What say you the atheists community?

    How does a lioness fight her innate nature and allow the mother to feed the calf. And go through a process of starvation while the very food source she can eat is under her nose. Not once but as far as we know 6 times. And with the first calf go hunting until it gets eaten by a lion. Then to ensure the safety of the other calf's stops hunting all together. Showing some sort of awareness that her hunting actions can cause the death of the the calf.

    All reasoning comments are welcome.. All stupid comments will be seen as a lack of intellect and failure to reason you own destiny whether you a believer or not.

    Please provide proof if you claim to have scientific answer to her and the calf's behaviour in that both of them are clearly seen acting outside their natural instinctual behaviour and bonding.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Decipher this?

    Hono zi doz. Shutaco breha purru tso cocli esar chaturoia chyedu savo russit rire wo wo five peddeas heagi savo giri ebl. Dosil roylatinnoggo huis dose kush mahe ther cocli tso gyedu repho kitut shop kone ragho deaho zisa lo demeto josye the. Zhohu euse eso hitadanitu. Netemnoobbo ueatu woog aalee.

    I was trying to identify one word and found this site on the web. which the above passage is taken from.

    I would like to translate the pages into english but so far have failed.

    I think its all anagramed.

    The site is:-

    There is pages and pages of it. Is it mindless babble or something more?

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Is there any other operating systems other than microsoft?

    Im thinking of build my own PC and would like to know what you consider as a viable option to non microsoft software? Do any of you run operating platforms that dont contain microsoft applications? If so what do you recommend and why?

    12 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Futher too my first question about slow sticking PC?

    Please Read my other question and answer it there if you can.

    My lap top was designed to run Windows XP it has the Windows logo label on it. My memory is 195952K. Cached memory is around 40000k and it say available memory around 44,500 these to figures dont add up to the total. Where is the other 11,000k or so gone? I have a 80Gig hardrive in it with just over 70Gig free on the disk so it isnt full up. All though the CPU usage rarely rises above 7 percent in normal running it does Spike at regular intervals but never reaching 100% and only for a split second. Its the high PF usage which never used to be there. and the High Paged Faults that has me wondering why? What causes high Paged Faults?

    I have run registory clear up on it aswell. I have checked the start up programs and stopped the one i dont really need from starting up. Could a downloaded program/virus get passed a system restore. When I roll back to a previous system restore point?

    Thanks for answering

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Technical guys who know about back ground working of computer please help.?

    I have a Medion Sim 2000 lap top is a few years old now. Im running Windows Xp. It gets slow after awhile. An example is if I click on start then on My Computer it takes awhile to bring up the window for it. Or if im sufering the web the page takes forever to come through. I have run several virus scans and spyware scans with verious software packages and they come up clean. I regularly wipe the tempary internet files too. I also regularly defrag the disk. I have found nothing.

    I have checked the Windows Task Manger to look for High CPU usage and apart from when Im running scans there isnt anything that sticks out. However there is a High PF Usage up to 570Mb at times. There is also a High virutal memory with some processes along with a high Page Fault count. Some have a million plus. Is my ram failing or is it the the conflicting device Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller on motherboard resources? Or is it a hidden processes thats causing this. Please Help if you can.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago