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Do you know of a simple tabletop experiment demonstrating the GHG effect of CO2 ?

The results of the experiment using containers with/out co2 and lit by heat lamps is unrelated to GHG radiative absorption, see;_ylt=Ak0_R...

So is there something better on the market ? Please give explanations and refer to detailed texts in your answer , not to YouTube kind of hocus-pocus.


Please see the link to the past question above and references therein.

@Trevor, I don't see what your experiment demonstrates apart that the CO2 bottle warms more quickly than the air bottle, which has no relation with radiative GHG effect. You would certainly get the same result with some other gases without IR absorption bands. We don't even know what the steady state is in your experiment, since you haven't run it long enough, or haven't recorded the results long enough.

@pegminer I know that CO2 has IR absorption bands. That is not the question. The question is a honest experimental tabletop demonstration of the GHG radiative effect.

In fact, I don't think there exists one. The effect given by a model calculation is a small fraction of a degree, so experiments displaying large differences are most likely wrong. In the experiment quoted in the reference, argon, which has no IR absorption bands, was used as a counter test and it gave the same temperature curve as CO2.

Update 2:

@Trevor I just checked the reference to your explanation. The question is not the QM of molecular degrees of freedom, but how this can displace the point of radiative equilibrium of a system towards higher temperatures by greenhouse effect. And I don't see an experiment demonstrating this.

@Jeff tabletop can be very accurate. I only meant something doable in the lab, with adequate equipment. Even if this exists, it remains to be seen that it has a connection with the full size thing. But what Trevor describes shows nothing.

Ideally, there should be some heated backdrop which could not radiate away the heat it receives when it is behind a enriched CO2 atmosphere as well as it can radiate it behind a normal atmosphere. Consequently, it should reach a slightly higher steady state temperature than the backdrop behind the normal atmosphere, under identical heating conditions. That's why the bottle experiment shows absolutely nothing relevant to the question.

Update 3:

@Trevor, pegminer, d/dx

Again, I know that CO2 and CH4 have strong IR absorption bands. I don't want and experiment in spectroscopy. And I know the explanations about GHG so I need no site and I know and use and occasionally teach quantum mechanics. Thanks !

Please see my answer @Jeff to understand what kind of experiment I have in mind.

When I say 'tabletop' I do not mean 'kitchen'. This should be real demonstration of the GHG effect which is not addressed by Trevor's expt. This could be used, depending on the stuff needed, in classes. But it has to REALLY demonstrate the radiative GHG effect. Not some warming of the gas itself.

@Trevor when you say " the bottles are receiving the same amount of heat then they warm at the same rate, the increase in temperature can only be caused by greater heat retention" that's really not physics. For a given amount of heat received, the body which has the least heat capacity should warm quicker before steady state is reached.

Update 4:

So if your bottles are filled at the same pressure, at the same initial temperature and if they are lit in the same conditions (the co2 bottle should first be filled with air to make a test run of the set-up) and if the temperature probes are properly calibrated and shielded from direct light, then the CO2 bottle should warm more slowly. (check the constant volume specific heats ) So there is an unexplained effect in your expt. which is probably to be found at the plastic-gas interface. You cannot conclude at a 'retention effect' (which ought to be properly qualified) as long as you haven't reached a steady state, which is not the case with your data as I have already noted earlier. That would probably not be conclusive because your setup lacks any backdrop which should radiate heat away. (see my explanation for Jeff)

@Pegminer I don't think one makes a good cause by performing misinterpreted or badly controlled experiments and trying to sell the results for what they are not.

Update 5:

That's the reason why I asked this question. In the long run, people will know the results are wrong or misinterpreted and their disbelief will engulf whatever you might be telling them. Better NO experiment than wrong or wrongly interpreted ones.

@d/dx etc.. you should be better at differentiating, if not in math at least between the people you are talking to. I'm paid by a state agency to do basic research in fundamental physics. Not by exxon or any other of those who want/don't want to hire your abilities.

Update 6:

@TREVOR et al. One possible explanation of your bottle effect is that CO2 thermal conductivity is much lower than O2 or N2 thermal conductivity (just had the idea to check that, but not much time to work a model now) So since you do not wait for steady state, your CO2 bottle gets warmer because it transmits heat to be radiated away from the side opposite to the lamp more slowly. Again, no connection whatever with GHG radiative effect.

Update 7:

End of the game. It is a pity that nobody seems to care about this question. It may well have no answer, but that should be recognized. Not every effect taking place in a large scale system can be miniaturized. But replacing it by demonstrations which are not connected to it to try to persuade people is both dishonest and counter productive. @Trevor I don't mean that you are dishonest, you certainly believed your experiment had to do with GHG effect. However the true explanation is to be sought in the much lower CO2 thermal conductivity with maybe additional gaz-container effects. Note that even without these explanations, it could not tell you anything about GHG properties of CO2. Browse up the GHG mechanism and you will understand why a simple differential warming of the two gas bottles (what is more, before any steady state regime is established) cannot be related to it in any way.

So BA goes to the shortest and I think, most pertinent criticism of the only experiment presented.

Update 8:

I shall put this question again in the physics section. Maybe people will e more interested there.

9 Answers

  • beren
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My issue with experiments like this is that what you are mostly measuring is the interactions (and heat transfer) of the gas with the sides of the container.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    A few questions.

    1.) Your graph has the CO2 and Methane together.

    2.) It looks like your methods may tend to add more H2O into the CO2 bottle. How did you account for this difference.

    3.) It looks like your methods would tend to make the Methane and CO2 bottle pressurized, or at least more pressurized than your normal bottle. Since it is known that denser air tends to hold more heat, did you do anything to account for this.

    Trevor, The temps would have to be the same prior to placing the cap on to ensure the same overall pressure. Clearly if one is colder, it will have a higher pressure than the others after the temps are equal. Your processes would likely change the temps. The indigestion tablets in water would most likely change the H2O content.

    Trevor, Clearly not, and I am not suggesting that your experiment is bad for a lab top. I would simply change how I did it slightly. I would keep the set-up the same, but place a small chunk of dry ice in one. Place the cap on so that it is closed, but not tight enough that no air escapes. Then, when the temps meet, I would tighten the caps. Same temp, same pressure, more CO2 in one. Otherwise I would keep the experiment the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    Trevor gives a good simple experiment for the kitchen table. The object is to demonstrate the effect rather than to mimic the atmosphere. I answered the same question previously with an alternate experiment (all my answers are public). You asked for pablum, you got YA pablum. Now graduate to solid food. Get a tunable pulsed laser, a cryostat with an internal gas cell with KBr optic flats and a step-scan FTIR spectrometer with a 1 m OPD and an MCT detector. Put a 1 ns pulse through the gas cell and measure the radiation at 175 degrees (or as close as you can put the MCT to 180 degrees) as a function of time. Tune the laser through a CO2 absorption line. Measure the emission spectra of both CO2 and Ar at pressures that approximate different levels of the atmosphere with the FTIR spectrometer. Subtract the Ar signal from the CO2 signal. Calibrate the signal with a NIST standard. I would be willing to do this experiment for Exxon. I think that ONE hour of Exxon's global revenue would be a very small price to pay for Exxon to get a definitive result and fair compensation for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, just use your tabletop infrared spectraphotometer to measure the infrared absorptance of CO2. If you don't like that you could use line-by-line integration to calculate it, using your desktop computer.

    Or you could just trust that it could be done in a well-equipped lab.

    EDIT: The reason I suggested doing things this way is because it's too easy to make a small experiment which purports to show something, but actually operates in other ways--it's also too easy to bring up objections which may or may not be valid and criticize others' experiments, which is what I think your point is in asking the question. The greenhouse effect is real, there is no doubt about that, once you see that IR absorption band then you know that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Most of science can't be shown with tabletop experiments, but it doesn't make it any less real.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Cool quesiton and good comments all.

    I would also place a dessicant in all three bottles. Havign a dry gas in all three helps to verify you compare apples to apples.

    If you have a pressure gauge, push enough air into the control bottole to match the presusre you get in the CO2 and Methane bottles. This should account for most of the differences you would get for differing pressures. However "desk top" is not controlled enough to get scientific results.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm concerned that Trevor is mentioning methane (flammable) and a heat source. I'd skip that part.

    The comment about the water vapor concentration seems valid to me as well.

    Edit: Now that I think more about this, a more proper experiment would compare regular atmospheric composition with the same composition but all CO2 removed (or with the CO2 level doubled). I'm not sure that can be done at home.

  • 1 decade ago

    A great way to demonstrate the effect of CO2 in the atmosphere is this.

    Fill two identical crystal clear containers with 1 gallon of crystal clear water.

    Add one drop of lemon juice to one container & two drops to the other.

    The resulting difference in water clarity is the effect of man made CO2 on Global temperatures.

    See the problem you face is that Global Warming is a hoax, so there is no demo that doesn't commit to the hoax,

    AGW theory IS a YouTube type hocus-pocus.

    Now Trevor isn't lying

    CO2 is ABSOLUTLY a greenhouse gas.....

    If our atmosphere was 97% CO2 and 96 times thicker (like Venus) the greenhouse effect would be HUGE.

    But in Earth's comparativly thin atmosphere at concentrations of 0.2 to 0.4 parts per thousand.... well your demo themometer would need to be accurate in the hundredth of the degree range to show any difference.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a cool experiment sure, but when you try to transfer your new found "knowledge" to the climate, you will almost certainly be wrong.

    It's like learning about the bernoulli effect, and then thinking you understand aerodynamics. The only difference being that if you know the bernoulli effect, you know a great deal more about aerodynamics than this experiment can teach you about climate.

  • Trevor
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In terms of a simple tabletop experiment, a fairly crude one you can do at home is as set out below. I've written the instructions so as to compare air, methane and carbon dioxide but you could of course just compare air and CO2. In a laboratory environment the experiment can be extended and when you get down to the atomic level the causes and effects can be observed.


    To compare the thermal properties of carbon dioxide, methane and air.


    • 3 identical plastic bottles

    • 3 temperature probes

    • 3 pre-drilled bungs (optional, helpful)

    • Stopwatch

    • Carbon dioxide

    • Methane

    • 3 Clamp stands if you have access to them (not essential)

    • Lamp (or other heat source)


    • Clean and dry the bottles (they should be dry inside as well)

    • Remove any labels

    • Insert temp probes through the bungs. If you haven’t got bungs then drill holes in the bottle caps and insert the temp probes through the hole, seal the edges of the hole with plastecine or similar.

    • Fill one bottle with carbon dioxide. If you’ve got a soda stream use that, if not put some indigestion tablets into a balloon containing some water, hold the neck of the balloon closed and wait for it to fill with carbon dioxide given off by the tablets. Fill the bottle with the carbon dioxide from the balloon.

    • Fill one bottle with methane – from the normal domestic gas supply.

    • Seal all three bottles with the bung or the cap

    • Secure a bottle in each of the clamp stands

    • Place all three bottles equidistant from an indirect heat source such as a lamp (don’t switch the lamp on yet)

    • Wait until the temp in all three bottles is identical

    • Switch on the lamp

    • Take temperature readings from all three bottles for the next 30 minutes at one minute intervals

    • Plot the results on a graph


    This graph shows the results of an experiment we did a few years ago using just carbon dioxide and air, you should be able to achieve similar results in your experiment


    The experiment should demonstrate that carbon dioxide and methane will retain more heat than air.


    The experiment does not explain why the greenhouse gases retain more heat than air, this is explained at the quantum physics level and isn’t something that can be done at home. Here’s an answer I provided a while back which explains the physics;_ylt=AnmTu...

    - - - - - - - - -


    You mentioned that the experiment demonstrates that the CO2 bottle warms quicker than the bottle with air in. But how can that be? If the bottles are receiving the same amount of heat then they warm at the same rate, the increase in temperature can only be caused by greater heat retention.

    The experiment I described is a simple one. You would need to run the same experiment several times to eliminate any noise and to verify that all factors were constant apart from the variable under test. For comparison purposes it would be necessary to use different concentrations of the gases and to use greater or lesser amounts of heating.

    As you know, in science you can’t perform a single experiment like this and draw conclusions from it. It must be performed many times with each variable being isolated and put to test.

    Spectroscopy isn’t an area I’ve ever needed to know much about, the last time I studied it was in uni 26 years ago. Hopefully d/dx will answer your question as spectroscopy is one of his areas of expertise.

    Here’s a good site for explaining the role of CO2 as a greenhouse gas As I mentioned originally, you need to delve into QM for cause and effect, any table top experiment can only ever demonstrate effect.

    - - - - - - - - - - -


    1) Methane isn’t plotted on the graph

    2) On the occasions we’ve done this experiment it’s been done in lab conditions so the contents of each bottle can be precisely controlled. In a home environment there are bound to be inconsistencies which is why the experiment should be run multiple times, in such conditions it isn’t possible to draw precise conclusions. It’s like mixing hot water with cold water, you can prove that by pouring hot water into a half filled bucket of cold water the temp will increase, but unless you know the precise starting volumes and temps you can’t say exactly how much the temp will increase per unit of hot water added – you can get close but not precise.

    3) The pressures would be the same in each bottle as the gas isn’t being forced under pressure into a sealed container.

    - - - - - - - - - -


    The question asks for a “simple tabletop experiment” which is what I described – something using very basic items that can be found in most homes or sourced at minimal cost. It was designed specifically so that anyone could see the heat retaining ability of the greenhouse gases for themselves. I hope it's obvious that this isn’t the kind of work that goes on in science labs and that the results aren’t going to be precise. Why should they be? The premise is to demonstrate a concept at "simple tabletop" level not mathematically and scientifically quantify it.

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