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Do you feel that this government is operating in your best interests, or the interests of the rich only?

You have been raped. Billions, if not trillions of dollars have been stolen from the American public...that's you and me, your neighbors, friends....everyone you know who isn't some rich fat-cat Wall Street or banker pig. These people who have done this were already rich in the first place, but now they're living like Czars while the rest of us are all suffering for what they have done, and the U.S. government hasn't done ANYTHING to truly help ANY of us. Worst still, they LET these people get away with this, and have done NOTHING in the way of persecuting these people for what they have done. And, by bailing out big banks....the very corporations that raped the country in the first place, and using YOUR tax dollars to do so, the government is making YOU pay for the greed of those few, who I might add now OWN 70% of this country's wealth because of what they have done. They are making YOU pay for this, and to me, this is completely unacceptable. Thanks to all of this our economy has been completely decimated, and millions of businesses and lives have been destroyed. So, do you feel that this government is operating in your best interests, or is it operating in the interests of the rich only? Also, how do you now feel about blindly paying taxes, and how do you feel about this government in general? Should it be overthrown as per the Declaration of Independence? Are you as angry as I am?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree that there are some greddy people on Wall Street and some executives that have not been held accountable for their role in nearly ruining the country.

    However, when I see answers accusing the repubs of favoring the rich, I laugh at it for a second, scoff at it, and then get really angry just like you, asker!

    Here are the facts and not just opinions spewing hate like some of the answers I have seen for this question.

    RICH PEOPLE for the most part are the ones that own small, medium, large, and every other sized business in the private sector. This is a documented fact and a matter of record beyond refute.

    The private sector employs over 90% of the country that are employed. This is also a well documented fact.

    I have never seen a poor person that owns a successful business, sell a good or service, employ a worker and provide him or her a wage and benefits, contribute to the economy by purchasing inventory, vehicles and other items... It is the rich! And they get their money by working hard for it.

    Now these same rich people that liberals and some of these answers are demonizing are the ones responsible for employing over 90% of the country - the private sector.

    Liberals want to raise taxes on the rich but still claim to want to create jobs.

    Let me ask everyone a question? If you went to go buy a new car and the salesman showed you two identical cars with one offered at $1 above cost and the other marked up 60%, which one would you choose? The cheaper one of course. I do not know ANYONE that would be foolish enough to purchase the overpriced car. Yet that is EXACTLY what liberal are asking the rich to do. Buy into their failed tax and spend ideology that ALWAYS kills jobs, brings on inflation, and exponentially increases deficits - not to mention creating and prolonging recessions.

    The bottom line is that if this country is ever going to come out of this unemployment slump, it will be the private sector that gets us there. And when are they most likely to hire? When taxes are low, the economy is doing well, and the forecasted probability of new taxes is low. Why? Because typically when libs raise taxes on the rich, the rest of us also get tagged. We have already been tagged by Obamacare, soon will be paying 5% more in every bracket when the libs let the Bush tax cuts expire, and even more taxes in the energy bill better know as the Cap and Trade bill if it passes.

    That means the rich person that owns the business will be paying more income tax, more payroll taxes, more at the end of the year along with all of his employees, will have less "profit" or disposable income to invest in the economy and therefore will not have money to hire more employees. In fact, he will probably let some go!

    I am all for holding the crook's feet to the fire! Now rather than after the fact. Just leave the other rich people alone. It never ceases to amaze me that libs demonize the business owners (the rich) and are hypocritical enough to claim they want to "create or save jobs". They go right behind their pontification with claims of wanting to "tax the rich" while willingly ignorant of the fact that the jobs are with the rich!

    I will stop now. My rant is not really what the asker is looking for.

    Source(s): Thank You br101 for reminding us all of that which WE have in THIS country to be thankful for! So much time gets spent criticizing Obama (of which I am guilty as well) that we do not see the blessings of liberty and a Constitution based on Godly and capitalistic principles. Thanks again, mate!
  • 1 decade ago

    You Americans should be bloody well thankful you have a system of government like you do.

    I live in Europe, and the government operate in the interest of socialism and nothing more. EVERYTHING they do is to move us slowly, slowly towards a communist state. We were plagued with communism for decades and in the 80s/90s we defeated it in central Europe and Russia - but those Communists are still there are they've learned from their mistakes. They're trying to make Europe a socialist state. And we have NO constitution to stop it, like you Americans do. NEVER GET RID OF YOUR CONSTITUTION. It's one of the single greatest documents ever written. It's to the point and straight forward and written by FREEDOM LOVING, good men.

    I know it's not going to end pretty in Europe - I know we need to stand up to socialism, and I know it will be difficult, but by the grace of God I hope the New World doesn't forget us freedom loving people trying to defeat socialism. We need support, from the Land of the Free.

    I used to like Obama, I'm not a fan now - he's too European-leaning, but damnit you Americans can deal with it for a few years and vote him out if you wish. You have a chance, don't loose it.

  • wgac
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    CORPORATIONS have taken over America ,much in the same way that the DRUG CARTELS have taken over Mexico !The CORPORATIONS did IT by dividing the country along racial lines .THAT is the way that they will maintain their control .The American people can't resist this power take over because Americans are obsessed with RACE AND RACISM ! Everything in America has race injected into it .America can't run from its history of racism because it is past on from father to son ! Racist in America will support racist policies even if it ends up hurting the racist themselves . Instead of blaming the corporations for the things it does that hurt them, racist will blame the victims of racism for some things which were caused by the very conservatives that they put in office ! Who do you think is paying rush limbaugh and glenn beck and the rest ot that fox racist new channel ?GREEDY RICH PEOPLE ! who's best interest do you think they are spreading all this propaganda ?GREEDY RICH PEOPLE !The people have mountains of wealth and that is not ENOUGH ! The American working class is in the middle of being taught a lesson and we are not learning a thing . The lesson is "HOW TO TAKE OVER AMERICA AND MAKE THEM LIKE IT"! Divide the country along racial lines and make white America happy as hell about it, by MAKING THEM THINK THAT THEY ARE GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF IT! MAKE THEM "THINK" THAT THEY ARE TAKING "THEIR" COUNTRY BACK ! All during the process MAKE them poor as hell while the rich get RICHER ! Start a war and send their children too and when their children die in the war, that is making the rich RICHER, Blow smoke up their a$$es and tell them he DIED A HERO even if the died by FRIENDLY FIRE ! American corporations are using RACE AS A TOOL TO TAKE OVER AMERICA ......divide and conquer ! Americans are too hateful to SEE IT !

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say this government is operating in the best interests of the special interests, which includes the rich but is by no means limited to the rich.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans have a long History of protecting the wealthy, there buds. They will always protect the wealthy in the USA. Government is very slow to change. We are seeing now the effect of Republicans in control of our nation. Now you tell me. Why would any real American be proud of G.W. Bush and his cronies? Why do Republicans love the wealthy so much?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually in the interest of the career politician. They soak the rich, keep the poor down and answer to no one.

  • 1 decade ago


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