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Why do Athiests troll the Religion & Spirituality forums?

I am serious... if you don't have a religion... I get it... but why not use another forum, like society & culture/other?

It seems odd to push your NO-RELIGION agenda in a Religion & Spirituality forum... do you agree? Please enlighten me if there is a valid reason for this, I am open minded.

It is a real shame that those that have true, legitimate questions about their religion have to dig through anti-religion agendas to find an answer.


Sorry for calling this a forum, but it kind-a rolls that way from what I have seen.

Maybe I am missing something, but where is the spirituality in atheism? All I see (and you have demonstrated very well) is a lot of hate and anger. Is there a book or some sort of guidance Atheists follow?

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ~~Good question! The same reason all bullies do what they do...projection and low self esteem...bringing others down makes them feel good about themselves, especially since so many of these "atheist youngsters" have fell on that "we as atheists are more intelligent and superior to those Christians" bandwagon....So, they think they have found a group that not only will except them, but will also help with their low confidence problem by making them feel like they are better than another group of people....Christians. ~~God bless!~~

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well I'm so very sure that any answers I have regarding my Atheistic view on the religion that I follow should go to some other category. Perhaps I should ask about Jesus in Mythology and Folklore, because it seems I'm not allowed to ask here. Perhaps you should avoid this section also because you're not a Pagan. Have some respect, if you would. I ask questions about religion in the relevant section. It may be my own opinion that God is a myth, but I have the respect to at least question Him here. I'm half-tempted to put my next bible question in 'Bullfighting', now. ((((hugs)))) ~Loving Light~

  • 1 decade ago

    As an atheist I can discuss a number of subjects, including religion. That's like saying you can't discuss cooking unless you are a chef.

    I grew up christian, I married a christian, my family is christian and the majority of my friends are christians; I took six classes in comparative religions in college and I find the subject fascinating from a social viewpoint. I think I have sufficient knowledge to discuss the subject and I'm never rude about it as I respect that everyone has the rights to their own beliefs.

    You want to believe, go ahead I don't want to stop you or change your mind. However, given that yahoo thinks its perfectly valid for me to post here as an atheist I have just as many rights as you. Oh and I don't troll the section, I get all my questions off the homepage and answer what seems interesting to me.

  • Ami
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This question really has nothing to do with religion or spirituality (since you're just complaining), so I'd say *you* are the troll here.

    This section is for anybody discussing religion or spirituality. I'm sorry you have a problem with atheists doing just that.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i have never trolled here

    or anywhere

    i dont care about it, im a tad to old to bother will trolling,

    nor do i push anything on anyone

    im here to learn, give info, get info, socialise and generally waste some time

    there are plenty spiritual peopel who are also atheists

    you can be both

    theres no book no

    the same can be said about th emany beleives who demonstrate a lot of hate and anger

    and sadly, many do, all you have to do is look at it from the other side


  • Bucky
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because I'm here to discuss religion and spirituality? Knowledge and/or questions about religion and spirituality aren't limited to the religious and spiritual. This isn't a theists club, it's a Q&A site. Just because I'm not religious, doesn't mean I don't have knowledge/opinions/questions on religion.

    Btw, this question gets asked like 9357321 times a day. It's not particularly original or clever.

    Source(s): *drink*
  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists use the religion and spirituality forums because, though they are against religion, this category is still relevant to them- they are simply expressing their beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the people that *do* have a religion, and use their religious beliefs to cause harm and damage in the world I share with them, are here.

    Know what would really be a shame? If somebody asked a question, and only got made-up superstitious religious answers to "dig through," and not facts. That would be a shame.

    If your beliefs have any value, they should be able to stand up to a little criticism and examination, and you shouldn't be bothered by any challenges to them.


  • 1 decade ago

    This is not the "encouragement and support for religion and spirituality" forum. This is the place to ask and answer any and all questions on the topic of religion and spirituality, regardless of your point of view on these topics. Besides, there are trolls, here, with many points of view, not just atheist.



    John Popelish

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ummm from their perspective I'm sure it seems the Fundies troll R&S pretty heavy too.

    As I have always said, thank Jesus AND The FSM this section doesn't have access to nuclear weaponry

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