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Lv 6
TDM asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 1 decade ago

Should we ban SUV's, and Texas Drivers?

A person in Texas drove the wrong way on the highway and killed a family of four, and himself as well. He was a Texas driver, and his SUV was the "weapon". SHOULD ALL SUV'S AND TEXAS DRIVERS BE FOREVER BANNED???,0,2...

Asked in the hunting section in response to those who think all guns are to blame for any murders.


Jeff P and Dr G, you kind of missed the point. Some people want guns banned because they kill people. SUV's are quite capable of killing as seen here. Should SUV's be banned?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sarcasm noted. You pulled a non-sequitor. You see, the anti gunners rarely, if ever, demonize the killers, just the guns. Following the logic of blowhards like Joe Grace from CeaseFirePA, your question should simply have been whether or not to ban the SUV's. Texas drivers are not at fault, its the darned SUV's.

    Source(s): Lived in the Republic of Texas for 3-1/2 years. Not all of them drive poorly, but I really don't get their fascination with "dualies", the big trucks with the 4 rear tires that never seem to have a trailer attached to them. Must be a Texas thing. Kinda like all hat and no cattle.
  • 1 decade ago

    I guess if a person stops and thinks about,damn near everything in their home could be used kill someone.From a coffee mug to a televison,a con could find a way to hurt or kill someone.Like the original poster asked though,you will never hear of coffee mugs being banned.More people are killed everyday by drunk drivers ( 1 person every 13 minutes) than guns.Whens the last time you heard some liberal dem fag trying to ban cars?Well you dont.The same democrat fag that has no need to hunt or own a gun,still has to drive his sorry a$$ to anti -gun meetings and such

  • Dru
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, this is a list of everything in the U.S. that should be banned because a person can use it as a weapon:

    All vehicles

    knives (any sharp object really)



    any type of poison

    rope, wire, cords (anything you can strangle someone with)

    baseball bats

    dogs that can be trained to attack

    Alcohol (people drink and drive and kill others so because some people are irresponsible it should be banned altogether)

    Really any type of tool that mankind uses for survival should be banned so we can't kill one another...

  • 1 decade ago

    Living in Texas myself I agree that there are a lot of bad drivers here.....Not only what you mentioned but earlier this year there were about 4 cases just like the one you mentioned...but you won't ever be able to change the minds of the anti-gun freaks...

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, but we need "common sense" car laws

    No spoilers or fancy rims, as this can lead to speeding and reckless behavior.

    Put inhibitors that limit a vehicles top speed to 15MPH

    Institute a "one is enough" policy

    Limit people to one new car every two years.

    Install Breathalyzer ignitions on all cars (only non-sarcastic idea I have. Friends daughter was killed by a repeat drunk driver just before Thanksgiving)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mushroom: I don't think we can ever change the views of the Anti-Gun Nuts. They don't use reason, they just use their feelings.

    To all you anti gun nuts out there: The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Start using it or move to Iran so the rest of us can have some peace.

    Dr. G: We here on earth call this sarcasm.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Doctors through malpractice and negligence kill more people every year than guns do, I say we ban doctors.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess the mandatory licensing and testing didn't do a lot of good here, huh?

  • 1 decade ago

    Im from Texas and we aren't a bunch of ignorant people who drive down wrong ways. That man clearly was suicidal to continue driving into on coming traffic. I am not excusint his actions by any means, But this wasnt an 'suv's' fault or a 'Texans' fault. So dont push the ignorance of one onto all of us Texans.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    lets just outlaw "STUPID" and "CRAZY" that's the root of the problem. guns cause crime like flies cause poo-poo.

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