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  • Would you be able to do this?

    My boyfriend has a friend who [for free] has kids for people who cannot have kids, don't want to go through a pregnancy, or don't have a partner to have a kid with as long as they are good friends. She even has joked to me and my boyfriend that if we ever decide [much] later that we want a kid that she wouldn't mind having it for us. Now I think she has only child of her own and the other three she allowed other people to have custody over. [One for her mother, one for a friend, and the one she's pregnant with no is for another friend].

    Would you be able to keep getting pregnant and having kids for other people or would that be too much of an emotional toll for you to keep going through pregnancies and have the possibility of getting attached to the child then to give it away?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How to deal with conflicting events? [kinda long]?

    I have two conflicting events schudueled for the same day. A church member asked me to write, act in, and direct a play for our youth group and aims for it to be done the same day as a group that I am in is confirmed to perform [and it'll be my first performance if I go]. I orginally told the church member I would be joining the group and would like to have been at our first performance for the newer members before I knew a confirmed date. Now both the dates for the play and the performance are on the same day and I'm having a hard time choosing which one to go to. I don't wanna let anyone down by not attending an event.

    I tried to ask the church member, and the leader of the group did as well, if we could do it the week after or in the beginning of the summer because 1. Parts have yet to be given out and she wants the play done in exactly a month from today. 2. Both churchs [the group that I am performing with is also church-affilated] are going on a big trip the weekend before so things will be rather hetic. 3. The leader of the group with the performance had agreed to support but she cannot if she has to be at the performance.

    I have texted the youth-group leader twice this weekend to talk about when we wanted to confirm the play date and see for one last time if she would be willing to change the date; she has yet to respond. Getting a whole play done and performed in a month is a bit much especially with so many big things going on already in next month.

    I kind of want to go to my performance if the group leader is willing to because it'll be my first performance and also I think it'd be very unfair to ask a person to write, act in, and direct a play when they already beforehand told you that they would like to be at their first performance and you gave them the "okay" and then to go ahead with the production without them.

    What would you do in this situation?

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • How much money would you offer for gas?

    My friend offered to give me a ride to a meeting we have because I do not have a way there. I will be picked up from the church we go to and taken a 20-30 minute drive to another church where we will sit through church service and then the meeting afterwards. Even if people offer I always like to give gas money but I don't know how much to offer. Is 10 enough? How much would you offer or want for a 20-30 minute drive?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Interept my dream please? [kinda long]?

    The other night I had a dream that I had my cell phone and I kept getting text from a mysterious number just saying "Help Me". So I replied to the text message like "Who is this? Quit playing." Finally, they reply back with a name but it's abnormal but the only reason I reply back is because they say they need help. Then they send a text message that is like a forward talking about this was so and so and they were trapped in a closet after being raped. Beliving it was a joke I reply with "Haha. Very funny. Who is this?" so they repeat the text but with the threat that if I didn't reply with help that they'd kill someone close to me, if I sent help but told about their plan to kill someone then they'd kill me, if i didn't help AND told then they kill everyone.

    So at first I play it off in my mind thinking it was just a joke and I don't reply. So then a pocessed doll [the person texting] kills my mom, who oddly in the dream was Hispanic [in my dream, and in reality I am african-american] and ends up taking her disfigured body as her lover. So then I get kinda scared thinking I'm going crazy because a doll can't get up and kill someone and take them for their lover. So then the doll ends up popping up at school and kills my friend in the bathroom but this time the doll was pregnant. So I try to shake it out of my head once more. The rest of the school day goes on and I finally let the thought get to me too much and end up blurting out what's going on. The doll, who has my dead and disfigured mom and friend in the back seat, ends up running me over. And that was the end.

    Crazy dream, huh?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • How to deal with this? [kinda long]?

    We recently got another "foster child" for my family about a month ago [about 17]. On one hand we are pretty okay and cooperate like we are "regular" sisters. We talk about everything and stick up for each other. But at the same time I do find living with her is rather annoying.

    She has a bed wetting problem which I am normally very polite with and if she forgets to put her sheets in the washing machine I will remind her before we leave the house but the thing is sometimes she refuses to listen to my reminder and just leaves them there. Not only do the sheets after hours of being left there make the room smell like pee but they also have a very unpleasant "feminine odor" on top of that.. When the room smells like this normally I will ask to wash her sheets, scrub down the bed, etc so the smell is gone. I never make it a big deal to sit there and make fun of her because I wouldn't want someone to do it to me. Her social workers and everything have witnessed the smell for themselves and all ask how can I deal with the smell. Lately, I don't. I will sleep downstairs on the couch because I normally don't fall asleep til around twelve AM anyway.

    Another problem I have with her is the fact that when she is on her menstrual cycle she is not too clean about things. I have found used pads on my dresser. To me I find that disgusting and inconsiderate seeing as the trash can is only a few paces from my dresser.

    These two are the biggest problems I have with her and I don't wanna approach them the wrong way because I did think about it and some of the stuff she says does kinda give the impression that someone did something sexually that they were not supposed to do but at the same time I do not think I am asking too much especially since I am not trying to make fun of her or anything like that. How do I deal with this?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • If you really liked someone BUT...?

    I have a really huge crush on someone but the thing is my crush is on my best friend. I have dated close friends and stayed very close with all of them after the break up but what if this time is different? Should I still pursue it especially since I don't know if my best friends feelings are mutual? And would writing an anonymous note and sticking it in their locker in order to see their reaction first on how I feel about them be a good idea?

    5 AnswersTeen & Preteen1 decade ago
  • Middle names to go with....?

    Jonah and Laurena?

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Is going to a college based on who you know around there a bad thing?

    I want to go to University of Toledo. Now I know no one that goes directly to the school or will be going but I do know of people in Toledo. My mom and everyone says that I'm just going for them but I really don't think so. Yes, them being there was a small reason because I don't wanna have to figure out my first year in college with NO familiar faces so I did choose colleges where I knew people there. That's not my reasoning for going because I LOVE UT's Early Childhood Education program and the things you can do like Camp Adventure and things like such. How do I convince people that while the people I know there is a small factor that I AM NOT going just to party with friends.

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is going to a college based on who you know around there a bad thing?

    I want to go to University of Toledo. Now I know no one that goes directly to the school or will be going but I do know of people in Toledo. My mom and everyone says that I'm just going for them but I really don't think so. Yes, them being there was a small reason because I don't wanna have to figure out my first year in college with NO familiar faces so I did choose colleges where I knew people there. That's not my reasoning for going because I LOVE UT's Early Childhood Education program and the things you can do like Camp Adventure and things like such. How do I convince people that while the people I know there is a small factor that I AM NOT going just to party with friends.

    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Can you help explain my weird dream?

    I had a dream that one day I was in the middle of the wood and had just had a baby boy. He had a lot of straight brown hair, hazel and orange colored eyes, and cinnamon skin but after a while everything on his face faded besides his straight brown hair and the cinnamon color of his skin. Somehow I was fine enough to walk through the woods with this little boy who had been given no name. I don't know how but there was an escalator that we went down and when I got to the bottom of the stairs I was in a department story and the baby boy was gone. I frantically went looking for him asking each salesman and woman if they had seen the precious little boy but he was nowhere to be found. I sadly walked up the elevator and there he was again but this time he was able to walk and talk. Yet, he still had no facial features. We walked home in the middle of the night and once again he was gone. That's where it ended.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Halloween Traditions?

    It just came up for me today but I am Christian and from the age of 0-15 I always celebrated Halloween whether it be trick-or-treating, Halloween parties, or going to see the latest Halloween/horror movie. Now that I am seventeen I've strayed away from these things because of my belief and no longer wanting to. Is it fair for me if I have future kids to tell them they can't celebrate Halloween? Is it okay to have a party like a "Harvest Party" instead? etc

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Suggestions for middle names?

    I like the name Nahlani. What are good middle names and is Nini and okay nickname?

    Please, don't tell me you hate the name. To each their own.

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Middle names to go with....?

    Middle names to go with Nahlani?

    And Jonah?

    I like Jonah Annanais and Nahlani Aunaya but I'm unsure of if that's final....its for a story character.

    3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What are names to go with Kamani?

    My friend is having a baby and if it's a girl she wants to name it Kamani but wants help with a middle name.

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Deciding on a name when you and your partner don't like each other's names?

    My boyfriend and I have oppisite taste in names [no, i'm not pregnant; just asking] were he likes "common" and "boring" names while I like names that most people I know DON'T have. Example: He LOVES the name Emily but I love the name Naloni [if I do have a daughter her name will be spelled Nahlani though] but we both DISLIKE the others choice of a name so we said if we ever had a daughter her name will be Nahla Emily because he doesn't mind Nahla and I figure for him I can learn to like Emily if the chance comes. How did you and your partner deal with this?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Leap year question...........?

    I was trying to explain to my friend that even if a person is born on a leap year that they'd probably still get charged as an adult even if they were techincally only the age of a school age child they still have lived long enough to know right from wrong. Yet, she says that if you are born a leap year the law will go on your age. Does anyone know how this is handled?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is this apporiate for 14-17 years old?

    Okay, so my friend wants us to do a dance performance for her birthday.

    I wanna know if the outfits are red v-neck shirts (with glitter on them; the back will say our nicknames), black bermuda shorts, and red and black converses are okay for 14-17 year olds to wear?

    And do you think the song list is okay for the party:

    Kat Deluna- Whine Up

    Michael Jackson-Rockin Robin

    Jada- Who's Real

    Carry Out-Justin Timberlake/Timbaland

    Funky y2c-the puppies

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago