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Can i take my mentally challenged friend shooting with a Hi-Point?

Or would a Sigma or Lorcin or Bryco be better? PLEEEAZE help. Also, are plastic BB's edible? What are the copper ones made from and can i get lead poisoning from them? I am very concerned. Also, my other freind told me that if i want to go hunting, i can bribe a ranger to poach a deer in exchange for certain favors. Is this true, and last, how do i change my barrel oil. Its been in there a long time and must be getting gummy.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No High-Point's. I think your best bet is a recalled Jennings that hasn't been reworked. That, my friend, is a challenge. That would present two challenges to your mentally challenged friend. As to your other questions:

    ------plastic BB's, and I swear I saw this on Survivor, are edible, but only when mixed with almonds, peanut butter, and a dash of salt and formed into a sort of granola bar.

    ------copper plated BB's are generally steel plated with copper. The bi-metallic corrosion induced by your digestive acids will turn your poop green, but very little other effects will be evident, as there is no lead in them. Remember NOT to chew them, as they are tough on your molars.

    -------Bribing rangers to personally escort you to a favored hunting spot is absolutely unethical. However, if you happen to have a close personal friend that is a park ranger, and he is of a like mind with you and you enjoy his company, and he enjoys yours (there is something soooo special about a guy in uniform), well then, I suppose after a sleep over it would be O.K.

    --------Barrel oil. I'm surprised you haven't kept up with the times. Most good barrel oil is synthetic, and has an unlimited life. Do not fail, however, to properly lubricate the chrome plated muffler bearing attached to your silencer. God forbid you may frighten a deer with noise while taking another one with a shot.

    Now, I may have you confused with someone else, but as you only weigh in at around 115 pounds, make sure that ranger is there to help you field dress the deer and drag it to your VW Bug.

    Source(s): I almost forgot, make sure to keep your hair in a pony tail, and wear matching green shoes and a green running suit at all times. (Wiseazz button has now been flipped to the 'off' position. Are we having fun yet?) Wiseazz button back on. IT has apparently unblocked me, but I'm not going back, not ever. I was deeply hurt by IT's crass and unfeeling action.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1.) Bryco.

    2.) Yes, they taste like cheese.

    3.) Made from fingernail clippings & yes, highly poisoness.

    4.) Yes, true if it is a female ranger exchange sex for favors.

    5.) Barrel oil should only be changed by a professional at the quicky lube, make sure to get a reciept as it is tax deductable.

    You forgot one: If I hunt a beaver out of season and eat it will I get a disease, isn't that why there is a season because that's when they are safe to eat?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to agree with Brew... don't do it man!!! A** rape will ensue, that I can assure you of, and you have to be careful as well, because if he brings that kid along, you can bet your bottom dollar that kiddo is going to rat you out to the Feds!!!

    1. Davis Arms .380 in faux-chrome... always gotta be classy.

    2. Yes; and when coupled with copious amounts of olive oil, can make for very interesting diarrhea! Eat multiple colors for full effect.

    3. The copper ones are steel and copper, but WATCH OUT! They might contain doses of Cadmium!!! (Damn slopes...)

    4. Yes you can! Oftentimes there's a little backwoods-backdoor... but hey, free deer? Sounds good.

    5. Barrel oil; take her to a jiffy lube, and wave it around. They'll know what to do! And yes, I must agree, it's gotta be getting kinda gummy... I have mine changed out every couple of days, but then again I'm shooting bullets machined from depleted uranium that are bound with tungsten...

    Source(s): Avid shooter/Experienced Machinist/How can I lighten the trigger pull of my 1895 Nagant??????????
  • 1 decade ago

    Nah, you want to show them quality firearms. DE's might be too bulky but S&W Model 60 2" snubby is a great gun. It shoots .357 mags and it probably got a little more kick than desired for beginners. So, you should feed it 380 auto rounds instead.

    Someone asked if he could shoot .380 rounds through his Model 60 .357 mag. That question gave me chills. But, the idea from that particular question could be used to answer this question pretty well...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    F'n hilarious!!

    -Wait, are you taking Newell hunting? Don't do it!

    Source(s): -Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is the muzzle flash- Buck Ofama and Huck Fillary -BREW
  • Dru
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Ya'll are ate up!!!! LMAO......

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