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How come the USA man/woman in the street change so much when they get a bit of authority?

I have met so many generous, friendly and humorous people from the USA both in the US and elsewhere and I have felt that there is "a special relationship", but every time their authorities are involved it goes t@#ts up. They seem to use there obvious strength to divert any pressure away from themselves onto the nearest scapegoat, even if it's the first country to support them it hits the fan. Their Senators are in a frenzy trying to crucify BP because of the oil and Lockerbee but they conveniently forget about Hunters Point and siding with the IRA.


I suppose you're all right, I was just feeling sorry for us (we have been stuck with cameron after all).

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not for or against the I.R.A. or the Protestant groups in Northern Ireland All Politicians are corrupt, maybe one or two are honest. Look at Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd to name a few. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. By the way, all politicians worldwide are the same.

    What´s wrong with these Christian groups? Where is the Christian Love? Both the Catholics and Protestant groups are so full of hate. This is pure christian hypocrisy.

    Source(s): Being an American and seeing the corruption worldwide.
  • 1 decade ago

    Because the man/woman on the street and senators are two entirely different groups of people. Check out

    to get a look at one estimate of net worth of US senators. I can assure you that it doesn't look much like that of the person on the street.

    On the scapegoat thing - that describes most politicians regardless of country. If we want to be totally real, it describes the majority of people in the world at some time or other.

    It seems like people in the rest of the world take US politicians WAY more seriously than people in the US do. Those of us in the the US know that even the best have their own agenda, and take what they say accordingly. It would never occur to me to take what a MP says (or even how they vote) to represent the thoughts and feelings of every person, or even the average person, in the UK. Maybe is does, and maybe it doesn't. What an MP says is the MPs statement. What a senator says is the senators statement. They may or may not even believe what they say, just believe they have something to gain by saying it.

    Even when you see an interview of an "average" person, you have to wonder if that person was chosen randomly, or because they gave a reply that will get people's attention and get things stirred up. The person yelling the loudest (or with the most TV face time) doesn't necessarily represent the rest of the people in the room. They're just the loudest.

  • Raelyn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's not an American thing. Everyone loves a foreign bogeyman. While living in Asia for many years, I saw how the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese goverment and media whipped up their people into a frenzy either to shift blame onto a foreign government or company or to divert attention from a domestic issue. Betcha the same happens in Britain, but if you're British, you're less likely to notice.

  • Alan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just go to a shop assistant in Britain and try to argue with the server. They may be a shop assistant, but they love to throw their authority around. It's the same in the banks and many other institutions that serve the public. A little authority always goes to their heads. It's got worse year on year. I blame the politicians as they argue non stop with the opposition and are a bad example of how to treat people. No discipline, no morals and no compassion. It all stems from the selfish greedy world in which we now live.

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  • 1 decade ago

    For the same reason as the British, The French, The Italians, and any other country,in the world, it goes straight to their heads and they do not know how to handle authority.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not everyone in the US is like that. I've been sticking up for BP for awhile now and REALLY appreciate their stepping up and trying to FIX the problem, regardless of who is to blame.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They also forgot about Union Carbide .,. but then US politicans are probably the least honest people in the US

  • 1 decade ago

    Is it really any different in other countries? People are the same everywhere, and power corrupts them.

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