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3.5 year old kid i watch spent the weekend with me and refused to eat?

he was given dinner and would not eat it because he said he was full so i got a brownie and he tried to shove it in his mouth so i grabbed it out of his mouth and told him he wasnt to get down until his food was gone. (mom told us to do this) well he spent 3 hours out there and still didnt eat it. And today he refused to eat breakfast and lunch after i made it so he has not eaten since he had lunch on friday

He brought junk from Wendy's on friday to eat.

My issue is he told his mom today that we wouldnt feed him anything when she picked him up so she took him to get a kids meal.

when she called and asked why he didnt get fed i told her what happened and she got really mad and said that if he didnt want what we had we should of gave him Chips or cookies to eat like he wanted.

I told her if she wanted him to eat that crap then she needs to supply it.

my ?'s are Did i do the right thing in making him sit their for 3 hours even though he didnt eat?

Did i handle his mom right and should she supply stuff?

If i didnt handle it right how can i do it different?

what would you have done instead? spanking he gets that enough at home and i refuse to do that.


Ethan's Mommy - i did not tease him with the brownie he knew that if he ate his dinner he could have one. I only made him sit at the table for that long because his dad said that is what he does when he has him except he said he would have left him their untill he had eaten and some times he is up their 4 hours.

Update 2:

wrap it up and putting it in the fridge. When he says that he's hungry, pull out his abandoned meal, heat it up and offer it to him. I have tried this before this isnt the first time he hasnt eaten for me.

we eat at the same time every day and if he doesnt eat it then when he says he is hungry i warm it up then give it to him. and for the most part he does eat it later.

It is just this weekend he wouldnt.

I think it was because he was mad that his mom went somewhere with out him.

he does stay over night some times just not often.

I was more shocked by his moms reaction.

I was like if he doesnt want to eat things i know he likes then so what. but his mom was ticked because it was like this kid wasnt even offered anything.

I told her he was offered and after making him set for 3 hours (which he dad makes him do for longer sometimes) he still didnt want it.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you did the right thing, the whole reason why he refused to eat was because hes used to getting junk from his mom when he doesnt eat, so he thought if he held out, he would get what he wanted. a kid cant live off of chips and cookies. my parents had the same rule, we were not allowed to leave the table and were not allowed anything else unless we ate our meal. my brother once slept at the table. it was hard at first im sure, but after a few days, we learned that they werent giving in, so we stopped putting up a fight and just ate what we were given. now well eat anything. whenever he comes, let him know that he wont be getting away with that at your house, he will eat what hes given or not at all, soon hell get hungry or bored enough and give in and stop complaining and then youll never have to battle him again. tell his mother that its your house, so your rules, and you are giviing him food, its his choice if he wants to eat it or not. he wont starve himself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this punishment would have worked better if he were a little older. Given that a toddler's attention span is somewhere in the vicinity of 10 minutes, making him sit for 3 hours at a table with a meal he had no interest in eating was cruel. It's normal for little kids not to each much, or not to each for people other than their family (it's a test). However, I agree that this little guy is majorly spoiled and needs an attitude adjustment. He's been conditioned by his parents that if he doesn't eat, they'll buy him junk food to get him to eat something. Which means he does this with everybody. This can be infuriating for care-givers who wish to give them healthy food that they refused to eat; it took me months of training with a little girl I used to babysit to convince her that a salad at dinner to go with her boxed mac and cheese wasn't child abuse.

    I would have taken the plate away after about 15-20 minutes, wrapping it up and putting it in the fridge. When he says that he's hungry, pull out his abandoned meal, heat it up and offer it to him. Make it clear that he is not going to get the junk food (or any snacks) he wants if he doesn't eat his meal first, and do this for as long as you can while the food is still edible. You want him to eat, not give him food poisoning. :P I think you should enlighten Mom to the fact that her precious little boy is playing her, and pitting you two against each other. She may think she's doing the right thing by giving into him, because sometimes with toddlers you'd cook anything they want as long as they eat something, but she should know that she's creating a monster and that giving him all this junk food is not helping his development.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, you didn't do the right thing. It was cruel to eat a brownie in front of him, especially if you had not intention of sharing it. Forcing a 3 year old to sit at a table for _three hours_ is absolutely ridiculous!

    You should have offered him the opportunity to eat what you prepared for him and given him the option of eating it or not. Either way he went hungry, but teasing him with brownies and inflicting three hour punishments was absolutely unnecessary.

  • 1 decade ago

    Other than making him sit at the table for 3hrs, (which I'm surprised you got a 3yr old to do, Amazing) I agree with how you handled the situation. It sounds like he's a little spoiled and other than giving in to him you weren't about to win this battle. (been there myself) Kids generally will eat once they are sufficiently hungry and not eating for a bit won't kill them. I also agree that if he refuses to eat what you and your family are having then his mother should provide his food. However, if you feel stongly against feeding "junk food" to him, explain your feelings to the mother and let her know that if she wishes you to watch him he needs to abide by the rules of your house and family. After all what you do in your own home is one thing, but when you're a guest in someone else's home, RESPECT for them and their ways is what's important. Even for a 3yr old!

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