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~~If it seems that nobody likes you, if you are being criticized unjustly every time you turn around, if it feels like you don't have a single friend left in the world.......Don't be sorrowful & don't frown.....Instead be glad, be of good cheer & be proud because.....*You must be doing something right!*~~ ~~For every action, there is an equal & opposite reaction~~

  • Who said the following quote- "We have enough youth how about a fountain of smart"?

    Who (originally)said- "We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart"? Thank you in advance!

    4 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • Why is the "not all ___ are like that" argument so ineffective?

    Why in your opinion is the "not all ___ are like that" rebuttal when used in a response or in a debate, etc. ineffective and just not a good, valid argument to have at all? For those unsure of what I'm referring to- Some of the words that usually fill in that blank above are muslims, Christians, women, african americans and so on. Thank you!

    4 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • What is mccilog class with regard to computers please?

    What is mccilog class please, and also mcciutils URL Interface? It is on my computer and I would very much appreciate any help/feedback or info you could offer. Can anyone please help? Thank you in advance. God bless!

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • What is wrong with 'My Pictures' on my computer?

    Hello :)! I need some help/tips for 'My Pictures' on my computer. Used to I could select one and upload it to a website, or pull up my pics from a site like 'Photobucket', select it and then get the link/code I needed to use/paste the pic.

    Now, for some reason, when I right click on the pic I want to use, instead of getting a drop-down menu where I normally click "Select", my cursor turns into a circle and it causes whatever website I'm on to shut down & the screen goes black. I can no longer access/use any of 'My Pictures'.

    I thought maybe I had too many pics stored so I deleted quite a good many and this did not fix the problem. If anyone could tell me what's wrong & how to fix it or at least point me in the right direction, it would be so greatly appreciated :). Thank you in advance. Also, please feel free to ask questions & I'll edit in the answers if you need any additional info. Thanks again :)! ~God bless!~

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • What is the name of the company, and the product, that makes stuffed toys for dogs?

    Does anyone know the name of the product, and the company, that makes those plush like dog toys with stuffing, but they are made so that the dog cannot tear them up and so that the stuffing will not fall out and get everywhere all over everything? They used to advertise them on television a lot. If so, and you could let me know, it would be greatly appreciated! Also, if you can name or recommend any similar type of toy(toys to chew on)for dogs, or any kind of toy in general, that is made for or that is good for large dogs(like German Shepherds for example)that would be very much so appreciated too :)! Thank you in advance and God bless!

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Which famous couple, one in a television series, do you think the following is describing?

    Which famous couple do you think the following list is describing? Any tips or good guesses are welcomed! Thanks in advance!

    The 2 got together in 2004 and are still a couple

    They have 2 children together so far

    Both have acted in television series and movies

    One has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

    One has a main role in a television series which the other has guest starred on

    They both have experiences in theater

    2 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • What are the best shops to buy inexpensive, appropriate clothing for 12-13 year old girls?

    What are some of the best places to buy appropriate and inexpensive clothing for 12-13 year old girls? Thank you in advance :)!

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Why does a Libra answer a simple question with many paragraphs?

    Why is it that if you ask a Libra a question, or they are answering a question online, they type paragraph after paragraph, are very wordy, resulting in their answers being VERY VERY long?

    11 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What can I do to fix my computer screen...everything is huge....?

    Everything was normal with regard to my computer. I downloaded a trial version of an online game, played it, and then went to go shower leaving my computer on. When I get back, everything on my computer screen is HUGE! ...So huge that I can't even see the entire Y/A page. I checked my screen resolution which seemed fine, but clicked on 100% just to make sure, but that did no good it's still HUGE. What could have happened and how do I fix this? Any help will be so greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance and ~God bless!~

    4 AnswersMonitors9 years ago
  • Which sun sign is very much into pop culture?

    I realize that there is really no correct or "right" answer to this question, So, I want to just ask you, based on what you know about all the signs, which sign is most likely to be very obsessed with and up-to-date on pop culture.....even trying to turn their love of pop culture into a career? Things like reading all fashion & celeb magazines(every single page)and absorbing every single word, keeping up with every popular singer's newest song, knowing all the dates that the most popular TV shows next season will air, etc. Thank you so much in advance :)!

    1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago
  • When I delete an online game icon from my desktop, does it just delete the icon only?

    Whenever I buy an online game, like from, it always puts an icon of the game on my desktop. My question is, if I delete the icon off my desktop, does it just delete the icon and not the actual game itself? I'm pretty sure that's the way it works, but I just want to make sure. Thank you in advance for your help, and ~God bless!~

    8 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • How could it be proven that the doctor performed the abortion knowing that gender selection or discrimination?

    With all the recent talk about the bill that didn't pass that would've banned abortions based on gender and/or racial discrimination I'm curious, if it would've passed, how could it be proven that the doctor performed the abortion knowing that gender selection or discrimination was the womans reason behind it?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Which sun sign is most likely to have a lot of social anxiety and care way too much what others think of them?

    Which sun sign is most likely to have the following characteristics......often very worried of what other people will think of them, they censor everything they say before they say it because they do not want to come across as 'stupid or dumb' in their mind, and yet they often act like they really don't care what others think by trying to hide it in being sarcastic or insulting towards others, and often times may have one too many drinks because of/and to attempt to overcome the insecurity? I know that there is no right answer to this, I'm just wondering which sign this generally points to in your opinion? Thanks!

    9 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • With regard to the American flag, is it true it must not ever touch the ground?

    I've always heard that you must not let the American flag touch the ground, and if it does you must burn it. Is this just an old tale, a common misconception, or the truth? Thank you in advance :)!

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Is it normal and okay for teenagers and adults to have friendships?

    I recently overheard a group of girls talking about having friendships with adults and discussing if it was okay or not. It started when one of the girls, who is 16, asked if the others thought it was weird for an older person to be friends with a teenager. She later stated how unfair it was that when a guy is friends with an older woman, no one bats an eye or says anything, but when it's an older guy who is friends with a younger girl, people label them as pedophiles(Please don't get me wrong, this statement was hers & hers alone; I have absolutely no idea where in the world she is getting that thinking from).

    When asked what she specifically meant by "friendships", she gave her own situation as an example saying that her friendship with the adult guy was nothing sexual or romantic in any way(b/c after all, as she exclaimed, "he is NOT like that at all..Plus he even has a wife!!"), that he is the only person who understands her problems and he gives her very useful advice, much better advice than that of peers of her own age, because since he is older, he is also much wiser than they. If anyone was going to ask what exactly I meant by "friendships", this is it; so when answering please keep this in mind.

    I was surprised to find out that almost, if not all, of the group(which was mainly teens 16 & under, 17-19 year olds & adults in their early-late 20's)agreed with her that it was completely normal & okay for teenagers to have friendships with adults. So, I guess what I'm trying to ask is, since personally I myself cannot think of any legit reason for these "friendships" is, is it just me, or are there really legit reasons for such friendships to exist? Thank you so much in advance for any & all helpful answers/ and any insight/etc. you can give; your responses are so very appreciated!

    5 AnswersSociology9 years ago
  • What is the name of this movie- it was about young people getting high mostly and...?

    hooking up, stuff like that. It has a man that is narrating the actions of the young people during the movie, kinda like educating you on how to use drugs properly and deal with situations that arise while using drugs. It was a comedy type movie perhaps. I saw some of it on one of the Starz movie channels, I believe it was, a few months ago. Can anyone help? What is the name of this movie? Thanks in advance :)!

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • What is the name of that celeb gossip website where you pick celebrity teams to win points?

    ~What is the name of that celebrity website where you get to pick a list of 10or 20 celebs, and then during the week you win points based on how often the celebs you picked to go on your list were talked about in certain gossip mags and sites? ...Anyone know? Thank you so much!!

    3 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • What time will the Oscars be on tonight?

    in the the time zone they are taking place at?

    2 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • When did the saying, "it is what it is" become popular and what exactly does...? mean? And does it even make actual sense? ~Extra....Does it kinda irk you when someone says it? ~TIA!

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • ~Would the term "Royal Revolution" be an oxymoron?

    ~Would the term "Royal Revolution" be an oxymoron? Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago