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Do we need to spend 4 billion dollars on an airbase?

We are currently planning to construct a new Marine Corp airbase on Okinawa, Japan, costing 4 billion dollars. Given the fact that WW2 ended 65 years ago, do we still need to have 40,000 American military personnel stationed in Japan?


According to Wikipedia, we have 61 bases in Japan, 16 in South Korea, and another 37,000 troops in Hawaii and Guam. I don't see China or its proxy state in North Korea as much of a threat. China is not going to war with its #1 overseas market. As for the lessons of WW2, we couldn't fight a WW2 style war, we don't have the manufacturing base, or resources like oil to sustain such an effort. If we are really serious about cutting the deficit, defense has to be cut. Getting rid of the PBS and the Dept of Education isn't even a drop in the ocean.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not about Japan. It's about keeping a US presence in the region.

    We have interests in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. That is the real reason we are still there.

    So, yes, we need to keep a presence there and of sufficient size to deter aggression by our enemies in the region; North Korea and China.

  • Ed
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If either you or chelfi knew anything about the military you would know that the reason for bases around the world is because of WWII. It is easier when you have allies like Japan that allow you to have a base and you can launch an attack against someone like North Korea from there. We already have a few bases in Japan and I think we don't need another one. The marines have done enough damage to our reputation as Americans there.

  • GARF
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Americans are hated all over the world. Bring all our troops home now. Let each country defend themselves. Cut all foreign aid out totally. Throw out United Nations and give up membership. Might as well, we will not be any more disliked.

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps a little background on why we are there in the first place would help you understand why we do. Take a look at

    For those that want to blame Obama (I know someone will) the agreement that was signed to spend the money was signed in 2006.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The U.S. spends as much on defense as the rest of the world combined. I think we could close some of the bases we have overseas without jeopardizing our security.

  • Chelfi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Good point. In fact, do we really need to pay for most of the 750 military bases the U.S. maintains around the world? Who appointed us World Cop?

  • 1 decade ago

    Since when does anyone get a say in how they decide to spend money?

    What are we, socialist? No, we aren't.

    Some of your own medicine there, if you hadn't noticed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is time to leave Okinawa, the people of Okinawa have wanted us to leave for some time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chump change.... Do we need to spend a TRILLION on pork filled political paybacks to 0baama's cronies?

    libs will NEVER get that we have vital national security interests in Asia that require military presence to address, which is why they must NEVER hold power...

    Their goal is to bring everyone home, trust in our enemies' better angels and sing Kumbaya... THEN they will say, "HEY! How did those Chinese get on our beaches!?"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our military spending is absolutely absurd.

    EVERY single president continues to grow it exponentially.

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