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2 year old girl screams with diaper changes?

My daughter is 26 months old. She poops about 3 times a day, and HATES having poopy diapers changed. Especially as her poop tends to always go up the front and she hates us wiping the front part. She also refuses to tell us she has pooped until we smell it, and by then she's sat on it, and smooshed it all up front. GRRR..

We have tried to start potty training, because we were hoping it would help keep her bottom from hurting (and eliminate the gross mess of poopy diapers.) She loves to sit on the potty, but refuses to go to the bathroom there. She will get up, get a diaper on and immediately go on the diaper. Even if I leave her bare-bottomed for several hours, she will just hold it until she has a diaper on. Treats, bribery, water running, playing in warm water, toys, books, nothing seems to get her to "go" in the potty.

So, I would love any suggestions you have for:

1-Is there any way to keep the poop from going up front?

2-How do you keep your toddler from kicking and crying when you wipe her front parts?

3-How do you get your child to actual "go" on the toilet?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    my daughter had the same problem, we JUST got her potty trained. she's 2 1/2 so if you guys keep up with that, it will help..

    Is she peeing on the potty? that's the easiest, and you get to get all happy when she does, and they love that.. so poop took like a week or so longer. but i would just keep her and the potty in the same room and kept trying.. but don't force it because it can constipate them by holding it.

    if she's not peeing on it.. this is what i did, and it's nice for summer.. offer lots of fluids like juice and water, and let her run around with no pants, have her sit on the potty every 15 minutes. and then she's going to have a few accidents, just say uh oh pee pee goes in the potty (or whatever) and then by the third or forth time, she's going to try and get there. just be excited that she tried. but because of all the drinks, she'll have to go often, so it will make it almost like a constant thing..

    BUT as far as the pain.. this is what i did, my daughter only pooped once.. i would do a "decent" wipe down. but not too rough. then i would sit her in the tub with a little water and do a quick bath and just wash her. i know it sounds crazy.. but she stopped fighting it. and it really only take like 3 minutes..

  • 1 decade ago

    i went through the same thing with my daugther she is three now when we first potty trained her she would pee on the toilet but never poop i tried everything nothing worked then one day she just started going on the toilet the thing is if they dont want to do it there isnt much you can do we all know how stubbern 2 year olds can be when she is ready she will do it I PROMISE. I know its hard and i wish there was something i could tell you to help you out more but i think she just doesnt like the whole idea of the diaper change some children get embaressed even though they are really young just give it some time and before you know it this will pass and she will be going on the potty all the time

    Source(s): know
  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried explaining to her that if she poops on the potty that you won't have to wipe her so much? I'd also let her go naked all day if you can as someone else suggested, especially if she's a 3X a day pooper. My daughter only goes every other day, but actually likes to poop on the toilet- she doesn't like to hold still for a massive wiping and it is just easier than trying to push poop out into a diaper.

    If you ever get her to go on the potty, make a HUGE deal out of it- cheering, clapping, praising- have a freaking party in the bathroom. Go call Daddy and Grammy and neighbors (even if pretending) and tell them the "news". That helped my daughter more than anything!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have two boys so I have no idea if there is any way to keep it from going to the front.

    But I potty trained my oldest as soon as soon he turned two. I didn't use pull ups and we only put a diaper on him at bedtime. We let him pick out his own big boy underwear and we started by putting him on the potty every two hours. If he went in the potty we would make a huge deal about it and make him feel very proud. He loves stickers and tattoos so we would give him those when he would go. He had plenty of accidents, but while he was going we would rush him to the potty and sit him on i t anyway even he didnt make it. If he didnt make it we would tell him "thats okay, you'll make it next time" and explain to him to tell us when to go potty or to run to the door and we'll follow him. It took about a week to potty train him and now he's fully potty trained. The main thing is to stay consistent. You can't try to potty train her for a couple of days and then go back to diapers. If you want to start then continue wiht it. Dont make diapers available to her. hide them.

    She sounds like she knows when she's going (how she waits for a diaper to be put on to go). So give it a try for a week, if you dont see any improvements in a week then she may not be ready yet. Oh and I wouldnt bother with pull ups. They're diapers without the tabs. It'll save you a ton of money if you just go with underwear right away.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Dont think there is anyway of stopping the poo from travelling round the front, I think they all cry and kick when having nappies changed you just get quicker at doing the change before they leg it!! I think with regards to the toilet training do it for longer than a few hours. Arrange a weekend where you wont be going anywhere let her wear her big girl knickers and keep putting her on the potty through out the day. Some children just dont like the potty so try a small seat for your toilet and let her go on there.

    Hope some of this works.

  • 5 years ago

    The first thing you need to do it get a potty book and read it to her. Try to get her to think that it is fun to go to the potty. Don't put her on the potty for an hour anymore it kind of makes her think that she did something wrong. Don't yell at her when he goes in her pants or on the floor. Let her walk around the house naked and put the potty in the middle of the living room. When you go potty but her potty in the bathroom with you turn on the water in the bathroom and have her sit on the potty while you go. When she does go for the first time in the potty make a really big deal out of it. Give her a candy or something to let her know what a good job she did.

  • 5 years ago

    It is crucial to potty train your child when prior to he commences going to college. It is required for them to stay away from undesired accidents at school. Numerous schools and day cares of the modern times neglect Those young children who are not fully potty qualified so if you want to understand how to potty train your kid in only 3 day you will require this .

    Start Potty Training by Carol Cline comes with a amount of diverse potty training PDFs, video presentations that the mother and father can go through to aid them swiftly and simply educate the effective toilet training approach to their youngster.

    The 1st six chapters of the system include background of potty training along with the strategies to put together for the approach. It also is made up of the data about the correct age of your little one that is excellent for starting the potty instruction. It also discusses the signs that you need to recognize in your child to recognize if he or she is ready for the identical or not.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Toilet Training Guide
  • Ethan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I haven't actually got to the potty training part but there are free training packages through Pampers and Pull-Ups that you can sign up to get sent in the mail.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The best component of the system is the “bumps in the street” segment, which each and every potty training parent will face for the duration of potty Trainingso this system is the best plan for your kid.

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