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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Will Obama seize the oil crisis to push the cap and trade agenda tonight?

Not letting any good crisis go to waste I bet he will push green energy and the way to prevent these disasters will be CAP & TRADE - every crisis equals a new regulation and a new tax. Man I love this guy - I've had enought hope and change to last me awhile.

16 Answers

  • Di
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For sure he will and doing so from the Oval Office will just give that dash of gravitas. I would hate to think he deliberately allowed the Gulf oil crisis to reach a crescendo in order to implement yet another of his ill thought out plans, but after 18 months of spin and no jobs, nothing would surprise me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I think that Obama will use the oil crisis to push for the passage of CAP & TAX. Look up Joel Rodgers, professor at University of Wisconsin, who has gone on record stating that all CAP & TAX is really set to achieve is the redistribution of wealth. Look up also the CCX, Chicago Climate Exchange, it is a new trading market for the rich to get richer. Obama and Valarie Jarret gave the initial funds to start the CCX when they were on a Foundation board. Obama's EPA is set to regulate your very breath, when you exhale you breath out co2, a dangerous gas, so stop breathing. Has anyone noticed that Gore bought a house on the beach in California? I thought the "sea levels are going to rise because of the melting polar caps"? Not a smart investment in my eyes if the "seas are going to rise". NEW REGULATIONS DO NOT MEAN THAT THINGS WILL BE FIXED, ALL OF THE BUSINESSES THAT "NEEDED A BAILOUT, BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BIG TO FAIL" ARE THE MOST REGULATED INDUSTRIES ALREADY. The most obvious example I can give to show that regulation will not work is the Federal Reserve, it was set up in 1913. With the statement that giving this group power, they could look into the future and stop all recessions and depressions. The Great Depression came 16 years after the Fed was set up and they did not see that one coming, nor have they seen any of the recessions that followed. And with Rahm Emanuel's statement that " you can't let a good crisis go to waste", Obama will speed up his agenda to get CAP & TAX pushed through the Congress, thus setting up all of his crony friends to get "filthy rich".

    Source(s): Obama stated during the Presidential campaign that "under his policies, the electric rates in this country would skyrocket". Why did most people ignore everything that he has said, he has told us what his agenda is right during the campaign, go back and listen to his speeches, he stated what he wants to do.
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe. However from his response to the Oil Disaster somehow makes his words empty. We're dying down here are words of truth. Fish,wildlife,and a way of life. A man of inaction's that can't make quick decisions to solve the problem.He takes two weeks to send a Committees,to analyze the problem.Try asking people who live there they know their own turf for solutions.Everyone knows his game,wait long enough and the coast will be destroyed. The cost is too high right now to ask the American people to pay ten dollars for a gallon of gas or double the cost of heating their homes,if they haven't lost them.I am waiting for a investigation on what caused the thing. WHY a pass on safety and operations of the oil rig itself.That was a duty the government owe the American people.A industrial accident in partnership with the government that did not do their job.And workers were killed because of it.Investigate why the slow response to help.It's like they want the place to be destroyed.Even rejecting help .How do we know it wasn't sabotage the nuts in power would do anything to get their agenda going.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of your presidents of late seem to be in the mood to legislate after a crisis. The last one took away a lot of civil liberties and freedoms. the one before that regulated just about everything. This one is no difference.

    your presidents are only figure heads anyway. They're not the ones running the show. You have a shadow government that just about everyone else in the world knows about accept most Americans.

    Though i believe there are a growing number of good souls trying to reverse the wrongs that successive administrations have done.

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  • 5 years ago

    Cap and commerce ought to face by technique of itself advantages as economic coverage Carbon burning is a lengthy variety chance to the completed earth. it truly is a clinical close to reality what should be performed? decrease the commercial incentive to save burning and furnish an incentive to discover determination ability the age of oil will quickly be over. Google "top Oil" and oil furnish and demand. coal is a concepts more desirable significant yet has significant hazards. more desirable people have died in mines than in all peacetime reactor injuries. coal releases Mercury vapor interior the ambience and a truthful quantity of radioactivity besides. each and every president considering Eisenhower has stated we ought to change into ability self sustaining Economics isn't exceedingly a lot us now yet about the destiny for our youthful ones

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll bet you he wont, because unlike you, he doesn't see nor does he care to see the connection between Cap and Trade and the oil crisis. Unlike you, he plans on dealing with the crisis we have right now instead of focusing on future problems. The oil crisis wouldn't have been prevented if Cap and Trade had been passed, we still would have been pursuing offshore drilling and it still would have been unsafe. Don't pretend like you can read his mind and know what he's going to say.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not to get into the whole cap and trade thing too much, but wouldn't the surest solution to future oil spills be to ease away from oil? It's a pretty logical solution, actually. Do you want the president to pretend that the oil spill has nothing to do with our dependence on oil?

  • yup, he will milk this disaster for every ounce he can. he already has oil workers losing their jobs because of drilling ban, a ban his panel he put together said was a bad idea

  • 1 decade ago


  • Ron R
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    the oil spill has nothing to do with cap and trade and he would be a fool to even try and connect it...besides the US military depends on oil.....the planes and tanks don't run on wind....lmao...and air force one isn't powered by solar and cap and trade that......

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