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Really what's with an Atheist Church?

An Atheist Church? If you are so against religion why create one and secondly...

Why do they follow the theme of a real church so closely? Singing songs just like the hymns ina real church. and instead of praying contemplate in silence for a few minutes. And have a list 10 virtues.. Have a leader and then claim it has no religious aspect.. I believe every one has the right to follow what and whom they like..

With out the belief in God.. why come close to emulating a Organised Religion.

So my question is this..

How many Atheists on here think this is something they would follow. Or would to be to close to an Organised Religion?

Your thoughts for it or against it are welcome.

Please take time to read the article. If you leave an idiotic response I will only assume you have nothing to offer humanity. Which you need to sustain you..

20 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As an atheist, I firstly feel it is important to state that being an atheist does not mean that you are against religion. I have nothing at all against religious people, unless they use their religion as an excuse to be ignorant and hateful.

    Second, I think this is a ridiculous farce, and any self respecting atheist who subscribes to this should be ashamed of themselves. I don't even think that they can be classed as atheists if they sign up to this, as it is essentially a religion. Part of being an atheist, for me, is that I decide what I do, how I do it, and why I do it based on my own morals gleaned from my own experiences and knowledge, not given to me by some idiot standing on a podium preaching to me about some ten rules. It doesn't matter that I agree with some or all of them, the point is, I should decide for myself.

  • 8 years ago

    Before I read the article, there are over 35,000 sects of Christianity...they don't all follow the same regimen/have the same 'church'.

    I have always liked gothic architecture, stone buildings, stained glass windows, incense.

    It's 'aesthetically pleasing' (pretty, attractive) and comforting. I even listen to Gregorian chants in latin. I'm not sure what they're saying but I like the sound.

    And I would listen to a leader spout off different philosophy. Buddhists do it. School teachers do it. It's something people do, regardless of religion...follow a leader, listen, learn from one who has more knowledge and/or doesn't mind being in front of a crowd.

    The Church has had thousands of years to work on different styles of teaching/brainwashing. If it wasn't pleasing in some way, it wouldn't have lasted as long as it has.

    edit: It is true that socializing is important to most humans. And that is a beautiful building. I ike the idea very much.although, I could do w/o the moment of silence but it's not a deal breaker.

    Oh, BTW, The word 'atheist' simply means a person does not believe in gods or goddesses (deities). as you can see from the responses here, we do not all think alike.

    @ yorkshire lass, you just contradicted yourself.

  • 8 years ago

    There are a lot of atheists in the pews of most churches and some even in the pulpits. People go to church for many reasons not always because they believe what is being preached. Many people believe that Budism is an atheist religion but that doesn't stop people from going to the temples. Everyone finds their own salvation and if that includes an atheist church why should anyone else object.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Sounds like they were looking for a community of like-minded people. The social aspects of church membership are what believers-turned-atheists miss, and I guess they wanted to make their own social group.

    I can't see it catching on in a big way.

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  • 8 years ago

    From what you are saying it sounds more like Buddhism than church. It also reminds me of Scientology which is a kind of self-therapy or fancy psychologically based -self-help system which is inward looking and hardly remotely worshipping God which is essentially looking outwards/upwards to a far greater reality and Being than oneself.

    God is central to any church. This is what church is about, and as far as I know Jesus is and always has been, an integral part of church. The idea of church without God is as daft as trying to swim in a pool without water!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Personally, I like sleeping in on Sundays. No church for me. If I want a community to belong to, I will seek it from those who share my hobbies... because in the end, there isn't much you can say about not believing in god. It isn't that big of a part in your day to day life.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    As an actual atheist, I wouldn't go. You're right - what is the point of having a church, when a church is a place of worship? We don't worship people, it defeats the point of our belief!

  • 8 years ago

    because if atheism isn't dogmatic it wont reach people, if theism is left to run rampant it could be a negative thing for the human race and development of a decent future so this idea was conceived, its only the beginning too, soon there will be door to door atheists and it will be refreshing.

  • 8 years ago

    I have no interest in it. If people want to do something like this just to try and devalue someones beliefs then they are nothing more than nasty people with nothing to do. I dont believe in god but I would never and try to convince someone who is religious to think like I do.

    Source(s): atheist
  • 8 years ago

    If you are so secure in your beliefs then why does the beliefs or lack of beliefs of others bother you so much? I am so amazed at how the religious are so intimidated by anyone who thinks or believes differently than them. If you truly believe what you claim to believe then why does it matter?

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