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Lv 7
granny asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 1 decade ago

Why don't some people who ask questions select an answer?

I've noticed that others, just as myself, sometimes offer detailed answers, yet the one who asked does not choose the answer, voters do, why is that? We care about our answers, I would think the one who asked would be appreciative. Just curious.


Wow, I am impressed with the responses, so far these may be reasons why askers don't select an answer:

forgetfulness, email notification is off, don't care as long as asker gets answer, unable to decide, new to yahoo answer process, slothiness, ingratitude, and entitlement

Update 2:

Thank you all! All the answers were informative; I selected Taylor's because I was given reasons I had not thought about. Want to say "hi" to wannakno.., Celiam, and Re; you are all familiar "faces" who take your answers seriously, that's why I remember you.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There could be a few reasons. The first one could be that they forgot they asked the question then they never give it a second thought. The second one could be that they just don't care. All they care about is getting their answer. The third reason could be that they don't know which one to choose so they just don't. The last reason could be that they are new to Yahoo! Answers and don't know to do that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think some people might just want to workshop their question, but can't necessarily choose one answer over another. They also know that very probably a best answer will be voted, regardless. I know that my husband asked one question and every answer was the same, and in his opinion, wrong. He didn't choose a best (none of them were detailed, or even researched at all. Of two eminent people, the responders admitted to having no knowledge of one so chose the other).

    It is disappointing to give a detailed answer and get no feedback from the recipient.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Granny! I totally agree with you! We do give several detailed answers. The least the asker could do is choose one, even if it isn't mine. LOL! I feel that by choosing a 'Best Answer' you are showing your appreciation for the help you have received. Maybe it's an honest mistake, but...I don't know!! Chalk it up to forgetfulness I guess!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, you're right and is a very interesting query...In an attempt to answer your question I would say that the motive is sloth. And by the way, sometimes also some good answers have thumbs down, I don't know why.

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  • RE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Laziness, ingratitude, a feeling of entitlement ... or else there is really no best answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they forget.

    I've got e-mail notifications turned off, so sometimes I completely forget.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They have their knowledge. "Why not be lazy, now?" Pretty much. Like this, my fave lazy answer:


    ........|..........2 points ..........|||"|""\__



    "Here comes the truck delivering me 2 points" lol

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