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Answers for a couple of things about LDS theology that really bother me?

Okay, the first thing that bothers me is that JS said murder is an unforgivable sin. I don't understand why. I can see no reason whatsoever for murder to be unforgivable. If the family of the deceased can forgive a murderer wouldn't it be even easier for God to forgive the truly repentant?

The second thing is the fact that a man can be sealed to multiple wives. I know there are instances of polygamy in the OT, but I don't feel that is the definition of marriage according to the NT. As I think about it all I can picture is being LDS, sealed in the temple to my husband and then I die. He remarries and when we are together in the afterlife he's been sealed to 3 other chicks! I can't see myself being very happy with that...not happy at all. Any more than 2 in a marriage is a crowd IMHO. I can imagine that when the early church members were practicing polygamy it had to be extremely hard on their wives and possibly their children as well.

I am most definitely not trying to be disrespectful in any way. Just trying to gain an understanding. I have LDS friends and my daughters best friend is LDS. I let them get baptized together. Thanks for your answers!


coolblues~ That's what Mormons/LDS believe.

Update 2:

David ~ I am aware of a lot of Mormon theology. I know about Temple marriage.

Update 3:

Trisharoo ~ It doesn't seem fair to me that a woman that doesn't want to share her husband would have to accept a lesser glory. And I know in LDS scripture a woman needs a man to "pull her through the veil".

Unforgivable sin ~ D&C 132:27

Update 4:

"There is not a man or woman, who violates the covenants made with their God, that will not be required to pay the debt. The blood of Christ will never wipe that out, your own blood must atone for it . . . " ( Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3, page 247;

"Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives, and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned." (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3, p. 266). Also, "The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy," ( Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 11, page 269).

Update 5:

I am truly disappointed by the lack of answers. If this question had been "I want to join the church" I would have had 30 responses.

I have asked the missionaries about this stuff and those boys just dance around the question because I really think they don't know the answers.

Update 6:

Mormon prophets are called the mouthpiece of the Lord. How could it not matter what they say???

Update 7:

When the Peter say that murder was an unforgivable sin?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a Christian, I know that jesus died for ALL SINS: so Paul and Moses and King David who murdered where forgiven so don't listen to the Mormons.

    God set it up so a man and women can becoem ONE, this cannot happen if there is more then one women. Abraham and his wife coud not wait on God for Issac so now we are fighting the offspring of him and hagar. David killed for another wife and Solomon's wives led him away from God into pagan worship. So even though God allowed men to sin, it does not make polygamy right.

  • ME
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I can't answer your first question because I do not know if Joseph Smith really said that or not, nor know anything about it.

    Your second question, polygamy is completely fine in the New Testament. Infact the New Testament says only bishops cannot practice polygamy. All other men can.

    As for Mormon polygamy. The first wife has to give permission to allow her husband to have another wife. And the wives have to give permission if he is to marry again.

    So if the man's wife dies and he has a temple marriage with another woman, she can choose to be with him or not in heaven. Though Mormons typically talk about this stuff with there spouse anyways while alive.

    Youll notice a lot of Temple Recommend Mormons who are widows, do not have a temple wedding with there 2nd wife or husband because they plan to be with there first spouse in the next life.

    and Journal of Discourses is not scripture so dousnt really matter what Brigham Young or any prophet said. What matters is what Doctrine and Covenants says

    Source(s): Studies Mormonism.
  • 1 decade ago

    When you die and picture yourself in heaven, do you see yourself as unhappy? Do you see God forcing you into a situation you don't want to be in? If you die and are sealed to your husband and then he seals himself to three other chicks (watch out ladies, whoever marries him dies soon) and you are in Heaven and don't accept it there will be other accommodations. It might mean receiving a lesser glory, it might not. But whatever happens, you will be happy.

    I'd have to look at the reference you have for Joseph Smith saying murder is an unforgivable sin to see it's context. He could be referring to earthly matters, not spiritually. I know that taking away someones agency by killing them is not right and anyone who resorts to cold blooded murder doesn't exactly have a repentant heart.

    You have good questions and I'd hope you'll seek the missionaries and perhaps they can explain some more.

    Source(s): LDS
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all I think are a little confused on what can not be forgiven. This is from Matthew 12:31, Jesus speaking "And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven."

    SO you see murder can be forgiven, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot.

    As far as being married in the afterlife, Luke 20:35 Jesus speaking again "But those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage,"

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I was a Mormon for half my life. It's a religion that is no more ridiculous than any of the other religions that infest our "civilizations." If your daughter has been baptized into the Mormon Church, you will not be allowed to go to her wedding if she marries a Mormon fellow in their temple. That's probably the next thing that's going to bother you. But if you daughter is happy where she is and doing what she like with people who a good, it's not that big a deal that you'll miss the actual wedding in the Temple. Your daughter's happiness is most important, right?

    P. S. Oh, by the way, in The Book of Mormon God orders Nephi (one of the early prophets according to Mormonism) to commit murder, to kill Labon. If the Mormon God condones murder by His prophets, how can murder be unforgivable? Of course the God of The Old Testament executed all kinds of wicked and horrible acts through commission or omission. Just remember, religions are simply hocus-pocus and don't take any of them too seriously . . . unless their believers plan on blowing you up. Mormons probably won't be doing that . . . not right now anyway?

  • 1 decade ago

    You are spot on with the polygamy. My grandmother was raised in LDS polygamy and it was awful. Journals from other ancestors tell how they kept a stiff upper lip and said it was fine, but they were really miserable.

    After Grandma died, Grandpa remarried a woman whom she had despised. When Grandpa was dead, this woman had them all sealed together so Grandma (with her hatred of the polygamous life) is now sealed into it again. Gee thanks, stepgrandma for considering her feelings.

    There are lots odder doctrines than that however. I'm exMormon and I'd be really sad if one of my kids got into it. Be sure you keep her studying some science and help her to think logically. It'll help when she wants out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Polygamy? wow! Where can I join? I'm bisexual! What's that verse? ha ha ha ha... only half joking, half wishing, half hoping...

    I'd love a sister wife to help me with household chores!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't YOU?! It would be IDEAL! She could babysit, I could run to see a movie, then, we could exchange roles, I could entertain the kids, she could service the husband....

    good times...those would be! Shh. Don't tell anyone I said this. I was never here. I'm Catholic. My Grandmother would kill me. I do intend to sit beside her in church and not feel horrific guilt. So, no sins, real or imagined, darn it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your Spot on about the LDS. They are nice people But like all those that have listened to religion and believe what other men say with no evidence to support it. They've been Duped. LDS leadership is about money and power. Nice following people though.

    1. VERILY, I say unto you, Knowledge is forever.

    2. Now therefore beware, I warn thee, believe not the demons of the earth.

    3. Now ye must know the demons walk and talk among you.

    4. And thou must also know these demons are men & women who claim to speak of knowledge with out having evidence to support what they say.

    5. Verily, I say unto you, you must understand, that knowingly or not, anyone who has spoken about something as if it is true, and this person doesn't have the evidence and the knowledge to support their sayings, know they are acting as demons.

    6. Some demons will propel themselves to lead societies by spreading deceit.

    7. The demons manipulate knowledge and use faith as the tool to trick those that allow faith to trick themselves.

    8. Demons heavily use faith as a tool as it is the nature of humans to believe what they tell themselves.

    9. Know the demons rely on the trusting nature of the very young to indoctrinate a culture.

    10. Demons will use the despair of a person's life to manipulate them into their beliefs.

    11. And yea know the demon's knowledge is not real and is only delivered through faith.

    12. Know that most the demon's believe what they say, for they themselves have been deceived.

    13. But rememember the demon in everyone speaks in the absence of Knowledge.

    14. Verily I say fear not, for Knowledge is the Alpha and the Omega.

    15. Now thou shalt know, Knowledge can not be destroyed.

    16. And ye also know, from the dawn of consciousness Knowledge was there, and Knowledge will endure to any end.

    17. Yea, and thou shalt know those who truly want to be with Knowledge, know that Knowledge is all around us.

    18. Knowledge dwells in the essence of all men women and children.

    19. Knowledge has given us a gift to come to be with it.

    20. Verily, VERILY, I say unto you, Knowledge has given us Evidence.

    21. And now, only through Evidence will you come to be with Knowledge.

    22. Each person hath been given the gift to discern Evidence.

    23. Yea be it known that from the time a person becomes conscious they have had their senses.

    24. And they have their mind.

    25. And yet they who believe the demons liken knowledge to the mind of a child.

    26. They are like a child who believes there is an unseen, unheard, and unidentified entity that scares them.

    27. Thy did not come to believe that through Evidence but instead allowed faith to deceive them.

    28. Yet they do not liken unto a child that ages.

    29. And know that a child will realize that with the absence of true evidence whatever entity they had imagined is not real.

    30. Thou must also know to be mindful of how a child thinks, for our children are our greatest teachers to understanding the deceit of faith.

    31. And Verily, VERILY, I say unto you, let Evidence be your Savior and let Knowledge be your god.

    32. Know that Knowledge will protect you in your times of need.

    33. And know that Knowledge will propel you to your times of success.

    34. Know that when you come to be with Knowledge through Evidence, no one acting as the demon can deceive you.

    35. For you have Knowledge and you have Evidence that brought you to it.

    36. And know the demons can not win against Evidence.

    37. The demons will try to ignore Evidence, discount it, call it a lie.

    38. But know that Evidence will be evident.

    39. And know that faith is the ultimate deceiver.

    40. Faith has led people down billions of different paths.

    41. Faith convinces it's holder that it tells the truth.

    42. Faith can not be in line with Evidence.

    43. Verily I say unto you, Faith is the Anti-Evidence

    44. And verily I say as well, thou shalt not let the Anti-Evidence deceive you.

    45. For Faith will deceive billions.

    46. Know that if thou art with Knowledge, thou will be able to withstand Faith and any demon that tries to use it to lure you.

    47. So Verily I say to always trust in Knowledge and only trust in Evidence to guide you to it.

    48. I say these things in the name of Truth, Evidence, and Knowledge. Amen

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Believe me, there's a lot more ****** up stuff in the Book of Mormon.

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