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Lv 42,838 points

Land of the Greedy

Favorite Answers28%
  • Poll: Would you trust the new Kinect device?

    It's coming out for Xbox in the next few days. It's a device that connects to your Xbox, and uses facial recognition to 'scan you in,' so that it can "remember your settings." For what purpose? Why would they develop a device that scans you in, when you can simply choose your user name in the normal fashion? This device is likely connected to the internet as well, and this may seem paranoid, but God knows what that information could be used for. I am absolutely certain the government would just LOVE a detailed biometric digital scan of your entire face and body, for whatever purpose. Next thing you know, just walking down the street you can be instantly identified. This device is even more insidious, because it gets you to do it yourself, and they don't even need your permission. So, would you trust it, or do you think this could be used as a tool by the government for identification purposes, or possibly more than just that?

    4 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know who in Ebay to talk to that has some corporate muscle?

    Ha, I called that 408-376-7400 number, dialed-in a guessed extension number, and amazingly enough, reached some state run daycare center in Canada! The odd thing was, the voice message upon calling that number WAS Ebay's, and the lady who answered told me it's not the first time someone called her looking for them.

    Anyway, I need to talk to someone in charge over there, in order to complain about the unwarranted restrictions they placed on my new seller account, which their lowly staff are refusing to remove. I'm hoping if I get some corporate muscle involved, they can immediately clear all this up for me so I can start selling items I need to get rid of.

    Anyone know WHO I can talk to.....and don't just give me Ebay's general telephone number. I want the number, name of person to ask for, and extension please. Thanks!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Where is the Excalibur sword from the film?

    After John Boorman filmed Excalibur, the sword was mysteriously lost, and to this day no one knows where it is. SOMEONE out there MUST have it, and whomever that is has been keeping it a secret for the past two decades. So where is the sword? Who has it? Why do you continue to hide it??

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What is the REAL difference between what the media cares about, and our OWN concerns?

    You know what? I am so sick and tired of hearing and reading about some famous person's hair style, who the hell they marry, and the rest. I say, WHO CARES? I certainly don't, so how about the rest of you? This is ridiculous. The media shoots out these stories online, with the expectation that any of us gives a rat's ***? So I ask you REALLY even GIVE A CRAP about these kinds of USELESS and SENSELESS stories that the media STUPIDLY revolves around?????

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What do you think about 2012?

    When I look at world events these past couple years, and I see all these earthquakes happening (one of which took place in Maryland of all places recently!); and when I think about all these tropical storms that have been occurring in the past 10 years or less, I am given to suspect that there are some very severe changes happening on our world, and these changes are a symptom of something totally disastrous to come. Nevermind the Mayan Calendar, which merely serves as an alert....look at what's been really happening lately, and imagine what's going to happen in 2011. With all of these changes, do you feel that this world is coming to some kind of crux as I do, or can you just continue to support a false-belief in that nothing is going to happen at all??

    10 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • When is HP going to make a home printer that has an extra tray just for envelopes?

    I realize there are more important things in the world, but I'm hoping someone at HP will see this and say, "Duh gee, dat sounds like good ideuuh." It's a pain in the butt to constantly have to take the paper out just so you can put an envelope in, and if you''re like me, printing envelopes out all the time, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

    4 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think that big corporations should NOT be moving jobs overseas?

    AND, do you think that if they were NOT doing that, would we still be in this recession?? If big corporations would stop outsourcing jobs overseas to countries like India, the jobless rate wouldn't be at 10%. You can't expect economic recovery to fall squarely on the shoulders of the president when so many companies having been getting away with doing that for decades. In truth, the reason why this recession has gone on for as long as it has is because these corporations are STILL doing this now, even though we can no longer afford this behavior. Call Dell support and who do you talk to?? Some guy or girl in India. I just recently saw a show about India. Did you know that their economy is currently booming because of all the jobs being given them by US companies?? It's ridiculous! Meanwhile our employment rate is at 10% and this recession just goes on and on. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to fix all this crap. Easy! Don't allow companies that are based here in this country and under the protection of our flag to move jobs overseas! These companies base themselves here in this country because it's a benefit for them to do so. Well, I for one say that if they are based here, then they damn well should HIRE here. Hiring people in other countries is a slap in the face. It's un-American, and it should be illegal, especially now. What do you think??

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I have Xbox 360 and Netflix. Has anyone else been noticing these annoying problems?

    While playing back any movie, if you pause it then come back and hit Play, or skip forward or back...especially multiple times without waiting for the buffer to complete, or if you do most anything that a DVD player can normally do with ease, it jumps right out of the playback and then comes to the movie screen where you can play the film. Thing is, it doesn't even recall your previous position, so you have to play the movie all over again, then jump forward multiple times in order to get to where the point in the film where it jumped out of. What I am also seeing is that each time you hit that forward button, you HAVE to wait for the buffer to complete before you hit it again. If you don't wait, you wind up back at the damn menu, and once again because it does NOT remember where you were in the film, you have to do it all over again. Am I not the only one experiencing this?? Though I LOVE having all these movies being streamed right to my TV, I do NOT love all these problems with interaction. Is anyone else having the same troubles, or what??

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Did you know that you can pull a drop of water out of a cave, analyze it, and see an entire universe inside?

    And thus, how do we know our entire universe isn't inside a drop of water, in some much larger cave??

    Food for thought, eh?

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Does anyone use Netflix with their Xbox 360?

    And if so, what's the movie library like? Are there are lot of choices? I'm thinking about getting rid of Cinemax because that's $13.99 per month, and it's stupid to pay that when I could use Netflix with the Xbox and pay a hell of a lot less.

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Gear1 decade ago
  • Anyone have Netflix on Xbox 360? If so, why do you have to have a Gold membership?

    My question is, do you have to pay anything beyond the Gold Membership and the Netflix monthly fee itself, just to watch any of Netflix's movies?? Does it cost tokens or points, or credits or whatever, to watch each film??

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Do you feel that this government is operating in your best interests, or the interests of the rich only?

    You have been raped. Billions, if not trillions of dollars have been stolen from the American public...that's you and me, your neighbors, friends....everyone you know who isn't some rich fat-cat Wall Street or banker pig. These people who have done this were already rich in the first place, but now they're living like Czars while the rest of us are all suffering for what they have done, and the U.S. government hasn't done ANYTHING to truly help ANY of us. Worst still, they LET these people get away with this, and have done NOTHING in the way of persecuting these people for what they have done. And, by bailing out big banks....the very corporations that raped the country in the first place, and using YOUR tax dollars to do so, the government is making YOU pay for the greed of those few, who I might add now OWN 70% of this country's wealth because of what they have done. They are making YOU pay for this, and to me, this is completely unacceptable. Thanks to all of this our economy has been completely decimated, and millions of businesses and lives have been destroyed. So, do you feel that this government is operating in your best interests, or is it operating in the interests of the rich only? Also, how do you now feel about blindly paying taxes, and how do you feel about this government in general? Should it be overthrown as per the Declaration of Independence? Are you as angry as I am?

    7 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago