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Are conservatives hypocritical when they call for "small government"?

I'm confused. Here's several things right-wingers tend to like: Spearheading the USA Patriot Act, asking for greater police patrols, supporting an Arizona immigration bill that allows for police racial profiling, supporting huge military spending and a wasteful war, asking for large prisons so our streets are "safe" and "clean", supporting the government's war on drugs, asking the government to ban abortion and gay marriage, supporting the government's use of the death penalty, and supporting the government's use of torture. Add that all up and you end up with more freedom and "smaller" government? This equation seems fishy here. Are conservatives really just people who love huge government that protects the rich and powerful and gives no help to the poor, struggling, and underrepresented? And do they claim "small government" just to brainwash Americans into supporting their totalitarian dreams? What do you think.

Keep in mind that the word "liberal" contains the word root "liber".


Note: I'm not a liberal trying to engage in leftist POV-pushing. I'd actually rather call myself a centrist libertarian. But looking at the left-right politics, I seriously doubt the all-too pervasive notion that rightists are somehow more pro-freedom than leftists are.

Update 2:

Most are not answering my question, or are using dodgy arguments to answer it. I asked if conservatives are really for small government. The war that Obama is continuing was started by Bush, keep that in mind. The USA Patriot Act was first opposed by one lone dissenter, a liberal Democrat. Also, yes, many states do ban gay marriage, how many states allow it? And finally, state government, federal government, city government, it's still government. It is what it is.

10 Answers

  • mick t
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The two main parties in America are two branches of the same criminal organization. They coordinate their efforts to undermine the constitution and loot the citizenry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1.Spearheading the USA Patriot Act,- last i checked obama EXPANDED the patriot act, and conservatives opposed it way back when it started.

    , asking for greater police patrols- police is local government not federal government.

    supporting an Arizona immigration bill that allows for police racial profiling- what line it the bill does it say police are allowed to racially profile? can't answer because there is none. but protecting are borders if the governments job. and the state law just enforces federal laws. states have an obligation to enforce federal laws.

    supporting huge military spending and a wasteful war,- our military is actually very small, less then 1% of the population is serving on active duty, but again obama is continuing both wars, and considering sending troops into other countries.

    supporting the government's war on drugs,- i haven't seen any liberals protesting the anti meth laws. actually most libs i talk to say that meth should be illegal, why the hypocrisy?

    asking the government to ban abortion and gay marriage, - there is no BAN on gay marriage, sex sex marriage never existed so how can you ban what does not exist, anyways the liberals in CA just voted no on gay marriage, as far as abortion, if you don't want a kid don't make one....simple huh?

    and supporting the government's use of torture. - again OBAMA is using those same tactics, they are nonlethal, and very mild compared to what is practiced by most of the world.

    "Keep in mind that the word "liberal" contains the word root "liber".

    the root word on a name means nothing. if you were tricked by a root word then you are an idiot. "congress" has the root word "CON" does that mean progress is the opposite of congress?

  • chin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most mainstream conservatives are indeed hypocritical for the very reasons that you state however there is a smaller subset of conservatism known as paleo-conservatives. Paleo-cons are suspicious of large standing armies and the surveillance state because of their negative consequences for liberty and are generally non interventionist when it comes to foreign policy. They also tend to be against federal legislation regarding drugs, abortion, marriage etc claiming those to be states rights issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good rule of thumb

    Liberal=Big Government

    Conservative=Moderate Government

    Libertarian=Small Government

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most of the things you mentioned have to do with keeping America safe and secure from terrorists and criminals.

    I'm a conservative atheist so you can't so easily label me as you would like.

    One example is abortion: If a woman wants to kill her unborn child,so be it:

    Just don't call it "pro-choice", call it what it is: murder.

    (Freakafornia will charge you with double murder if you kill a pregnant woman and her unborn)

    As a conservative I believe and accept law and order.

    NOT just the laws that please me.

    OK, amigo?

    PS: Latino by heritage, legal by birth, conservative from love of country: USA!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good rule of thumb vorith.

    Conservative = I got mine so to hell with you

    Liberal = share and share alike

    Libertarian = only the strongest of the strong survive.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course they are hypocrites. Those bozos didn't say a damn word when Bush shoved the Patriot act and boat loads of debt on illegal wars on us. They are big government. The worst kind too.

    They are racist morons that want to shove their morals on the rest of society.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like your cherry picking specific things but twisting them just to make an invalid left wing point. So where shall we start first to prove your liberal rhetoric as stupidity ?

    I don't recall anyone asking government to ban gay marriage or abortion. I only see the desire for no federal funding of abortion, as for gay marriage, that is left up for the states to decide. And where states have decided NO, the whiney liberals have complained and moved to try and undermine the legitamate vote of the people. Typcial liberalism.

    Rather than run your big mouth about military moneis, you should take a look at how much our troops get paid. That amount is crap considering many are putting thier lives in danger willfully to keep your a$$ free. They are on call 24/7 and do more for the country than you ever will.

    I do'nt see what your complaining about with large prisons, would you rather we let the murderers go ? Perhaps you want a pedophile in your neighborhood ? The death penalty if it were implemented would keep costs down if done properly, its you left wing bleeding hearts that keep the dumb notion that hardened criminals can somehow be rehabilitated, even though psychologist have pretty much proven that to be sheer idiocy.

    History has shown that libs have wasted many resources, time and money in the name of thier supposed humanitarian efforts to help the poor. Shall we take a look at the war on poverty ? The demographics haven't changed for decades and we've wasted how many trillions since FDR ? Conservatives merely want limited governmental interference and keep with the Constitution. If that's not good enough for you then get out of MY country because that is what the founding fathers believed in and is keeping with the founding of this country. Don't presume to take your flawed and self righteous BS to a national forum in trying to tell me what a "conservative" is, because you obviously have no clue. We use common sense and reality to dictate what should be. We aren't going to subscribe to breaking the country financially to save a few birds, or the poor. We assign with good measure an amount that should be feasible to help, but this is America, not good will. You can't justify in a free society why those whom are productive should turn over thier wealth more than they already do for taxes to the non-productive and lazy in todays society. The left wingers whine for the poor, influence the government to increase taxes and make new programs that usually fail, but don't bother to discriminate between the legitamately poor and the slackers in our society. You waste time, money and resources for able bodied people that are too shiftless to do for themselves, and to that we call BS and do not agree. The founding fathers said that government is not to "steal the fruits of one's labor". We pay taxes like eveyrone else, it is not us whom are evil, but the left wing self righteous whom think more about thier good intentions rather than keep the freedoms and liberties of individuals that the country was built on. Many countries have fallen due to left wing ideology, we do thing different here. Your expected to carry your own weight, and if you don't, there's taxpayer programs to help those in need. But we don't take kindly to left wingers reaching into our back pockets to steal even more for thier failure programs based on flawed ideology and unproven results. So go hail your messiah Obama, think him a few years from now for spending America into a hole.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Conservatives are hypocritical in EVERTHING they say and do.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are confused. I agree.

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