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Skyblooms asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

What do you have to lean on emotionally, when you've broken down the structure of life philosophically?



No, I think you misunderstood what I'm asking. I don't mean "broken down the structure of life, in a physics "theory of everything" sense. I mean that there may be a sense of loss when you've taken apart existence, life and it's supposed order, in a very thorough manner....thrown away all apparently false belief systems.

It may open doors to infinite possibilities, and there still are forces and mysteries, that you can't explain, but you feel more uncertainty than before. Many people would find it freeing but there is nothing to lean on anymore.

(Belief: confidence in someone or something)

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hopefully, one would find the bliss of Nirvana. Maybe an omnipresent calm as one sits amidst the "everything" that one has just philosophically considered... I don't know.

    Personally I think that the journey is more important than the destination, so it's very important as to which philosophy you mean when you "broke down the structure of life philosophically".

    I mean for example, if you broke it down Nihlistically, then you have nothing. It's all over and woe on you.

    If you broke it down existentially then this very moment is all that exists and if reading something profound on the internet (thank you, thank you...ha) is what you want to use this moment of eternity for then no one other than yourself can sit in judgment of that.

    Maybe a little more Christian influence has you wondering if it's pointing towards heaven or hell and personally I think that these are simplistic names for complex ways of existing after this human saga concludes. But when that time does come for each of us we'll each have to have our minds made up as to whether or not we believe that thing we each call us is the meat that sinks into the ground to feed plants and worms or if we identify more with the ideas, emotions and spirit of lighter and loftier things. To really let that penetrate our identities.

    And there's the point of your question isn't it. You asked Emotionally what does one lean on.

    No matter which of these philosophies the emotion is bravery. I mean if you call it life, universe, god, either way it's talking about all that is and beyond that is nothing else. So that's pretty big and daunting. I'm not sure that the human psyche possibly can break down All of one's own life .

    The opposite of fear isn't bravery, it's curiosity. Fear is almost always of he unknown and curiosity is that wonderful pull that leads us into it because it's fun and exciting. Bravery is that shield we put around ourselves to protect us from the fear, but it's the curiosity of our universe around us, of ourselves and curiosity about great questions like the one you asked that's what undoes a dark universe's fear.

  • Jana
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Suicide is an extremely personal thing. But doing it over emotions is pointless. as it's been said in a case like this: "A permanent solution for a temporary problem." Think about what it would do to your friends and family. It sounds like you need an outlet. Instead of harming yourself, take your anger out through writing. That had helped me and it still does. I deal with depression nearly every day and I've been dealing with it for a couple years. It would help to see a therapist too. Music had also helped me a lot. I hold a ton of bands close to my heart because the music really opened my eyes to the beauty there is in the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you simplify the nature of reality…the truth of our being; then you see that emotions are simply a current over-generalized reaction to a previously experienced event. That is to say that the hurt, fear, and anxiety you feel whilst alone in your endeavor is a remnant rogue chain reaction of chemicals and neural networks that are only triggered due to classical/operant conditioning and reinforcement. After you break down the structure of the nature of the external world you may find it easier to now break down your own internal behavior and you start to identify the psychological experience of emotional loneliness. Loneliness is a sense of our personality being detached from other personalities. On the quantum level we know that there is not true detachment for we are all connected. The same iron from Mars…the same copper in Venus…is the same copper and iron flowing through your veins right now. I am as connected to you as I am to the bugs in the grass and the slab of concrete that is the sidewalk. There is no separation. There can never be any alone. The loneliness…the detachment is coming from your conditioning. I don’t mean to devalue your feeling of emotional confidence in yourself or others as I know the difficulty of truly internalizing the fact that we are all connected. Our higher thinking knows that we are all connected but the fact is that we are encased in a physical body….we are victim to a physical world and to the lower…and to truly believe something the body must either feel it or see it. The problem with the spiritual realization that we can never be alone is that it is spiritual and not physical. The body doubts the spirit but the spirit is the witness of body and without spirit body would not exist. The ego of the physical body is always doubting the spiritual and making us prove to ourselves that the spiritual world is valid. That is why we must kill the ego…we must stop searching for proof of the spiritual existence….we must acknowledge the immaturity of emotional attachment…and we must realize that there is no difference between the observer and that which we observe.

    "Those who dwell...among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. . . Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. The more clearly we can focus our attention on

    the wonders and realities of the universe about us,

    the less taste we shall have for destruction."

    Rachel Carson

    Source(s): just a foolish hypocrite
  • Lyra
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'd say that when one has achieved that state, the emotions would be calmer and finer. So there would be no real need to lean on ones emotions because one would be supported by an inner strength, by a boundless energy which flows from the source through one.

    Doors to infinite possibilities do exist. I have experienced some of them, personally, by being non-censoring of the creative spirit within. Over many years, the unknown has revealed some of itself and I document it in written from and as art.

    The only thing I believe in is that I exist for a reason, in this lifetime, to bring to light that which flows through my vessel. It is a fascinating journey of soul experience and is coupled with a profound awareness of the expanding consciousness.

    I am not leaning on a thing. I trust my life just as I trust all of life. We are one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I guess it would be a matter of preference. I'd say "love". Cheesy as it may sound, no matter how logically philosophized the structure of life, being in love renders you irrational. Sure, the attachment can be explained; but even if you know the factors involved, it is hardly easy to overcome. Grief loses meaning once you philosophize death, anger is seems pointless once you understand that life is futile. But love, now that's .... well.. love

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    This to me is a period of transformation....and I have gone through it. Where I found peace was in looking at nature, and observing how it governs itself and to let myself fall into that rythym. No one tree is exactly the same yet they all coexist with each other. There is good and bad and nature and I should expect the same from life. These are the seemingly set laws of nature that also apply to humans who are members of the same environment.

  • 1 decade ago

    I consider myself a very stoic individual...

    ... but, like most of us, there are times when I am suddenly hit with a number of torments and, whether they are petty or not, they still do manage to take their toll on me...

    It is in those wretched times that I will take a few days off and head down to my Mom's home; a humble little place, in a backwoods hollow deep in the Ozarks, where the night sky is untouched by even the slightest caress of artificial light...

    Many nights I have sat out on her deck, a beer in hand, and gazed at the moon with a troubled brow.

    It's not long, however, before my thoughts take me beyond that moon and into our solar system,...

    and further still into the Milky Way,..

    and eventually to the billions of astral systems and bodies which make up our Universe...

    During my mind's journey into that vastness of space and time, - I always find myself awed by its dour presence, - and struck dumb by the absolute majesty of 'all that which is everything'.

    Alas, it's not too long afterward that my beer-buzz begins to fade, and I'm brought back down to Earth...

    Yet, in that moment before my feet reach the ground,...

    ... my last thought is always this:

    "I wonder if,

    - somewhere out there,... on another planet in some far-away galaxy,...

    - there is someone who, - troubled by their own problems is,...

    - at that very moment,...

    - looking out at their own nighttime sky,...

    - and wondering the same thing?"

    It is then that I am able to sustain an understanding, if only for just a spell, of the amusing insignificance of those petty torments, the Sisyphean drudgeries, which await me; indeed, which await ALL of us...

    It is then, and only then, that I am able to laugh at their insignificance, --- as well as at my own.


    [Thanks for posting this question,... and allowing me to escape the bonds of those drudgeries, - if only for just a moment]...:-)


    Source(s): Saint Christopher Walken Patron St. of Those Who Can Laugh While They Roll Their Rocks Up Their Hills, - Over,... And Over,... And Over Again.
  • 1 decade ago

    If you want to throw away false belief systems, throw away philosophy. Like you say it takes away natural coping skills.

  • 1 decade ago

    - Parents

    - A true Guru.

    - All there is = Cosmic Consciousness = Divinity

  • 1 decade ago

    When you had your "head"trip fall back into reality and lean on the simple things.

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