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Is 1 day per park enough for all 4 Walt Disney World parks?

My husband and I are planning to spend 6 days in Orlando for our first anniversary. We're mainly going for Disney World, but while we're there would like to go to Universal Studios, too. There are 4 Disney parks and 2 Universal parks, so that gives us 1 day for each. Is 1 day enough for each Disney park? I went about 5 years ago when I was in college, but I just can't remember/think if 1 day each will work! Any Disney veterans out there have any advice?


PS- We're going the 2nd week of November.

Update 2:

PPS- I'm not a fan of Epcot, so I doubt we'll spend even a whole day there.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It all depends on what kind of vacation you want to have!

    The disney parks as you know are huge, and there are always lots of people! The lines for the most popular rides like space mountain, splash mountain, tower of terror, rock n rolling coaster, so arin, fast track, expedition everest, and kilimanjaro Safarie can some day be up to 2 hrs long! For the dates you chose you should be ok, since it's the second week of november and kids are still in school! If you are planing in doing ALL the popular rides you need to get there really early in the morning around the time the park opens! I do not know what your budget is like but PARK HOPPERS are awesome! Park hopper is an additional charge on your ticket that allows you to jump from one park to another!!! Disney's Animal Kingdom Park usually closes earlier than the other parks (arround 5 or 6 pm) so after you are done with this park, you can go to any of the other parks go in a few rides and catch the firework shows and night parades!!!

    Now here are a few pointers of things you can do to manage your time!

    1. Use the Fast Passes!!!- A fast pass is a ticket which you can obtain right infront of the entrence of each attraction and holds you place in line! they are very useful!

    2. Everyone has to eat, and everyone want to take a picture with mickey too!- Away for you to do both of this things at once is by eating in one of the character breakfast/dinner restaurants!!! they can be pricy, so I always eat a late breakfast (10:30 -12), and then I only have dinner around 6 or 7! In this restaurants the characters go to your table while you are eating, so you dont have to wait in line for an hour to take a picture with mickey!

    3. Check Disney's calender for extra magic hours! Now this only works if you stay at one of the Disney resorts! Each day of teh week a park stays open a few hours later, or opens a few ours earlier so resort guest dont have to wait in line and can enjoy tha major attractions! Now, if you dont stay in a disney resort you can still take advantage by making all your purchasses during the magic hours! so dont waste your time in the stores while you can be in line for a ride! Go to the stores after tha park closes (only when the park has the extra magic hourd though!!!)

    4. If you dont care for perades or shows, skip them!! usually ride lines are shorter during this times!

    5. When arraiving to the magic kingdom! take the resort monoriel!!! people dont know this but it is better to take the resort monoriel and ride it around the resorts than to wait for 45 min to get into the magic kingdom monoriel! yes, you do make more stops but it is better to be in the monoriel with AC than standing in line in the Florida heat for 45 min!!!

    Overall, I do think you will have enough time for Disney! Don't expect to get to all the major attractions, but you can get preatty close to doing them all!

    Disney must sees/dos:

    Magic kingdom:

    1. Space mountain

    2. Splash mountain

    3. Hounted Mansion

    4. Wishes (fireworks)

    5. Spectro magic perade

    6. Mickey's philiharmonic


    1. Soarin

    2. Mission Space

    3. Test track

    4 Turtle talk with crush

    5. Illuminations

    Disney Studios

    1. Tower of Terror

    2. Rock and roller coaster

    3. Lights camera action

    4. Beauty and the beast /voyage of the litle mermaid

    5. Pixar block party

    6. Toy story mania

    7 Fantasmic (best night show)

    Animal Kingdom

    1. Expedition everest

    2. Festival of the Lion king

    3. Killinmanjaro Safari

    4. Its tough to be a bug (best 3-d show)

    5. Finding nemo the musical

    Downtown Disney

    1. Cirque du soleil "LA NOUBA"

    2. Cirque du soleil shop (cool place to take pics)

    3. Pleasure island

    4. the big Disney store

    Fave fun in Disney!! you will have a blast,i promise!!!

    Source(s): Me!!!! Disney annual goer since 2003! (I go once a year in the month of sep/oct) , and future Disney Imagineer! ;)
  • 5 years ago

    1. You can buy tickets for any park you choose, or do a park hopper (see below) 2. The park hopper allows you to go from park to park in the same day. With a regular ticket, you have to stay in that one park the whole day. (When we went, we didn't have that option, and were perfectly fine) 3. The time can all vary. If you are going during spring break, times will be much longer than if you went on a regular day. It also depends on how you use your FastPass's. 4. About one day in each park should be a good amount of time. 5. It depends on your interest. Epcot- Good for ages 45+ Magic- Good for families Animal Kingdom- Good for ages 6-15 MGM- Good for ages 13-21 It is best to get a hotel on Disney property. They tend to be slightly more expensive, but the benefits are great. For one, everyday, one park opens early or closes late. That is only available to residents of one of those hotels. Everyone else has to wait for normal park hours.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats a good time of year to go because most kids are still in school and its before the Christmas rush, but to see everything 4 days is not nearly enough. Its fine if you're only going to be in Florida for 6 days but if you were doing just Disney and staying longer you would probably want more than four days . + Disney also has 2 water parks, a sports complex, horse back riding, golf, mini golf, boat rentals/watersports and downtown disney (which inlcudes shops, restaurants and Cirque Du Soleil's "

    La Nuba" which was made only for the Disney parks.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it depends on how much in each of the parks you want to do. If you want to do all the shows and rides then four days would not be enough.

    We usually go within the first two weeks of May when there are really no lines at all. We do get hoppers and tend to do five to five and a half days of hopping and a day to a day and a half of Downtown Disney and relaxing.

    In Nov you can do a park per day but know that you wont be able to do everything.

    If I were you I would just focus on Disney.

    I would also suggest you stay at one of their resorts and do the meal plan. Take your time and enjoy your first anniversary. We actually did our first anniversary there too. :)

    If you have questions please send me a message.

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  • tamala
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    One Day At Disney World

  • milly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    definitely not lol

    You could perhaps get away with going to Animal Kingdom for one day but Magic Kingdom and Epcot are a definite 2 or even 3 day thing.

    If you are going to the water parks, you only need one day too.

    I suggest you get there for opening time and send one person to go and get a fast pass for one of the busy rides in the parks while you go and start queueing for another. That's what my family does.

    People will push and shove and sprint to get on those rides lol

    Have Fun =)

    Also i suggest you go onto google and go on these websites - thedis , thedibb

    they are brilliant for advice on Disney, trust me i've been 7 times and they have helped find us the good cheap deals and great places to go every single time =)

  • Pearl
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Honey I've been to Disney World five times and twice to Universal. One day will be enough to cover most of the major things at each park. That is usually what we do with the last day always spent at the Magic Kingdom. We always have to see the castle first and last. Every time we go we try to do something different like the Keys to the Kingdom tour or lunch at Cinderella's Castle. I hope you have a great time and I wish I was going too.

  • g
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Six days really isn't enough time to do everything. But if you plan carefully and go to and research each attraction, you can then decide what you're willing to leave out and what is a must see. Make sure you also take full advantage of Fast Pass to save yourselves some time.

    Another tip would be to buy park hoppers. This will allow you to visit two parks in one day. In our case, we usually only pick and choose some attractions at Animal Kingdom and then head over to Hollywood Studios during their evening Extra Magic Hours. By having the park hoppers we're able to do a lot in one day.

    If I only had one day at each park I'd also make sure to skip the sit down restaurants and only do counter service meals, aside from one nice anniversary dinner, of course. Eating at the restaurants is something our family always looks forward to but quite honestly it always seems to take at least two hours away from enjoying the rides.

    Don't forget to pick up your anniversary buttons at Guest Services. My parents got soooo much attention and a few perks for wearing theirs.

    Source(s): 20+ years of WDW travel and still counting
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The town of Orlando is located in one of many world's many visited tourist regions, which pulls hundreds of millions guests annually and you can be one if you take a look with hotelbye . On the list of key tourist attractions of Orlando are: Walt Disney World£Earth, SeaWorld Orlando, and Universal Orlando. Orlando's SeaWorld, with its large aquariums, dolphin and whale reveals, feel pools, and considerable set of flights, pulls a big household audience is the right spot to opt for the family. In this place you may also get the chance for a close-up experience with dolphins and other residents. SeaWorld in Orlando is on the list of world's greatest underwater areas and absolutely probably the most visited.

  • 1 decade ago

    Soz no i dont think it is........if u just take Epcot alone on a busy day and u wanna get everything in u wont get round all future world and the lands......same 4 all the parts of Magic Kingdom. Although it is possible to do animal kingdom and possibly Hollywood studios in one day if your quick.

    If i was u pick what u really wanna do eg. shows etc.....some r only running on certain days e.g. fantasmic and spectromagic so if u wanna c them u will need plan your trip....have a look at a site called its an unoffical disney site with park maps, opening times, parade times etc....


    Source(s): Personal Experience.
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