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What's wrong with this picture in Arizona?

70% of Arizona citizens want the new immigration law, yet so-called thousands protest it? First, where is the coverage of the 70%? Second, I'm guessing many of the "thousands" protesting it are illegals, which brings me to my question. The vast majority of citizens want the law, but a large number of non-citizens are trying to tell the citizens they shouldn't have it???????Am I the only one who thinks there is something drastically wrong with this picture? No doubt , some protesters are citizens, but not more than 30% of the state. In an election, the 70% would be considered a landslide victory. Who do these illegals think they are telling US citizens what laws we can and can't have? Or perhaps we can do the same and go to Mexico and demand they pass a law making it illegal for any Mexican citizen to go the USA illegally.

8 Answers

  • free
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    what taxes does an illegal pay? when they buy something maybe but the fact they may pay some taxes means absolutely nothing because they are criminals and any idiot that supports them isn't looking at the big picture. I have no problems with mexican americans or legal immigrants but the 12 million plus illegals is bull crap. Heavy fines to anyone hiring or harboring an illegal, take away any and all government assistance with the anchor baby crap and you will see, they will voluntarily

    leave. Personally I hate wars but attacking mexico would have made more since than attacking iraq...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Selfish ingrates who wants special privilege over all and head of the line over everyone else. A path to citizens ship and fines will not open up jobs for legal immigrants or citizens for they get to stay here.

    They forget that Spain or its former territories did not produce the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the bill of rights that laid the foundation for which created and shaped the government and Military system that kept this country from changing hands to a foreign or rebellious regime. The documents that all sought to be apart of legally by waiting in line.

    half-lings are not indigenous and indigenous tribe of Mexico are only indigenous in Mexico. Before the spaniards colonized the territories each tribe had their own borders and are competing with one another. The tribes of the southwest was never in allegiance with the tribes south of the border nor were they in allegiance with the half-lings crossing to the southwest. Geronimo kept Mexicans out with all his might.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    everyone wants to get under the 'racial profiling' banner and snivel their eyes out, but the truth is, the only people who have anything to fear from this law are illegal aliens. that's the truth. how much of an inconvenience is it to show an officer your I.D.? no more inconvenient than it is to do a traffic stop. happens every day every where. no big deal. all american citizens are bound by law to carry identification at all times. it's the law. so, asking for I.D. is no big deal.....unless you can't get one because you don't belong here. rock on arizona! push them out and shut the door behind you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In a 3rd world Country, it's NOT about respecting the law of the's about what you can get away with...

    NOW...that disease mentality is here...we were sold out by the left who wanted to coddle everyone and anyone, and the right who wanted slave labor.

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  • I completely agree with you

    but this is the crazy politically correct world we live in

  • 1 decade ago

    well there is several problems with your question :

    first the USA does actually tell everybody around the world its opinion about laws from other countries the USA does not agree with all the time . sometimes the USA is right about such complains but still is it mendling in the affairs of everyone which as i said the USA does all the time . you want to deny that ? be my guess but that won't change the facts . in fact if you look into it you will find than the USA has even act militarily against governments the USA does not agree with ( yes even democratic governments ) . note : not even talking about Iraq .

    second at all i really doubt than most of the people in that march are actually illegal immigrants and if they were so what ? they too pay Taxes like the Americans and should have an opinion they can express somehow , and i don't know if you are aware of this but most of them are in the USA out of need , meaning than you should not expect them to go quietly .

    third there actually been coverage about the people who agree with the law and either way i will tell you than the fact than they are the majority in AZ does not mean they are actually right or do have the rights they think they have such as : continuously harassing Hispanic looking people for example .

    so whine , do anything you want but either way i don't really think the AZ immigration law will be able to stand before the supreme court of justice .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont know.. I JUST WANT THESE ANNOYING ILLEGALS OUT OF HERE. So I can visit Arizona in peace..

  • Jamie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    the AZ bill should have had more restrictions..

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