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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Can President Obama sit at Rand Paul's lunch counter?

Maddow: How about desegregating lunch counters?

Paul: Well what it gets into then is if you decide that restaurants are publicly owned and not privately owned, then do you say...does the owner of the restaurant own his restaurant? Or does the government own his restaurant?

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To which, the answer to Rand's question should be, "if you are to be allowed to own and operate a business in this country, these are the rules and regulations that you need to follow....Don't like it? Then don't own a business... or better yet, Leave."

    Start treating big corporations, and banks this way, and watch how quickly they clean up their acts... and the economy turns around as a result. Instead, we have a bunch of dim-witted Con's running around, saying we need to "let the wealthy, and big business do, whatever they want to do..". which is quite simply, to pay people at the absolute barest minimum that they can, and to avoid having to pay for their share of the commons, or gov't services, for which they depend on.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    President Obama

  • Taylor
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, and No, depending on how you see the views of Rand Paul.

    I saw the interview he had on the Rachel Maddow show. It was bad in my opinion. He would not answer one question with a yes or no answer, because he didn't want to come off as being a racist! It didn't work, Maddow raked him over the coals and he deserved it for all the comments he made and has made. Getting rid of the Disability Act and the Civil Rights act! Disturbing in many ways. He has no chance of winning in the General Election, even the R's are trying to distance themselves from him...

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure he could sit at Rand Paul's lunch counter, I don't believe Rand Paul is a racist. I do, however, believe that Rand Paul is naive to believe we could repeal portions of the Civil Rights Act so that businesses can discriminate against any race and that America would be better for it. That's just insane.

    @Sound -- How did the market and public opinion work out from oh, 1776-1964? Your argument has already been disproven.

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  • Happy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    ... This guy is the perfect candidate for the Tea Party folks. Unbelievable. First the Americans With Disabilities Act, and now this. You'd think the Republicans would have learned from the macaca incident, but nooooo. This guy is going to be easy for Jack Conway to beat.

    He's running out of feet to put in his mouth, isn't he? I wonder what he'll say tomorrow.

  • 1 decade ago

    He'd be allowed to sit and Rand Paul's lunch counter, but not at everyone's.

    I understand what he's trying to say here.

    Since, for example, the federal government can't tell Yahoo! it needs to let racists on it's website, it shouldn't be allowed to tell business owners that they have to hire or serve people they do not like, either.

    Paul is dangerously idealistic. He thinks that consumers would simply boycott white-only establishments, driving them out of business and creating the same effect. You and I know that's not the case. People will shop wherever is cheapest and most convenient for them. Wal-mart continues to do well, despite the plethora of Waldemart videos on YouTube. No one really cares enough to engage in a boycott.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it was a carefully planned question...Made to get him off guard....He clearly realizes the effect of racism against the blacks but at the same time has concern for the ability of government to tell a business owner how they may conduct business....How far are we giving the government place to tell us what we can and can't do..I agree with him that racism has no place in our country but how far is the government allowed to dictate policy....Every bar in America has a sign that says the management has the right to refuse service to anyone....That does not excuse the right to racism but does however protect the right to make the rules in the establishment...Fine line if you will...Seems to me any time you try to make sense of a fine line the left screams insults that you are not playing by THEIR rules....Bottom line is if you have a business proposal you still have the right to say NO....No government shall take that right away...Maddow went for the shock value as is the industry standard of the media and failed to bring the whole issue to discussion.....Quips don't make the whole of a person no matter who would like to use them as such...Nice try on her part , but she scored no point with me....She should go beyond her antics and grow up if she wants to present the news and issues....I for one am tired of the sound bites...And remember what his father went through for going against the establishment.....Let him speak and listen ......Don't let the scare scare you....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I watched that interview with Rand Paul and was unimpressed. One would think that he would emphatically agree that regardless of private or public property, it was necessary to enforce the civil rights of so many. He was very disappointing in his responses.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes he would. The difference is that under Rand the seats would all be 'first come - first served' with none of them reserved for blacks.

    I take it you failed to comprehend what rand was saying.

  • You all are so busy listening to what you want to hear you fail to even comprehend what he was saying about the wider use of the law. Watch the video's again and try to comprehend instead making wild assumptions completely opposite from what he said.

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