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Can you help me understand this statement I read in a book today?

"let us start our process of reawakening with just a few simple concepts:

1 thoughts increase by being given away.

2 the more who believe in them the stronger they become.

3 everything is an idea

4 how, then, can giving and losing be associated?

this is the invitation to the Holy Spirit. I have said already that I can

reach up and bring the Holy Spirit down to you, but I can only bring Him

to you at your own invitation. the Holy Spirit is in your right mind, as He was in mine."

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is spoken in the first person by someone who claims the power

    to reach up and bring the Holy Spirit down to you at your request.

    He also claims that the Holy Spirit was in his right mind and will be

    so in your mind.

    Bible experts should know who could make such a claim.

    And another man:

    A book on Socrates said: "he has an evangel to proclaim, a great truth to teach:

    our soul is the only thing in us worth saving, and there is only one way to save it:

    to acquire knowledge.

    What would you expect of such a man? To propagate his message, to disseminate the knowledge which is itself the elixir of life. Is this what he does? How could he ,if as he says repeatedly in the dialogues, he does not have that knowledge? Plato makes him say this not only in the

    informality of private conversations, but also in that most formal speech of all, the Apology.

    If he is wiser than others, Socrates there declares[21D], it is only because he does not think

    he has the knowledge which others think they have- but haven't".

    Source(s): The Philosophy of Socrates, edited by dr G Vlastos & Acim
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Holy Spirit part is suggesting that most of us don't live in our "right minds" most of the time: we let our better judgment or our better selves be clouded or overcome by lesser things. The Holy Spirit is in the part of your mind that's NOT clouded, and the passage is offering access to that, saying that in order to find what's already in there, you need to want to look past the distractions that normally draw you away from it. I. e. God is already in you. You just need to want to find him.

    And as for what somebody said in a previous post about nothing being worth saying if you can't say it clearly--hogwash. Simple sentences may work for simple concepts, but some things are more difficult to explain. It would seem essential to any discussion of spiritual awakening that it involves things that aren't can't be summed up in words of one syllable.

    The 1234 above are just trying to suggest that we need to share our perceptions of the spiritual because ideas are our only mode of discourse. We can only access information using our admittedly limited minds--and so when you have an enlightening moment, or a glimmer of understanding, or whatever, you need to pass it on to others so they can have access to it too. You gain by sharing and letting others profit by what you've perceived. That spirit of giving rather than hoarding is the essence of charity.

  • 1 decade ago

    The main idea seems to be that the more people that believe some idea the stronger that idea becomes, so when you give your idea to somebody else you're not actually losing it, just making it stronger.

    I'm not sure exactly what the book is saying about the holy spirit.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) As a Christian, I'm not interested in increasing thoughts, but finding truth.

    2) Truth is truth regardless of the number of people who believe in it.

    3) There are plenty of things that aren't ideas.

    4) That would depend on who you're giving something to and what you're giving.

    I don't see anything that is biblical here.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If something cannot be said plainly then it is not worth saying. The world is full of people who will try to impress others by talking obfuscatory rubbish. If the statement you quote means anything at all, it is "believe everything I say, do as I tell you and give me all your money".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cult mumbo jumbo designed to make the new recruit think there is some intellectual arguement there. If you look at it strictly from a symbolic logic point of view--it says nothing and offers nothing.

  • Nancy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


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