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Somebody, please help me. I'm at breaking point, right now?

Hi everyone. I don't know where to start. My parents are the biggest problem of my life. They verbally and emotionally abuse me to the point, where I feel like killing myself. They're not educated at all, so they don't know anything logically. My Dads side of the family have like this hatred for my Mums side of the family, behind their backs, and my Dad gets really jealous when I visit my Mums family, let alone stay over there. I love my Mums family so much, I grew up with them and Dads side is trying to pull us away from them. I stayed at my Mums Mum's house(my Grandma) and my parents kept calling me, asking when I'm coming home and all...they asked so aggressively too. When I came home, they treated me like ****. No, worse than ****. They were saying lots of 'things' about me to each other, but not to my face. The things they were saying were really hurtful, like they disowned me and called me a b***h, they said it was better if i hadn't been born, and lots of other things that are way meaner. They also said that I'm not allowed out anywhere this summer, alothough I did go cinema with my Mums family, only because they came and forcefully convinced my Mum, and Dad wasn't there. Going was a big mistake, as it resulted in a huge arguement, and I can hear them talking about me again.

I do everything around the house. I look after both my brothers, one who is autistic and it's really difficult to handle him. I get the highest grades, and when I tell them, they don't even care. And today, my cousin who failed her exams, came to visit and she showed that she could cook, and Mum started saying 'She can cook, and what can you do? Nothing, at all. Just sit there and eat your face in.' I fill up all their forms, talk on the phone for them. Everything.

I'm really fed up of not being appreciated...What can I do? Please help me get out of this agony. I can't take it anymore. I've thought of suicide alot, but I want to live my life.

I'm 15, by the way.

Thank you.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As hard as it maybe try and ignore it, you seem to be a very strong person who can very much stand on her own 2 feet. legally you could move out when your 16 if you really wanted to but thats your choice.

    If i was you I would move out at 16, get a job and move on from it all no one deserves to be treated let alone spoken to that way.

    Keep your chin up, get through your GCSE's and enjoy your life.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Is there any possible way you could go and live with your Grandma? Surely she has some influence over your mother and can intervene on your behalf. Is there a counsellor, teacher or someone else outside the family who you can talk to about all this? Enlist all the help you can get from wherever you can get it. It's a toxic situation for you to be in but don't do anything silly. Stay strong and remember there are people who love you and can help.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    records are meant to be broken, purely look at Bonds chasing Aaron innovations-blowing now for information of that. Borg's 5 consecutive Wimbledon titles? Federer equalled the mark below 30 years later. even although, I doubt lots of Gretzky's records would be eclipsed in our lifetime (or a minimum of no longer for a million-2 extra generations). I recommend ninety two targets? Come on, this is purely stupid production. did you already know that interior the three hundred and sixty 5 days Gretzky published 215 factors, he had notched one hundred after purely 34 video games? those may be the difficult ones to interrupt alongside with 50 targets in 39 and fifty one consecutive video games with a element. The occupation factors mark is the toughest via mix of potential and durability required. somebody could ought to submit an ordinary of 191 factors for 15 seasons or 143 factors for 20 to attain Gretzky. the guy who manages to surpass those benchmarks of greatness would be a particular participant for particular.

  • 1 decade ago

    All I can say is to stay UP no matter what. Trying talking some sort of after school classes, Go out if they let you. Try to just forget about the problem. Because believe it or not im also sorta in that situation so whenever they start treating me like **** I just got out with friends or go to my backyard and play some sort of sport( I play soccer) if that doesn't work I also try hearing music.

    But yea thinking of suicidal thoughts is like the worst thing to do because you feel even more bad for something you dont even control of. So like I said just relax and hold on until you're 18 or 21 to get a job or move out like im planning to do.

    I'm 18 saving up alot already planning to move out like in a year or 2 with a friend.

    E-mail me im you feel like talking to somebody when you're feeling like **** and we can feel like **** together :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Christ, I feel for you. Is there anyway you can tell your mum's family about this inexcusable behaviour from your so-called parents? Maybe you could live with them, because the way you're being treated is awful - who do they think they are? You're meant to be precious to them, it disgusts me that they are this cruel to you when it seems as if you do nothing else but try to please them. If you could move out to be with your other family that would probably be your best option - even if it does cause your dad's family to become even more jealous, because at the moment your life seems to be hell. You shouldn't be treated like this.

  • Jen M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That's waaaaaayyyy to much stress for a 15 yr old. Is your Mums family nice? Maybe you should go back with them. Or tell someone. Talk to shrink or someone who can help you out. Don't kill youself, you have to much to live for. Even if you have to remove yourself from a bad situation.

  • ziggy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    wow....... if your mom's side of the family is willing to convince your parents to let you go to a movie, maybe they'd be willing to take you in too. Not sure they can legally keep you there though. you need to take what you've written here and talk with child and family services and your mom's side of the family. Child and family services might go to bat for you if they see your relatives are serious.

  • 1 decade ago

    best advice is don't take advice from the internet unless they suggest you see a professional for therapy. start with your school counsellor.

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