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Jehovah's Witnesses, why do people always say that we can't look into the history of our religion?

Not once have I read an article or heard a talk saying that I can't research how Jehovah's Witnesses got started. I have done research on it- I felt like I needed to to fully trust that I do indeed know the truth.

Brothers and sisters, do you have any idea why someone would think this?

I mean, I know in the past, Jehovah's Witnesses:

*celebrated Christmas

*thought the pyramid of Giza was in accord with the Bible

*accepted smoking

*believed Michael represented the Pope (lol)

And many many others! Yet, people don't seem to understand that mistakes are a given- but it's who we are today that counts!


Kevin S- Jesus wasn't born on December 25th. It isn't his birthday. Besides, we are told to remember his death, not his birth.

(Ecclesiastes 7:1)

Sonny- We have plenty of time, believe me. You're right that we "stay busy," but we do this to stay away from the world. You mention "flip flops," but this isn't purposeful. These "flip flops" were merely an honest misunderstanding of scripture. It takes time to understand scripture.

Seriously, it does only matter who I am today. It doesn't matter who I used to be because I "have been washed clean." So it is with Jehovah's organization- we all have been washed clean.

Yes, brothers who were in the truth in earlier times still knew the truth. Abraham didn't know about God's kingdom- will he be remembered?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Put yourself in their shoes- they can't poke holes in our *current* theology using the Bible, they can't poke holes in our moral conduct as a group, and they can't poke holes in our dedication to God as shown in our sticking to Bible standards even at great loss to ourselves..... what else is there to do????

    Point out stuff we used to believe that we knew was wrong even before they did- in fact, they learnt it was wrong FROM US!!! xD

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am an ex Jw. I think the ultimate problem is with Religion. So many wars have been fought in the name of Christ, it makes you begin to wonder. No one knows for a fact that Jesus ever lived. No one knows for a fact that our concept of God is even correct. The Bible has been written and edited by men, for various reasons. God is energy. Watch a documentary Stephen Hawkings did on the existence of God. It talks about how the whole universe is constructed of energy in it's various forms. I mean hell if we are constructed of energy, and made in Gods image. Then maybe Hawkings is on to something. P.S. You dont have to worship God. Just Live.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What I love is the humility of the brothers to not cover up mistakes but admit that just like the scriptures say "the light gets brighter as we approach the end". In Proverbs 16:18 we are told Pride comes before a crash. We "STRIVE" not to be proud or arrogant people but have humility. I also like the fact that there have ALWAYS been witness for God's name on earth. This is why our religion is more than that. We are not following a man or men. This is why our publications do not specify who wrote what. It is all about the truth in the scriptures.

    We know we have the truth and we prove it each time we look up a scripture. This is why we are not upset with the things people have to say, knowing it is out of ignorance.

    John will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

    Psalms 83:18 That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

    1 Peter 5:8,9.Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour...take your stand against him...knowing the same things in the way of suffering are being accomplished in the entire association of your brothers.

    For those that want to use Yahweh go right ahead, it is still God's name. The pronunciation will be different depending on what language you speak.The important issue is using His Name.

  • 1 decade ago

    They that say that don't know we have a publication that gives an accurate account of how we Jehovah's Witnesses came about. What they don't know is we make claim as fellow worshipers of the true God Jehovah all the way back to Able. Just because the name Jehovah's Witnesses have a date as to when we called ourselves that, our spiritual brothers of times past all the way to Able also were worshipers of Jehovah.

    International Bible students, Christian, The Way, and the Israelite Nation were the name of Jehovah's Witnesses before we were legally called Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Every religion on the face of this earth has a start & can be traced back to that start, we Witnesses know the first true worshipers of Jehovah God, Able to Noah before the flood, Noah to Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, Moses to John the Baptist, Jesus to The Way,then Christian, then International Bible Students to modern day Jehovah' Witnesses.

    Psalms 1:1-6 describes those that ridicule, they are like chaff(dust) in the wind to our God and his only begotten Son Jesus Christ.

    Don't let those that are ignorant rattle you, they are as dogs barking, they make noise that only they know, humans & dogs are not on the same wave link, not sink down and try to cast pearls before swine.

    Center your energy on Matt 24:14, this brought in over 30 people an hour for every hour in the year 2009. The dogs will always be barking until they are silenced at Armageddon.

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  • I could be wrong.

    I think they may mean that you cannot trace a linage of Christian witnesses from the first century until now.

    Where others claim to be able to do so; such as the Roman and Greek Catholic, and other "orthodox" churches.

    While the history of Christian witnesses has an 1800 year gap.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there, yes the more the Faithful and Discreet slaves learn, the more we learn. People don't want to know or understand this, but they find it ok to spend 7 and even more so years in school learning. Their teachers did not know until they learned themselves, or how about Dr.s they go to seminars all the time to learn new things in the medical field. They along with any person in age, knows more now than they did when they first started to learn. Same with the Bible. As we spend time reading, studying and meditating on it the more we understand, grow and learn to love our heavenly Father Jehovah God even more. I like the question and it's good that you found out for yourself and dug into the truth. It's what we preach from door to door. Please take this information and look it up in your own copy of the Bible. Have a great day, and always stay with Jehovah God.

  • "T"
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've looked into it also, to a certain extent. I have also read one of Brother Rutherford's books. I think of it this way. It took Satan a little less than 2000 years to totally corrupt Christianity and it took Jehovah only less than 100 years to restore it. I use the same reasoning when it comes to this earth. It took man 6000 years to totally destroy the earth and it will take Jehovah less than 1000 years to completely restore it. It is a tribute to Jehovah's awesome power.

    As far as the comments about "false prophets", even the disciples had wrong ideas (John 21:22,23)

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only do we know our history, but we publish it for all to see. Nothing is hidden, even mistakes. Jehovah's earthly organization is the best organization on earth, but for the time being it is still run by imperfect men.

    For those of you who like to throw stones at Jehovah's Witnesses take a look at the Proclaimers book published by the Watchtower Society.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was thinking about this the other day when I was searching for some information on the Catholic religion and couldn't find it.

    Is there another religion about which you could sit at your computer and read every piece of literature they have ever published over the past 150 years? I mean literally ever word published? I really don't think so. That's not to mention The 2 volume Proclaimers book (should be "required reading" (after the bible) for all newly baptised ones, and numerous independent articles.

    Granted there is a LOT of misinformation, but our religion has to be the most openly examined anaylsed and transparent organisation on earth. Our history is (forgive the pun) and open book and it is very faith strengthening to learn it.


  • X
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Basically when you have people who have no other purpose in life and no other real agenda for themselves but to spread all manner of lies, slander, and false accusations against Jehovah's Witnesses (like Sonny and his cult buddies)'re bound to hear some of the most ridiculous statements come out of them.

    A common statement coming from those hate-spreaders is that we don't research our own if they have and as if what THEY say about religion's history is even true. By promoting their satanic interests in turning people away from Jehovah and his people. they think they're accomplishing something. It just shows how lost and blind those "I hate Jehovah's Witnesses" culties really are. Logic and rationality is completely foreign to them.

    But as for us as Jehovah's Witnesses, we know the history of our religion and the progressiveness in the growth of our ranks and in our understanding of the scriptures solidifies our confidence in our having the truth and in our having Jehovah's favor upon us in these last days.

    No amount of ignorant lie-spreading and satanic propaganda from the likes of Sonny and his cult friends will ever change that. (And if he thinks he's going to heaven, then I'm richer than Bill Gates.)

    (Could someone please tell "computernut" that what he posted in other threads is irrelevant and not under discussion by THIS question.)

  • 1 decade ago

    Ignorance. A lack of wanting to be properly informed. Repeating what they have been told or taught.

    My worst religious experience was being a Catholic. I don't serve men, I serve Jehovah God and follow his Son, Jesus' footsteps.

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