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Is it petty to not want to chaperone a minor to a movie you are going to?

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to ask and see what some general opinions would be on chaperoning an unfamiliar minor to movie that you aren't even sure she really wants to go to. More details is that this young girl(I'll guess around 9 or 11) and her family is part of this gardening team/company my parents hired to tend our yard during the summer. Now although the family has been coming by on the regular to work in the rock garden and do other landscaping duties and talking with my folks on every regular visit I have not. (As I have either been asleep, on the job hunt, or basically doing my own thing and letting them do theirs). So essentially I do not know these people or their kids (the landscaper and his wife have 2 other kids a older boy that is 14 or so and a middle son that looks like 10 or 12 maybe). I will add that I am not a snob and can't get to know them either or spare a kind word or funny remark to any of them. But as a rather shy person that does not really give a hoot about gardening and yard detail, I never really saw much need to approach them.

So even longer story short, the movie I had told my mom I had planned on seeing today would be The last air bender movie as I had prior to that seen the show and thought I would give myself a mini break from the job hunting and such to catch a simple movie by myself at our local theater. I had also mentioned to her this was my plan prior to the movies release date and she was fine with it. Now that it is said day of the movie release, she is suddenly concerned about me going to the movie by myself (although she has always told me before now to go and independently do things on my own. Which I have for the longest time without need of company or aid). And suggested to me last night that I invite the girl to go along with me. As she(my mother) had talked to the girl and she had apparently told her that she wished she had someone to talk to about things other than her own mom (the family recently moved from another state to my area and so they are still new in town). Again I see nothing wrong with sparing a few nice words with the girl and her family and even generously inviting her to see the movie with me. But the thing that really bugs me about this, is that when I don't know someone(of any age and not just kids as I can usually talk better with kids than most adults) I pretty much can not relax around them and don't open up all that well right away. And that could make this young girl decidely uncomfortable around me and make her tense. Which I did not want to deal with any tensions or stress of any kind today as this was to be a treat for myself. And yes I know I sound kind of self absorbed here in this post. But I have to be honest and say that when I am not looking for a job to pay off my debts, I am pretty much working around the house doing things for my parents more often than not and rarely have any alone time to hear myself think, let alone to see a movie by myself. Besides that I personally feel like a duck out of water in regards to spending the day with a child this much younger than myself. Not to sound like an age snob or anything but I am 23 and have long stopped thinking/being able to relate to a child in the age group I estimate this girl is in. So I really haven't a clue as to what to talk to her about too much as she hasn't started school here yet or even knows the area that well either; which only makes me feel more awkward if I mention places she has never even heard of. But yea, bottom line question here is it really all that petty to not want to invite/chaperone this child at the movies today? (Cause I know I personally sound/feel like I am whining about it. And I know this is not normally how I am, but still I hate having to make such accomadations that make me feel really awkward).

2 Answers

  • Marc M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesn't seem petty at all to want some "me time" to be alone by yourself. It might be one thing if you knew the kids better, but you don't, and they simply aren't people you want to hang out with. It is *your* life, and you can make time for them (or not) as you see fit. Of course, if you are someone who never makes time for others, then it can eventually become a problem. But every once in a while? No big deal. Stop worrying and enjoy the movie!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It grew to become right into a double function of "Carrie" and "Audrey Rose". They have been the two horror movies. My pals mom took us and we've been 12. This grew to become into returned interior the Seventies. We sat interior the returned of the theater and her mom grew to become into smoking alongside with maximum of others. That grew to become into allowed returned in those days as long as you have been sitting interior the returned of the theater. recommendations. Ooops. purely found out which you asked "without" an person chaperone. nicely my chum's mom acted like a toddler besides. close sufficient.

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