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C.S.Scotkin asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

Would you care to comment on a Petrachan Sonnet?


by C.S. Scotkin

I willing trapped myself in silken night

A moth that blithely flew into a web

When blinded by the Moon’s full face ahead

And never saw the snare hid in the light,

Who should have flown at some much greater height,

Spied diff’rent paths down which I could have fled

Before your words, those fine and false spun threads

Entangled me, forbade me further flight.

Those captured have the time to hang in thought

And scheme escape from folly’s strangling hold

This tarnished web was never made from gold

What is the price for freedom dearly bought?

I chanced the loss of wings with movement bold

Regained my life, this tale now is told.


A moment is a moment...

I really enjoyed the thinking I did in trying this form. I think that if I wish to write good poetry in free verse (or any style for that matter) it is important to know what the rules are for the classical forms.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When you said this morning, "No Sonnets for the moment," you meant "the moment!"

    The Sonnet is one of my favorite 'fixed' forms. For a reason unknown to me, I prefer the English (Shakespearean) Sonnet. However, you have the rhyme and form down pat and convey the important message that we must participate in our own destiny and take risks or we will never 'fly."

  • 1 decade ago

    oddly enough, I was just going through my poetry notebook the last few days...trying to make some sense of it...and I came across the definition and way to write a Petrachan Sonnet.

    nicely done

    I enjoyed the read, the story told is sweet

    *I have not been able to write a good sonnet, though I have made a FEW attempts. I will leave the sonnet writing to those who can...I adore them so!*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thought this was excellent. I got a bit ensnared on "And scheme escape from folly’s strangling hold" because I read it as if it were escaped schemes as opposed to schemes OF escape, but once I realized my mistake I realized it was all me.

    Good job. I love when people try a relatively new form for them and it really flies.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Having been caught a few times in others webs I can feel for the moth, or empathize.

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  • Daisy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've not done this form before. Must try it. You, of course, always make them seem easy. This is good!

  • 1 decade ago

    You placed a scene of events in my mind. Great stuff here CS!

  • 1 decade ago

    very good-a cut above your usual work

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You kept your wings.

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