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Deciding on a name when you and your partner don't like each other's names?

My boyfriend and I have oppisite taste in names [no, i'm not pregnant; just asking] were he likes "common" and "boring" names while I like names that most people I know DON'T have. Example: He LOVES the name Emily but I love the name Naloni [if I do have a daughter her name will be spelled Nahlani though] but we both DISLIKE the others choice of a name so we said if we ever had a daughter her name will be Nahla Emily because he doesn't mind Nahla and I figure for him I can learn to like Emily if the chance comes. How did you and your partner deal with this?

7 Answers

  • CDT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My fiance and i talked about baby names for over a year before we actually even conceived (which was a surprise). We started talking about them just as a fun conversation.

    We liked a lot of the same names so we made our lists and kept them until we pulled them out again when we found out if we were having a boy. Instantly, i wanted Gage Kenley. I loved the name. However, my fiance wasn't so fond of it at the time so we agreed to keep it on the list for another child maybe. The one he really loved was Rylan Joshua. I like Rylan just as much, but didn't like Joshua with it so i offered Rylan James and that's what we ended up settling on. It was actually a quick process once we found out what we were having...we had it figured out in about 15 minutes. Of course, we already had about 10 names per gender that we liked.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband and I don't have kids yet, but we're hoping to within the next couple of years. We have already talked about names. I'm a bit like your partner - I love traditional, old fashioned names. My husband likes fairly ordinary names but not some of the more old fashioned names that I like. Fortunately, when he told me both of his grandfathers had had a particular name (which is also his middle name) that he would quite like to use for a son I really loved the name, so quickly agreed that we would definitely name a boy that. It's a biblical name, so I would want a girl to have a biblical name to 'match' it, but unfortunately my husband isn't too keen on a lot of the ones I have suggested. For example, Martha he can't stand, whereas I think it's nice. I really want Elizabeth, but he's not keen. I have tried to explain that it has lots of possible nicknames, so he never has to actually call her Elizabeth if he didn't want to, but I would want the full name to go on the birth certificate. I think I will wear him down eventually! Middle names I think we will go for family names. Like, if we call a son his grandfathers' name then I will ask that his middle name be my dad's name, who died a couple of years ago, so that we're honouring both sides of the family. Girls' middle names might be a bit harder as he doesn't like my mum's name and I don't like his mum's name. (We like the people, just not their names enoguh to give them to our kids!) We would probably go for grandmothers' names instead as I like them!

  • Our first child was easy, we both liked Tyler.

    Our second child; I wanted Rylan, he liked Ryan and we compromised with Riley.

    Middle names are easy as we use family names or names of people who mean something to us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we each made a list of ten names we liked for each gender, then compared to ee if any overlapped. we're fairly lucky; both of us are into more traditional, simple names, and we found a name we could agree on fairly quickly. that, and i shed a few tears and pulled the 'are you pushing a human life out of your bajingo?' act.

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  • My poor son was 5 days old before we agreed. Kid has to have a name; eventually, you'll agree on something.

  • dmg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There were a lot of spreadsheets involved.

  • 1 decade ago

    i waged a long campaign and wore him down.

    i figure fair's fair: he does that with all home improvement projects.

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