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Lv 57,761 points

Amber E

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  • 2 year old girl screams with diaper changes?

    My daughter is 26 months old. She poops about 3 times a day, and HATES having poopy diapers changed. Especially as her poop tends to always go up the front and she hates us wiping the front part. She also refuses to tell us she has pooped until we smell it, and by then she's sat on it, and smooshed it all up front. GRRR..

    We have tried to start potty training, because we were hoping it would help keep her bottom from hurting (and eliminate the gross mess of poopy diapers.) She loves to sit on the potty, but refuses to go to the bathroom there. She will get up, get a diaper on and immediately go on the diaper. Even if I leave her bare-bottomed for several hours, she will just hold it until she has a diaper on. Treats, bribery, water running, playing in warm water, toys, books, nothing seems to get her to "go" in the potty.

    So, I would love any suggestions you have for:

    1-Is there any way to keep the poop from going up front?

    2-How do you keep your toddler from kicking and crying when you wipe her front parts?

    3-How do you get your child to actual "go" on the toilet?

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy baby boy dress clothes?

    I have a daughter, and I have never had problems dressing her for church. However, I just had a baby boy, and I am having a heck of a time finding dress clothes for him. I am not looking for a tux or anything, but a dress shirt and slacks would be nice. Maybe even a tie (maybe).

    Anyway, where do you shop for (not break the bank priced) baby boy dress clothes?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone else nervous about leaving first child to have second?

    When I had my daughter almost 2 years ago, there was no such thing as swine flu, and the biggest problem the nurseries worried about with security was potential baby-snatchers.

    Anyway, I am expecting again in 8 weeks, and I just found out they don't allow visitors under 14 into the maternal-fetal ward. I am SOOO sad, because that means 3 or 4 days away from my little daughter. I've never been away from her for more than 22 hours! And though I love and trust my husband and mother (who will take turns watching her) dearly, they just aren't me. And I am know this will add to my stress, not limit it, when I can't make sure both my little ones are okay every day!

    Anyone else worried about this or survive this and have tips?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Need help finding a digital camera for my husband's Christmas gift. Any ideas?

    My husband has a digital camera he carries everywhere with him...but he is very frustrated lately because it is slow and has quite a bit of lag between when he pushes the button and when it actually takes the picture. So he has pictures of our toddler AFTER she has finished the cute moment. I would like to surprise him with a new model, but I'm having a hard time finding one that is fast enough and meets all the requirements he has for a camera:

    --small enough to fit in his jeans pocket

    --fast (previously mentioned)

    --sturdy (again, so it can be in his pocket)

    --easy to use (he gets frustrated with technology when it doesn't do what he wants)

    --mac compatible

    --Comes with a case or has a compatible case that can be purchased

    --Decent zoom

    --Decent resolution

    I am looking to spend about 200 dollars, but for the right camera I would go higher. If anyone knows of a good camera that meets those requirements, would you let me know? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCameras1 decade ago
  • How do you survive morning sickness and a toddler?

    I am currently 8 1/2 weeks pregnant with #2, and my first dd is 18 months old. While my nausea this time around is not as bad as the first time, there are still moments when all I can do is RUN to the bathroom. I am keeping little to nothing down, and therefore have little to no energy. My daughter wants constant attention, and when I am home alone with her, I feel like I am neglecting her a little. (Even getting her dinner makes me it has been easy stuff the last couple of nights). I am also a full-time junior high teacher, so that is where most of my energy does go.

    Any suggestions from others in this situation would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Telling people your good news: I want to wait, hubby doesnt...What would you do?

    My husband and I found out we are expecting #2 last Thursday. So today I am 4w1d pregnant. We are at odds about when to tell people the good news. (With our first daughter we waited until the first doctor's appointment, but some of my family figured it out earlier because I was quite ill).

    So, I think I want to wait to tell people because 1) if something happens I won't have to deal with random people worrying, and 2) it's not so long for the other people and they don't bug me about it all the time.

    My husband wants to tell people now because 1) he doesn't like keeping secrets, 2) if something happens, then they can be supportive, 3) he's really excited and can hardly contain himself.

    We have thought about telling only close family and not everyone, and telling others later, but it's hard to say to someone, "You can't tell anyone else" and think that will stick. Also, where do you draw that line? So it's an all-or-nothing proposition.

    I want to wait until AT LEAST 10 weeks, which is only 6 more weeks.

    Anyone else solve a dilemma like this? Have any advice or insights that might help us come to resolution.

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 15 month old struggles with gross motor? Especially changing from laying to sitting?

    My daughter will be 15 months old at the end of the week. She is very bright--can do animal sounds, says several words, etc. Her fine motor skills are excellent, and she is a healthy eater and sleeper. My concern for her is gross motor skills. She didn't ever crawl (although she does a little forward-action army crawl with her toes), but since her first birthday has learned to scooch on her butt around the room. She is also learning to cruise and push wheeled toys while walking. My concern is that she can't get from laying to sitting or sitting to standing. She CAN roll over when we play and practice, but she seems to forget this when she is set on the floor or in her bed. She can sit up from laying on her back with minimal assistance, but won't even try independently. If she thinks we will "save" her, she just cries until one of us comes and gives her what she wants (to be sat or stood up) and then is happy. If no one responds and she can see we aren't paying attention (or can't see us), she is just happy where she is and finds something to play with there.

    I know kids develop at their own pace and we don't want to rush her, but I am worried that something is wrong.

    Does anyone else on here have a child with this same dilemma?

    I would love to learn more about other children that have had this struggle (if there are any), but I don't know of any parents who have had kids that did this. If you even know of books or web sites that would give me ideas of how to help my little one overcome this struggle, that would be great! Thanks a million!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 14 month old with small feet?

    I have a delightful daughter who is in the 75th percentile for height, and weight, and 55th for head. (Always has had a smaller proportional head). However, her feet have always been sooooo small. She is just barely transitioning into a size 3 shoe. Is anyone else's child in this situation? Where can I get shoes that are ok for a toddler learning to walk in this size? Has anyone had problems with their toddler's too-small feet? Thanks for any and all info!

    (I know I am being a worrywart, but I'm a first-time mom!)

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What should a buy as a good, safe, convertible carseat to fit in Mazda 6 and Ford Focus?

    My daughter is 30 inches tall at 9 months, and therefore has outgrown her infant seat. I am looking to buy a convertible car seat for her so that for now she can be rear-facing and when the time comes, can be forward facing in the same seat. My first concern, of course, is safety, and then price. I don't want to spend money on unimportant additional features, but I will definitely pay for something that is quality and safe.

    Third, we do not drive huge cars. I drive a Ford Focus, and my husband drives a Mazda 6. The Graco SafeSeat was able to fit in both cars, but I worry that something else rear-facing will be too large.


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How can you clean the downy ring out of the inside of the washing machine?

    I have a great washing machine, and we use downy with every load (we can't use the other kind of fabric softener because I am allergic and so is my 9 month old baby!) Anyway, it has started to make a ring of green glop on the outside of the washing basket and it is pretty nasty. I have tried scrubbing at it with a towel as I put it into the machine, but that doesn't help. Any other ideas?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What to do next with selling our condo?

    We recently outgrew our condo and bought a house. On our realtor's recommendation, we bought before we listed for sale so we could have the condo empty and sell it. We have had the condo under contract twice, both times the financing fell through. If we do not sell the condo (in Utah priced 125,900) ASAP, we will be so poor we will not be able to eat. We don't have the money to remodel any more than we have, and we can't afford another failed sale. What do we do to get this thing off our hands?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Gall stones in pregnancy?

    I am 20 weeks pregnant, and at my ultrasound they found that it's a girl (the good news) and that I have gall stones (the not-so-good news). Anyone else dealt with this, and how?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to get family to realize I'm not JUST pregnant?

    I am 16 weeks pregnant with the first grandbaby on my side, and the first in a while on my husband's side. I love my family and I am grateful that they want to be involved in my baby's life--but they are overdoing it just a bit. For example, my birthday was Saturday, and I got a HUGE backpacking baby carrier thing. It's going to be AWESOME to have in about 2 years, but until then there won't be a baby and then it will be too small to be using it. So does anybody have advice about either how to get over this or how to kindly tell my family (and his) that I'm more than just a baby-carrier?

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and teaching school?

    I am a junior high math teacher, and school starts in a week and a half. I've been sick on and off for the last few weeks (about 8 weeks pregnant). I've found that the more I stand and do things, the more likely I am to get sick. When I teach, I am CONSTANTLY on my feet. I just wondered if any of you have any tips on how I can be a good teacher and not be sick all the time because of the pregnancy?

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I fix this leaking shower?

    I have a shower stall in one of my bathrooms that is leaking really badly at the shower head and intermittently at the cold faucet. The shower head is REALLY old, and I can't get a replacement because it is a ball-joint, not a regular shower head. (It is not leaking between the arm and the shower head, just out of the head). It was a drip for a while, but now is alsmost a constant trickle of water--which is really annoying.

    The water in at the faucet is intermittent and seems to leak from 2 places, behind the entire fixture, and between the turnable part and the stationary part. It is not constant, and is only a drip when it does leak.

    I am not terribly skkilled with tools (husband even worse), but I wondered what I could do to stop these annoying drips!

    Thanks for your time.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How to get the shower REALLY clean?

    I am remodeling a condo (almost finished), but one of the showers is SO nasty. It is cultured marble and the door is textured glass. It was a rental for 17 years, and it is nasty dirty with mildew, rust stains, and just dirt. I've tried all kinds of things to clean it, and it gets some gunk off, but not all of it, so it still looks dirty. Any ideas on how to get it REALLY clean without harming the marble? Thanks!

    18 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Salt Lake City Date Ideas?

    It's been a while since I've been in a relationship, going on a date this weekend, said I would think of something to do. Wondered if anyone had any fun (clean) ideas.


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should I do next?

    I was set up on a date by a friend, and now we've been out a couple of times. Yesterday we went hiking and had a great time, and then we hung out with my family for a while. This guy is great--but I've fallen really fast. I'm not sure what he thinks. I want to call him and see if he's ok (we were both really sore and sunburned after 12 miles of hiking), but I'm not sure if that's too forward! What do I do? (oh, and we're adults, not teenagers)

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago