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Lv 5
Toledo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

The Rich Pay More Taxes, But The Middle Class Pays a Higher Tax Percentage, is that true?

I have heard the rich pay more taxes, but the middle class pays a higher tax percentage. Is that true?

That is ALL taxes, all 213 of them.

INCOME TAXES are NOT the only tax.

We pay up to 9 taxes on our telephone alone.

Care to answer that with proof one way or another?


saying NO is not proof, that is an opinion.

Update 2:

I am seeing a few assumptions, but nothing I can sink my teeth into.

Update 3:

The telephone tax is an example, that leaves 204 other taxes. Some very small, others very high, like 45 cents per gallon on gas. Property tax, sales tax, etc.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The way taxes are currently structured, the more income you have, the higher the percentage. So no, it is not true.

    The other thing is that rich people tend to own corporations and businesses, and those businesses have to pay taxes as well. So your issue with phone bill, a rich person is not only paying for a telephone at home, but the telephone you use at work as well. It may be through the company's taxes, but that still traces back to the owner.

    Where the argument that the rich do not pay their fair share or whatever is that rich people generally have more access to tax shelters.

  • Boss H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes it is true.

    The upper 5% of our nation holds about 80-85% of the wealth, while paying approximately60-65% of all taxes.

    The lower 95% holds about 15-20% of the wealth and pays about 35-40% of the taxes.

    matter of fact, taxes on the rich were higher than 50% before the minimum alternative tax was created, and the reason it was created was because even with such a high tax rate, they had so many loopholes they paid no taxes whatsoever.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't say that, the rich uses phones too, ya know...

    Besides it really depends on the state, because many of those small taxes on services and goods vary by state.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your telephone tax hardly covers a child's school toilet paper allotment.

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes! that's true! becos most of the country population lies between the upper class and mid class!

  • 1 decade ago


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