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this quote puzzled me. Can you help explain it?

Nothing you think or do or make or wish is necessary to establish your worth. This point is not debatable except in delusions. Your ego is never at stake because God did not create it. Your

Spirit is never at stake because He did. Any confusion on this point is delusional, and no form

of devotion is possible as long as this delusion lasts.


hint, it is from that great psychology book

titled "a Course In Miracles." Learning

the course does require one to completely examine every belief ever

held and see if it still makes sense.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    thank you for the hint.

    When God created us He created us as Co-Creators with Him. Created in

    the Image and Likeness of God, what could possibly over ride His Creation?

    Our beliefs in limitation, sin, sickness and death are just beliefs without

    reality in God's eyes. He still sees Creation exactly as He Created it.

    He does not acknowledge our world of illusion, but He Created the Holy Spirit

    to show us how to find our way back to Him.

    Thus belief in this world of illusion is delusional and as long as we believe in

    a world and a god of our making, no real devotion to God is possible.

    Source(s): A Course in Miracles.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ego is not necessarily bad. Some egos know their true place and worthiness.

    Our soul is co-created by Ego and Spirit, the fragment from I AM.

    The soul is the part which is resurrected on next sphere, and Spirit rejoins it there.

    If fusion with I Am fragment occurs, our days of probation are ended and we become pilgrims in Eternity as well as pilgrims to Paradise.

    In rare instances that happens on earth. Such a person is translated to next abode, thus not experiencing death. [Enoch, Elijah]

    Yes, we cannot offer much to Infinite God.

    Only love for God and others as well as thanksgiving.

    As to confusion being delusional I would say that delusions are very confusing.

    But some confusion is a valuable impetus to seeking further truth, so confusion has also some value. It enables a continual sorting and seeking process in all mind arenas.

    As I have not attained the epitome of Spirit identification or oneness, it is still more like two working together for me.

    And the soul is the product. I am thinking that perhaps that is where union occurs.

    So one must have a Great Soul there first. Yes?

    There is a form of devotion which is disunited with God. It serves Ego worthlessly, usually at the expense of others. And leaves a trail of disharmony. Devotion to Self: Selfishness.

    It is against cosmic unity, fairness, consideration, mercy, compassion, love and respect.

    It is not Fatherly and wise, nor Motherly and loving.

    In extremis it has no relation to Spirit and a stunted or dead soul. Nothing but Ego.

    So I would say you can have Maximal Ego and minimal soul.

    Or Maximal Soul and minimal ego by means of relating to Spirit.

    If Onenes is achieved then you are the I AM to some extent, and the I AM is you to some extent.

    You are in God and God is in you.

    This type should be able to relate well to others, especially at the same attainment levels.

    At-One-ment levels. Unity of Harmony levels.

    That's how I would put it. That's how I did. But most of the Mind ministry here is done by, certainly coordinated by, The Holy Spirit. Angels are variously assigned as you progress.

    Note for psychoanalytical group: The term Ego here includes the superego and the id.

    Angels and Spiritual Ministries you can tune into work there too, and in fact these start first.

    then relations to Christ and to God the Father.

    Relations to I AM come later.

    Great Source, First Source, Second and Third Sources (going backwards)*

    It may be different for others, albeit this has some logic and order to me.

    We use the closest sources first. The I AM being far above our level, even though accompanying us.

    I do not see angels but apparently some do. I KNOW they are there.

    Do you comprehend what the I AM is!? And that a fragment of the I AM is with you? All the way...

    * a few out there will relate to this

    Source(s): It has some merit but I do not completely like it. Mainly because I allow for more flexibility and diversity. I have my own explanation but leave others to draw their own. So, I am not being doctrinaire or indoctrinaire. It is all up to you.
  • 1 decade ago

    It would be hard to make sense of it, except in its context. Even then, there are several meanings:

    1. The writer could be saying that you as a person have worth regardless of anything else. The world/world system places a lot of value on externals: money, looks, education, cars. clothes, etc. God recognizes your worth as part of His creation--period.

    2. However, the writer made at least one mistake by denying a person has an ego. The "ego" could be the soul of a human, or the spirit of a human, or--for those who do not separate the two--both of these. God made people with body, soul and spirit.

    3. The writer also adds a trace of snark, if not venom, by saying that confusion on his/her topic is delusional. This is pretty strong language--read most any textbook on psychology--and doesn't seem to match the first part of the entire statement or argument. DISCLAIMER:: this "quote" may have been strung together from different or various locations and as such may never have been an organic whole or unit at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bill, to start with, I don't agree with this quote. Our ego IS a part of our humanity and if God created us, it's a part of us. Therefore, there is no confusion; and devotion IS possible. The delusions come from those who think they know what God expects from us. the individual who came up with this quote is one of these folks.

    I only Know that I don't know what God is and anyone who says they know, are suffering from delusions of grandeur.

    Source(s): The Sage does not understand God.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no god so the quote is irrelevant.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. And I'd bet that the author can't either.

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