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  • Would you care to C/C on this poem?


    by C.S.Scotkin

    If I were gifted with one wish

    I know now what I'd ask.

    Long talks with my ancestors gone

    Awakened for this task.

    I'd hope to find the clues that rise

    like sap, my family tree

    has always had a few snapped twigs,

    which one has led to me?

    Would they appreciate this call

    from rest eternal earned,

    forgive my curiosity,

    did once their own hearts yearn?

    I wonder if they'd want to share

    those memories they saved,

    or would they rather not disclose

    the secrets of their graves?

    "Be careful what you wish for..."

    Cliched I knew, but true.

    Perhaps I have no need to know

    the worlds they struggled through.

    Let me be grateful for their lives,

    forever let them rest.

    I hope that someone in my past

    bequeathed to me their best.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to C/C on this poem?


    by C.S.Scotkin

    You really aren't alive, you viral speck,

    Yet when you raid my cells you cut them down,

    You cause my barking cough and then cruel aches

    the earthquakes of my chills are fely in town.

    Protector cells, please hasten to my aid,

    I've taken all the vitamins I can,

    For soup and tea my appetite does fade

    as does this medication in my hand.

    Creator of the Universe, Oh why?

    What earthly good do viruses fulfill?

    I'm tired of tissues, lozenges I buy,

    I shouldn't whine, it's time to take a pill.

    I'll rest and dream of Summer's balmy breeze

    If I don't wake myself up with a sneeze.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Will you share your C/C on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    I'd like to pull the night across my head,

    a soft velvet comforter

    embroidered with silver

    French- knotted stars.

    Warm and safe

    where no brash Sun can burn my face.

    Soft twinkling will not blind me...

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion of this poem?


    by C. S. Scotkin

    Internet matchmakers

    are a Pandora’s box

    save for one small matter.

    Hope jumps out first,

    and startles,

    explodes in optimistic glory

    before icy eyes deep frozen

    in past failures of the heart.

    Only then crawl out those sweetly acid lies,

    inane lines written, describing nothing,

    altered photos, predatory purrs,

    seductive, tempting, all alike.

    Hope continues, a happy dance,

    whispers, like an impious brat,

    “Look at him, look at her.

    You could write them, call them, meet them,

    maybe love them, maybe live

    happily ever after…

    Send your $13.95 in,

    have anonymous access to the human deli;

    something for every palate,

    advertise yourself, the Blue Plate Special.”

    But hope is right about one small thing.

    Sometimes, it works.

    9 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    Fickle winds

    blew doubts, then

    cycloned fears.

    Your daily coolness

    clashed with

    night time’s heat.

    Cumulus emotions

    rose, but then


    Thunderous words

    and cracked hail’s

    beating curse.

    That storm

    is over now,

    still there’s numbing shock

    clearing all this

    heart debris,

    walking in the dark.

    12 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would you care to comment on this poem? Do you ever feel this way?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    The Moon is full…

    I need to scream

    and not to dream

    of losses great

    or wicked fate…

    The Season of the Lunatic is here.

    there is nothing more for me to fear,

    and nothing more to lose…

    In the oaks there cries an owl.

    Head thrown back, why can’t I howl?

    Be transformed for this one night,

    perhaps then, I will be alright.

    The Season of the Lunatic is here.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    How shall I speak of happiness to you

    When in a glass, reflected to my eyes

    This face I see has something, seeming new

    With no detected wants, with no disguise.

    I cannot waste my gifted time with fears,

    Desires that never once will fill my heart

    With joyful songs to sing for all the years

    Allotted me before I must depart.

    And yet the self like some small selfish girl

    I whined to those who’d listen, “it’s not fair”

    I never knew that I possessed a pearl

    But now I know some beauty I can share.

    Content with life and lot is cause for bliss,

    I’ve traveled far to find this happiness .

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would you care to comment on a poem, and is it ever easy seeing an old lover again?


    By C.S. Scotkin

    Don’t look at me,

    your soul laid open

    like an ancient tome

    coated with regrets

    like dust .

    Don’t reach for my hand.

    Pretend memories are false.

    See me as a stranger.

    Then we can smile

    next time we meet.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    Humor is the strangest thing,

    That noteless music angels sing,

    run the Devil through the door,

    God Almighty’s two by four!

    Sorrow, angst are found in bloom,

    In poetry garden’s deepest gloom.

    but humor hides, seed pods in soil

    await a different gardener’s toil.

    When first Eden’s Fruit was bit,

    I think the Parents eyes were lit

    I suspect they also learned,

    laughed at that new life they earned.

    Slap-stick comedy of Creation

    ought to fill with revelation

    sentient children, getting the joke

    are freed from burdens of the yoke.

    Acid taste of cold satire

    Portrait of this wallow’s mire

    Dry, ironic on the palate

    So unlike the Stooges mallet.

    Humor, mankind’s greatest gift,

    our ability, spirits lift,

    hand in hand with courage and grace

    look upon Death’s mask and face

    And laugh!

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on a poem ?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    I search for words, such perfect ways to say

    My love, the truest feelings I embrace

    But have not found them, nor have I met you

    And so my lantern burns late hours in vain.

    I’ve seen all but your face when dreams roll in

    To tease my soul as cool waves tease my toes,

    Then disappear before I can react.

    There is no image for my heart to hold.

    I have to trust that if our paths converge

    My search as well as yours be done at last,

    This endless search for words of love will end

    As our words blend together through the night.

    The answer that I seek in silent times,

    Which must come first, a sonnet or a love?

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on a poem about, well, an amphibian?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    “Be careful of that foot of yours”

    I heard a small voice say

    As I was stepping to the porch

    About to greet the day.

    I glanced around to find the sound

    Then once again I heard

    “Look down you oaf”, and then I found

    Myself within a herd

    Of toads.

    Excuse me, sir, I said to him

    The spokesman of the mob.

    I’ll take my seat, I’ll watch my feet

    And then we can hob-nob.

    Those eyes that bulged toward me showed scorn,

    Ms. Toad to you, she said

    “You mammals are the strangest lot,

    Weird thoughts within your head.

    Now please keep quiet and be still

    It’s time to break our fast

    These plump and juicy beetle bugs

    Can really run quite fast.”

    I sat there like a piece of stone

    Her tongue shot out her mouth,

    Blue beetle who’d just joined us

    Had suddenly gone south.

    All gone.

    In rapture Ms. Toad licked her lips,

    Her scowl replaced with a smile

    “I love fast food in the morning

    Now I’ll go sleep for awhile.”

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    The Witness sits, reports the end of dark.

    She quiet stares, her senses fill and wake

    As gangly young persimmons learn to dance

    In cool transmuted vaguely wintered breeze.

    A crescent Moon smiles wide at Perseus

    Who throws a shooting star to welcome her.

    Horizons in the East become shell pink,

    A silhouetted possum ambles by.

    Hears morning singers, sweetly dissonant,

    Keep time to ancient pulses from the Earth

    Then quiet down, they hold their breaths to look

    At Brightness spilling through the fronds of palms.

    Small pond has gone to gold while herons fish

    And carillons of men begin to play.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • I have re-worked this earlier posting; has my editing improved the final result?


    by C.S Scotkin

    Cracked blue mug of lowly clay

    Damaged like a tempted soul

    You still hold your heat,

    Familiar as an old lover.

    I will not trade your

    Chipped rim or faded glaze

    For porcelain with no experience

    In the ways of hot bitter coffee.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on a Petrachan Sonnet?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    I willing trapped myself in silken night

    A moth that blithely flew into a web

    When blinded by the Moon’s full face ahead

    And never saw the snare hid in the light,

    Who should have flown at some much greater height,

    Spied diff’rent paths down which I could have fled

    Before your words, those fine and false spun threads

    Entangled me, forbade me further flight.

    Those captured have the time to hang in thought

    And scheme escape from folly’s strangling hold

    This tarnished web was never made from gold

    What is the price for freedom dearly bought?

    I chanced the loss of wings with movement bold

    Regained my life, this tale now is told.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Should one mix Biology with Rhyme?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    I wander languid through the deep abyss

    Always searching for my supper or a kiss.

    No sunlight in these depths can ere exist

    How shall I find a mate I can’t resist.

    I swim so slowly as I search the sea

    To find the perfect mate made just for me

    All angler fish created have one plea

    I have to reproduce, oh! Can’t you see!

    I discharge perfume through my briny home

    On this procedure I could write a tome,

    I swish the lighted lure upon my dome

    While trying to compose my first love pome.

    What’s this, a little nibble on my side?

    I think this means I’m going to be a bride.

    He’s latched right on , his head he’s going to hide

    And we shall never part, he is my pride!

    Ecstatic now I have a mate so fair

    His good strong sperm will always be right there,

    On call for waiting eggs, and would you dare

    To try this all you ladies that breathe air?

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C. S. Scotkin

    Silly, letting Willy

    catch me in his web.

    Iambically boring

    I hear myself snoring

    from ennui

    until I quite dread

    the thought.

    Other forms itching,

    gnattily biting

    my brain.


    Not yet.

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would you care to comment on this poem?


    By C.S. Scotkin

    When pain comes and visits

    like a chain saw in a primeval wood

    or like a flame thrower

    in a garden filled with straw flowers,

    is one obliged to be

    a geisha with serenity

    painted perfectly on her face,

    ignore such dreadful manners

    or should one ask the perpetrator

    to leave…

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    There are no dress rehearsals for this play

    It’s show time from the moment we draw air

    In lungs that cry to take the center stage.

    We take our cues, then ad lib if we dare

    To change somehow the plot of this grand show

    Create a role that fits us, like a skin

    Not costumed cumbersome, we never know

    The act or time when we are stepping in

    To change the tone from tragedy to bliss

    With words that change the scen’ry of our soul

    No higher calling for us actors, this

    To leave our stage with meaning, pure and whole.

    There are but two directors for our part,

    A mind that’s open and a hopeful heart.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    There was a time we knew the magic path

    Which led us all to true reality

    And took us deep within without a map

    What wonders, O such visions we could see!

    We danced with giants, sang the songs of elves

    Conversed with fish and rode a centaur’s back

    When did our childhood get pushed back on shelves

    All hid behind the lies that children lack?

    What leached the sweetness from those early years

    Before we learned of pain and cruelest guile

    Before we learned the grown-up song of fears

    That left us only superficial smiles?

    We’ll find again that golden path one day

    And you and I, this time, will get to stay.

    10 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you care to comment on this poem?


    by C.S. Scotkin

    Dreams of challenges, choices and change

    Invaded my brain, in deepest sleep

    There was no rest

    Examine these drops,

    Are they rain or tears

    or falls from grace?

    Does it matter?

    Is it our fault?

    Is it our glory?

    Can we learn to dance

    While avoiding toes?

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago