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Why is it that most Anti-gun folks have never fired a gun?

I mean really, whats the deal? How can someone be so jaded that they devolp a hatred of an inatimate object? For example, my 'assault rifle' never assaulted ANYBODY.

I personally belive that responsible gun ownership is simply a statement that says: "I believe my life and the lives of my family are more important than the Meth addicted gang member ex-felon breaking down my door at 2AM."


At Wizard: private party sales at gun shows are no different then private party sales anywhere else.

There is no special "gun show only loophole".

Dont drink any more of the kool-aid.

25 Answers

  • MJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The man on the newscast said that guns are BAD and guns are SCARY, so I won't TOUCH a gun or even ALLOW one in my house.

    I believe that PEACE and LOVE will stop a violent meth-head criminal from RAPING or MURDERING me. After all, I have only HAPPY thoughts and WOULDN'T hurt a fly, so that's the way that everyone else is TOO.

    Unless they own a GUN of course, then they are SCARY, BAD people, and I am AFRAID of them. If you own a GUN you MUST be a CRIMINAL.

    GUNS aren't for me, THEREFORE they aren't for YOU.

    Source(s): Typical logic of anti-gun argument.
  • 1 decade ago

    To be fair, some pro-gun people are equally overzealous and are also unwilling to accept the notion that there are legitimate reasons why individuals oppose the sale and ownership of guns. Especially in inner cities were citizens have a difficult time getting them to protect themselves, while criminals run rampant through the neighborhoods terrorizing people who are trying to legally etch out a living.

    People that live in rural areas have an entirely different perspective on guns than those in urban areas. Having been raised in one and now living in the other, I see both sides of the argument. Some people do not need to get on a plane before they develop a fear of flying. So I don't see how firing a firearm should be a requirement for developing an opinion on the matter.

    I fall somewhere in the middle. I believe in the 2nd Amendment and I exercise my Constitutionally granted right to bear arms. But I hold certain beliefs about the need for restrictions too.

    Not every Democrat is anti-gun, just as I know that not every Republican wants to turn America into a Bible-Thumping Theocracy. What we need to do is just accept that there are people who like guns and have them and there are those that do not. There is room for being reasonable on both sides of the argument. Problem is there are zealots on both sides that have the need to carry things out to the extreme.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The damned media and polite society. Society must be broken. If it isn't, we (the procurers and protectors of the 2nd) will never be free. We need to show them. Many people will believe whatever is spoon fed to them through the media outlets. Like an intravenious line in a brain dead patient. The spawn has formed. The spawn of a governmental power that must be dismantled. It will do nothing more than perpetuate the spreading of a cancerous sub-being, a tumor in the skull of our nation. Tis is a place where things can be taken back, with force if neccecary. When the UT shootings took place in 66, who held down Whitman from a firing position? A well armed local populace. The police, the so-called "protectors" had their thumbs shoved so far up their asssess they didn't know what the hell to do. I believe that the anti-gun community would change their mind if someone kicked in their door, raped their women and killed their men. They would then know the value of self-preservation by means of using deadly force with firearms.

  • Fran
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Virginia already has laws against carrying concealed weapons. It didn't stop Monday's tragedy. Why would further gun control laws prevent any further such attacks? Laws merely disarm those who adhere to them, not those who would use a gun in a crime anyway. The saddest part about these things is that so soon afterward - hell the final body counts aren't even known yet - right away the zealots on both sides hit the airwaves, preying on the raw emotions of all of us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think they are just afraid of them. I think if every body was required to fire a gun some point in their life there would not be as many detractors. I read a blog somewhere that stated a bunch of anti-gunners went to a gun show on a field trip to see the "horrors" for themselves, but most left with a new understanding of the reality of what goes on there.

    When I was in elementary school we had a cun club through 4-H, I don't think you would find that these days.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you distill the anti gun rhetoric down to its basic components, you are going to find that gun control is actually people control, and it is racism in its ugliest form. Gun laws do little except to make white people who live in the suburbs "feel" safe. The poor bastards who live in the inner city, simply trying to get along, make a living, and feed their kids are the true victims. Jim Crow laws live. Take a look at Daley's reaction to the Supreme Court ruling. You can bet your keister that all of his cronies can have all the guns they want. Otis McDonald and other persons of color who live a very uneventful life are still screwed.

    Please don't buy into the argument that anti gunners don't own guns and don't shoot. Guns are O.K. for them, just not for you-----and me.

  • chris
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have a unique family experience, My ma was born in a farmer family and raised with guns. She grew in gun knowledge and in her teen years entered competitions and through jr college earned many medals. She competed up until WWII. My pa was not so raised but was familiar with guns and had a revolver in the house up and till the Watts riots. Somewhere in between then and 1969 something happened to my ma where she became adamantly opposed to having guns or anything to do with them and had I not fetched my ma's medals out of the trash I would have no proof today of her abilities. When I became a scout and took in interest in guns she allowed me to train from others and get the shooting merit badges but she did not teach me any of her skills or even volunteer to do so. She also would not let me have any guns or allow me to go hunting with friends or other family members that did. When I pressed the issue she refused to talk about it and too this day I don't know what the circumstances were that changed her mind about guns and hunting. I am sure she lost a close friend but again she never spoke about it. After she passed away when I was 16 I again approached the subject with my dad. He told me he was going to honor my ma's wishes and not allow guns in the home or allow me to go hunting till I was 18 and then he would not interfere then should I want to pursue the shooting sports. He also would not expand on the subject and state why other than it was my ma's wishes.

    My point is we don't know all the circumstances behind any ones decision to oppose gun ownership or hunting and the all that goes with it, and we should never ***/u/me whatever that may be. I would say a lot has to do with experiences and negative ones at that and as others have stated when they finally do get a positive experience many understand better the gun owners perspective. To label all with negative remarks and point empty gun trigger fingers at others is a negative response and only hurts our efforts to give gun owners a better reputation.

    Keep your powder dry

    Source(s): Been there delt with that
  • Joshua
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I believe that the folks in the legal cabal want more gun crime, so they push gun laws to disarm potential victims, so they can represent more people. Same reason they wont lower the drinking age, look at all the money they will lose on underage drinking cases.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know exactly how you feel man. One persons irresponsible actions should not reflect all of us gun lovers. They see what guns can do and think everybody is a serial killer. I also want to protect me and my family. People have been trying to break in my house the past few months. I keep a loaded 12 gauge by my side while I sleep in case someone tries to harm my family. In any other case I would never shoot anyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    You dare question their wisdom? What are you, some kind of bitter clinger? OF COURSE they don't need any personal experience with an object to know its true, evil nature.

    What I've come to understand is that they are profoundly irresponsible people. They can not be trusted with dangerous things and they know it. They need constant adult supervision - some sort of authority figure to hover over them and tell them what they may and may not do. That would be fine if that was as far as it went, but they project their deficiencies onto everyone around them. Since they know they can't be trusted with firearms, they are absolutely certain that you and I can't either.

  • 1 decade ago

    That would be because they are "Anti-Gun". They thinks guns are bad and guns kill people and guys just are plain trouble so they stay away from them and try to make it to where everyone stays away from them. I believe, just as it is in most cases where someone is just against something, that people who are uneducated about a subject or poorly/wrongly educated about a subject then ultimately reflect that "ignorance" in the way they address that subject. If you haven't fired a gun, or been educated about a gun you are more likely in the circumstance you ever get your hands on a gun, kill or hurt someone. Education is the key, and anyone Anti-gun who hasn't shot a gun, should not pass judgement.

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