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ScorpRM asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What's wrong with the NAACP statement?

“We take no issue with the Tea Party movement. We believe in freedom of assembly and people raising their voices in a democracy. What we take issue with is the Tea Party’s continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements. The time has come for them to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no place for racism & anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in their movement,”

Why is that racist?

It does not say the Tea Party movement is racist, it says that the Tea Party should not tolerate that element within their movement. Clearly there are some questionable people in the movement:

Is it racist to ask the movement to not allow that element to detract from their valid political stance?


Stanley: They have "Colored People" in their name because that was what they were called when the organization was formed. It was created in a time to promote equal rights in a time when there were none.

Update 2:

Psychedelic Trance:

If you continue to flip through the pics there is also a "Hang'em high" poster as well.

Also, the quote does not only speak about racism but bigotry which is defined:

"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. The correct use of the term requires the elements of intolerance, irrationality, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs."

Update 3:

Dr. Phil: Is it unreasonable for a movement to sensor themselves when an aspect of their movement goes too far? Several people seem to expect that from the NAACP as far as the Panthers are concerned, and they are not even part of the same organization.

Update 4:

Again, a simple google search yielded this when I put in "racist tea party sign".

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell the NAACP to curb Racism in their org. first

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In your first link, the only picture that possibly could have been construed as racist was the one where the man held the sign that said "Obama's plan White Slavery.", which was not racist at all. If a black person held up a sign that claimed a white president was trying to enslave blacks, would that make him a racist? No. All the other pictures had nothing to do with race whatsoever. Neither did the second link.

    It's not so much asking the Tea Party that they shouldn't tolerate racism as much as it implies that there are racist figures within the Tea Party (most likely referring to Rand Paul) when these people are NOT racist and have explained their views repeatedly over and over, yet they are still receiving accusations of racism.

    EDIT: I couldn't find the picture you mentioned, but I'll take your word that it is there. Anyways like many have said above me, one individual racist Tea Party member does not make the whole Tea Party racist. Just like the fact that there are many racists in both the Democratic and Republican party does not make all members of both parties racist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The naacp in your quote supports free speech and free assembly yet asks the Tea party to subjugate and deny those exact freedoms to people that attend rallies.

    Exactly what would you have the tea party do other than put out the fact that those are the opinions of individuals not the party.

    You don't see the hypocritical idiocy of the statement by the NAACP they in one sentence say they support these things and then ask for others to take away just those rights.

  • craze
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yeah. in spite of if i do no longer think of they are actual helping him, they are particularly announcing anticipate a courtroom to make your strategies up on, I nevertheless think of the NAACP is erroneous right here. i actually wish, they might not have finished this. i think of this is an exceptionally undesirable circulate and could shrink their credibility. Vick isn't even a reliable function style, Why might the NAACP use their useful time and aspects on Vick, there are lots of extra worth reasons obtainable.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's a double standard, not saying a word about what the black panther had said about white cracker babies.Plus the NAACP stands for just blacks and not just other minorities.

    The NAACP never complains about anyones civil rights being violated only unless that person is Black.This has always been known way before they're comments about the tea party.So this isn't exactly something new.

  • 1 decade ago

    Despite the constant accusations of racism from the left, there has been no evidence of any of it taking place. None of those signs were racist. I saw the "Hang 'em high" poster. Did you look at who's names are on it? White people. Is hanging people racist? The people who helped Booth assassinate Lincoln were hanged, was that racist? George W Bush was hunged in effigy by the left at protests, was that racist? You guys have played the race card so much it no longer has any meaning.

    The NAACP are hypocrites.

  • 1 decade ago

    For one thing. The tea-party is not a unified organization (as much as some people would try to make it out to be.) So, calling for "them" to do anything, is stupid. It's simply groups of American Citizens, speaking up and letting their voices be heard.

  • 1 decade ago

    To stanleys..., the NAACP is 101 years old. Don't get mad because they never changed their name. Why is there no mention of the Black Panthers? Because the real ones died off 40 years ago and it's another topic.

  • The NAACP has never taken any responsibility for their racist actions. Why should they think they hold the moral high ground to call other folks out?

    The NAACP is a bigoted organization who hates whites and wants revenge for slavery.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is what's wrong...

    ANY ORGANIZATION that has the initials C and P in their name - standing for COLORED PEOPLE... shouldn't be making any allegations of RACISM... even when they AREN'T Baseless.

    And did you notice? Not a WORD about the BLACK PANTHERS....

    How about that?

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