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Why is it OK to racially profile whites, but not Mexicans?

Everyone is up in arms about this AZ law saying it will result in racial profiling and how that is unfair to Latinos, but the law states the officer must already have a lawful contact with the person before they can ask about their immigration status (which is better than Federal law where they can just stop and ask) so the fear of the law having Mexicans pulled out of line while getting ice cream is unfounded.

When there is a serial killer the FBI goes to their profile and their search for the killer is targeted to a white male who is between the age of 18 and 35. You don't hear many whites crying foul over that even though it is most definitely racial profiling. Why? because we are the most likely people to do it. even when it turned up two black men in the DC sniper case, there wasn't much fuss made over the profile. We are the likely suspect I want them looking for the most possible person.

Mexicans are the large majority of illegals in the US so when they concentrate their efforts I want them concentrating their efforts on the most likely violators.


kevin: you fail to understand profiling. It doesn't include everyone possible, it includes what the majority of offenders are.

95% of all illegals are Mexican, it would be inifficent to include others who are less than 5% of the offenders.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's ridiculous, statistically you go where the numbers are. Pull me ( a caucasian last time time I looked) over every day, and I'll gladly show you my "papers", if it will make you feel better. But get the ILLEGALS, (who are people who performed an ILLEGAL act by ILLEGALLY coming here thus breaking the law, and are therefore criminals, which is ILLEGAL, <<<get it now) out of here.

    If legal immigrants or American citizens are inconvenienced, blame the ILLEGALS not those trying to enforce the law.

  • 5 years ago

    You are convicting the police of racial profiling without their having done anything. In doing so, you are violating their rights. In being here, illegal aliens are violating the law and our rights. More wrong and more harm is being done by the illegals currently and the police have not done anything. The best and simplest solution would be for every person that knows of an illegal alien to turn them in. The honorable few illegals would be best off to just leave now. Then we'll all be happy and there is no risk of profiling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have a fantastic point. The people (illegal immigrants) complaining know that this isn't a race issue but it's deeply inconveniencing them (now a lot of them are trying to decide what they're going to do once we really start cracking down) and I feel like they're grasping at straws for an excuse, any excuse to make enforcement of this law unfair.

    If I lived in a certain area and law enforcement told the media that they would be looking for white females similar to my appearance and they'd be checking citizen status of all suspects, I'd grab my birth certificate and be on my way. Big, *******, deal.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder if this will still be the case after whites are made the minority by the explosion of Hispanics. Will we be able to cry foul, use the race card, threaten to call the ACLU at the drop of a hat, complain about racial profiling and apply for racial programs like Affirmative Action?

    What I don't get about racial profiling is this: if you're in an area where most crimes are committed by white people, why would you go out of your way to stop people who aren't white? Statistically, they're not the ones committing the crimes. Do you want these criminals off the streets, or do you want to waste time, money and manpower ensuring no one of any race, creed or color inadvertently gets offended?

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  • 1 decade ago

    How would you act if you were living in someone else's home, eating their food, using their bathroom, sleeping in their beds and paying little to nothing to do it, then the actual owners tell you they are going to kick you out because it is costing them too much to allow you to continue without you paying into the home finances more? Of course you would be mad and start making lame excuses as to why it wasn't fair and why they should just let you stay and other whiny comments!

  • GABY
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I see no problem with racially profiling. If primarily hispanic looking people are breaking the law over and over, why would I wonder what an oriental is doing in the desert making sushi?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gang members are profiled all the time. They are profiled by nationalities, colors worn, tattoo's and much more. I asked the question if anyone had a problem with profiling these people and some of the pro-illegal crowd had no problem profiling gang members. so why can't profiling be used to capture and deport illegal alien criminals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good question! I completely agree with you...we profile every day when we form opinions about others-we just don't want to admit it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama and Hillary Clinton are both frauds.

  • 1 decade ago

    We white people have encouraged too much reverse racism, it is biting us in the butt now.

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