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For people who say: GOD doesn't exist.... are you saying..GOD does not exist?

today? yesterday? tomorrow? or that he will never exist?

So let me ask you this about the history of the world and the people that have walked on it.

1. Before Dark Energy was discovered, Did it exist? and if the people that died before Dark Energy was discovered had said..Dark Energy does not exist, and now that they were wrong, makes what they did not believe just there opinion not a truth....

We could say that about many discoveries where people did not think something existed when they were on the planet, but after they died their beliefs became meaningless because other generations after they no longer were here discovered them.

Now you say GOD does not exist, but when you die you finally realize GOD surely does exist, do you think just because you don't believe something exists makes what you think true?

Why not just say in your opinion you don't believe in GOD?



Again I ask if something did not exist when a person was alive, but now that they are DEAD and what they dis-believed was DISCOVERED..makes there belief an OPINION.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most beautiful sun does exist in the sky . But the blind ones don't understand / believe that the sun does exist .. No one can prove the fact to such Blind people . We can do nothing but just pitying for them .

    The Computer we use didn't come in to existence without the scientist behind . Our human body is million and million times Wonderful and Awesome than our most wonderful Computers ( or any most wonderful scientific equipment we have on earth ..)

    Any wonderful / and useful thing has a other creator / author behind . Saying that everything evolved automatically : is the statement which Fools the Humanity the Most . The wonder of God's Creation remains Far wonderful than the Mutation / Evolution Theory . One man ( Darwin ) out of his immature intelligence declared some nonsense , now every so-called Scientist calls it the Fact ,because these scientists have no sufficient / surpassing brain to disprove Darwin's personal belief . Every scientist just nods his head and goes on his way (without giving proper work to his own brain ) .

    Hey my friends , if a wonderful machine ( Computer) needs some one behind to design it ,does it not require Some One to design the most Wonderful and Most Awesome Human body . People have lost their Reason . And that is why they argue in such illogical manners .

    Computer also has undergone evolution , but under the supervision of the scientists . The Bible also doesn't say that God created man first . One must understand that Bible is not the Video Tape of the Origin of the Universe ..never .. The Bible just teaches the way for a Holy Life . That's all . It just gives the Gist ,Precis or the Synopsis of the Beginning just as the base for the Holy Book ( the Bible ) .We should not expect the beginning of the Universe in 100% detail in the Bible . Now itself he Bible remains voluminous for Christians to read .Then what will the situation if the Bible would give the details in whole ....! God is Wiser than human beings . he knows it well that Already the Bible remains Voluminous for His children to read ..

    I will recommend an easy way for the scientists to read the Creation chapters of the Bible . since the word God remains alien and unfamiliar to you , just remove the word "God " and replace it with the word "Nature " and read the Creation chapters of the Bible , then you will understand it properly . But one must understand God and nature remain inseparable . God is nothing but the "GOOD NATURE ) . The Good Nature is capable of Creation , and the Evil Nature is capable of destruction only . We have so many wonderful things for our happy and convenient life around us ,and hence we believe there must be a Creator behind . If every thin is destroyed we must understand that some one has destroyed everything . God the Good nature ( the Good Power ) is the Creator , and Devil ( the Evil Power ) is the destroyer of everything good .

    Even today the Christian Believers try to make the earth a Paradise ,but the non-believers want to destroy the Planet with giant atom and nuclear bombs .What a pity . People want to destroy our most wonderful , most beautiful and most precious Planet ...

    Every one acknowledges that there is a Good Power and an Evil Power . We all know well what "Love " " Hatred " "Jealousy " and "Selfishness " is . Since we can't see them , we don't deny their existence . Actually they are the factors which decide the peaceful and Problematic life on earth . These are real ( spiritual / behavioral ) factors .We can not deny it since we can not see it with our carnal eyes . Love, Hatred , Jealousy , affection , mercy , selfishness and so on are real factor which we use in our day to day life. We should not deny its existence just because we can not see it with our physical eyes. They do exist . The GOOD NATURE and the EVIL NATURE also do exist . The GOOD NATURE itself is GOD ( the GOOD ) . Shall we continue to deny such facts and prove ourselves to be mentally immature and Fools .

    The Bible shows us the WAY for a PEACEFUL WORLD . People who are possessed with the Evil Power just criticize and Humiliate the Bible , God , Christ and the Spiritual Salvation .

    As we human beings Reward people for their good deeds and punish ( jail ) some people for their evil deeds , we have an eternal Punishment also by the Government of God in which all the good people will be rewarded with the Happiest ( Eternal ) Life in Heaven and the evil doers with the most sorrowful and most painful ( eternal ) Life in Hell .

    Hope I am arguing logically . ( the Bible itself is the greatest Logic )

    Hey Humanity ,just repent and accept the Bible God . The Bible Teaches us the Good thing . To stand against the Good is not good ....!

    PEACE on Earth ...Amen ...!


    May 27,2010 )

  • metime
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You're right, I have to accept the possibility that I'm wrong. But while we're talking about clearly differentiating between what one knows and what one believes in one's speech, why don't we examine this little bit of text:

    "Now you say GOD does not exist, but when you die you finally realize GOD surely does exist..."

    Did you not listen to anything you just said to us, or do you just not accept the possibility of being wrong when it comes to God? Either way, you can have your hypocrisy back; I don't really have any use for it.

    Alright, I'll play. God never did exist and doesn't exist now. That is my opinion and I might be wrong. He might exist tomorrow, I wouldn't know.

    1. (and the only number you put in, I might add--don't lists usually have more than one number?) Dark energy did exist before it was discovered. The people who said that dark energy didn't exist were always expressing their opinion. Until something is shown to exist, you can really only have opinions about its existence. Some opinions are simply better than others. (For example, both you and I know that Zeus doesn't exist. However, this remains an opinion, because for all we know Zeus might be hiding.)

    I still think you're a hypocrite for committing the same sin you just cautioned me against. Jesus despised those people, you know.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very good reasoning. But for those who cannot reason too good, they will never be able to see that far out of the book they read which denies the existence of the creator of this creation.

    So to them, creation does not exist, for how could a creation exist without its creator? See, such simple thinking, yet these 'smart' ones cannot get that far. They live in a cave of their own ignorance and think it does not exist.

    Germs do not exist, you know. we cannot see them.

    Scent does not exist, for we cannot see it. Wind does not exist for we cannot see that either.

    Man cannot make grass, yet they think it exists and man is the top being. So then if that be so, how did Grass get here? See, they cannot reason out something this simple.

    Man cannot make mountains, rivers, cats, dogs, trees, or anything else, from scratch, but they think these things exist. If man is the top being, how did trees get here?

    And they say, no proof of God.

    And pity of it is, that most who claim to be Christians agree with them,,,saying there is no proof.

    I don't see how anyone can be a true Christian denying the proof that is in every tree, every star, every planet, ever child who lives and breaths, etc.

    Proof is in every living thing. If not, let scientists make living things. (I mean without using what God already created and put here.)

    Source(s): KJV truth
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That IS what we say for the most part - we do not believe in God

    And besides, your analogy is flawed. Before Dark Energy was discovered, were there people running around telling everyone it DID exist, beased on the writings in an old book? The knowledge of it's existence was determined through observation and experiment, it wasn't gained by trying to prove a faith-based assertion

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I personally do not say that god does not exist. There is no evidence to support that. It is also impossible to prove a negative. I say that I don't believe god exists and I support my belief with many reasons why.

    The god of the Christian Bible is one of my biggest reasons why I don't believe. If the god of the Bible does exist, he would not be one to be worshiped. He has punished all of man kind for the "sins" of Adam and Eve for thousands of years and it was his screw up to begin with. God gave man kind free will and then punishes him for using it. What kind of "loving" god would this be.

    So in turn, why do Christians insist that god exists without being able to back up the claim?

  • 1 decade ago

    yes crimmy, im saying that the religious god will never exist, thats kinda what i mean by impossible

    do you mean dark matter?

    discovering things that exist is the point, no one has discovered an ounce of anything that ANY god exists, not even the einstens of the world

  • 1 decade ago

    What you're saying is that nobody can say anything doesn't exist because it may some day, some how, some way be discovered? Sorry, but, no. There are some things that are so far fetched, illogical, and ridiculous that it is clear they will never be discovered and don't the tooth fairy....or god.

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists daddy - atheists do not believe in any god. Atheism is the rejection of all gods. Do some research or at least crack open a dictionary.

  • punch
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't have a belief in god. That pretty much sums it up. OK, I'll answer your question. It's my opinion that god doesn't exist. I have that opinion, because I have no belief in god. It's YOUR opinion, that god exists. It's not fact. OK? Think you got it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is my opinion, that gods do not exist. That is based on the complete and utter lack of objective evidence or proof. I don't claim to know for sure, but I am fairly positive especially since there is still no evidence.

    Believing in something, doesn't make it so. Believing in gods, would not suddenly make them real. And the Christian god is just as credible as Thor or Asatru. Plus you are comparing things that actually have evidence, to gods which have no evidence.

    You sound very confused.

    Source(s): atheist
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