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Lv 5
Ethan asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Do you hate it when parents scream and cuss at their children in public?

I can't stand it when people cuss out their children in the first place and then they scream, yell and curse at them in public in front of everyone. I was just at Fry's on my lunch break getting some miscellaneous groceries. There were two girls probably like 3 & 4 years old in one of those car things they have on the front of shopping carts. The mom was pushing them around the store and yelling at them the whole time to stop doing this and that. Then when I was at the self checkout the mom just happened to be there at the same time checking out on the other side. One of the little girls started to get out to come "help you scan stuff mommy" when the mother started to scream at the top of her lungs "get back in the d*** cart and sit your a** back down. I mean I know kids can be frustrating at times but come on do you really have to scream at the top of your lungs and cuss at a 3 and 4 year old? Would you parents have felt this was inappropriate behavior either in public or in private?

Just thought this was awful and had to share and see what other people thought of this.


I guess I wasn't aware that you could call the cops for this. Is that true that the cops could arrest a mom for that?

Update 2:

Yeah I didn't think the cops could do anything about the yelling and cussing. No matter what kind of day she's had she shouldn't being doing that reguardless.

23 Answers

  • *HM*
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow, that's horrible. And it sounds like the little girl wasn't even doing anything bad, she was just trying to help her mom! Why do you need to scream and cuss at your kid for that?! Geez. Some people just need to learn to control their temper. Either that, or they just shouldn't have ever had kids in the first place if kids make them that angry! Sounds like that lady could have really benefited from some condoms. And seriously, I can't believe how people just freely let every cuss word known to man slip right in front of their kids, and then they get all pissed when their kids start using the words and punish them or wash their mouths out with soap for saying them. Guess what moron, maybe you shouldn't have taught them those words in the first place, and then they wouldn't have a cursing problem! But yeah, it is really horrible to have to see kids being treated that way. I don't see parents like this that much, but a few months ago I saw some lady in McDonald's with a little boy who looked like he was only 5 or 6, and the psycho grabbed him by the shoulders, got right up in his face, and just screamed at the top of her lungs at him. And the kid didn't even DO anything! He had just been standing there waiting for the food like everyone else. And it was obvious from the boy's reaction that the mom had these outbursts regularly. He just stood there and took it...he looked terrified, and he was too afraid to say anything or try to get away from he just stood there while tears ran down his face and let her scream at him, but you could just tell how terrified he was, probably that she was going to beat him. You always wonder when you see parents like this in public, what might go on behind closed doors. Poor kids.

    And being frustrated or having a bad day is no excuse for this kind of behavior. Part of being an adult is having some self-control! I'm not saying that all parents don't lose their temper a bit sometimes, but there's a huge difference between maybe yelling a little or speaking too harshly to your kid, and actually throwing a raging adult temper tantrum and screaming a tirade of profanities at them. Guess what, neither of my parents ever did anything like that to me. No, they weren't perfect, and yes, they did get angry a few times and maybe spoke a bit harshly to me, but they had enough self-control to never scream at the top of their lungs at me in the middle of a store, and they never cussed at me. And seriously, what kind of message are you sending to your kid by doing that? You're certainly not teaching them to have any self-control, and you're just showing that if somebody really pisses you off, no matter where you are, you can just scream and cuss at them and throw a big tantrum! I bet most kids who end up being bullies when they reach school-age are the ones who are treated like this. I mean, after all, don't most kids imitate what their parents do? In this case, since the parents like to pick on, threaten, and intimidate those smaller and weaker than them, then the kids are being taught that it's ok to do that. And of course, kids are like sponges and they WILL pick up the profanities from you and probably start repeating the words. I'm just tired of some people always using being stressed as an excuse for parents treating their kids badly. If your husband was stressed out because of his job or something, and he was always getting angry at you and screaming and cussing at you, would you just go, "Oh, he's just a little stressed out, so it's ok."? Didn't think so!

    And yeah, although you CAN call the cops, they probably won't do anything about it unless there's evidence of physical abuse. Verbal and emotional abuse are just as horrible, but they're hard to "prove", so sadly, it happens to lots of kids but nothing is done about it. It's really sad though, because verbal abuse affects kids just as bad as physical abuse. It just tears them down and they have to carry the memories of it for the rest of their lives. But, with people that have such bad anger issues like the woman you saw, I wouldn't be surprised at all if she beats the girls too, but she may only do it behind closed doors since she knows someone could call the cops on her for that. Some people like that might still be smart enough to only do what they can get away with in public. It's's like you don't know what could be happening to those little girls, but there's nothing you can do about it. :( That's how I felt when I saw the boy and his mom in McDonald's. I just said a prayer for him that night, hoping his mom didn't give him a beating when they got home.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Psoriasis Remedy
  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yeah, for sure. I have no kids of my own but I have a little sister who I'm raising, and have been raising practically since she was born. And lord knows things could get stressful sometimes, especially when I first became her guardian while I was still finishing college and trying to pay the bills. But damn, I can't imagine ever treating her that way, no matter how bad my day has been or how stressed out I am. I'm no saint and I've said some colorful words before, but have never directed any at her. When I was a teenager and she was little, I made sure to never curse around her because I didn't want to be a bad influence and I didn't want her to pick up the words and start using them. She is 15 now and she's still my baby sister and I would never scream and curse at her, so I really can't imagine treating a 3 or 4 year old that way. That's sad that some kids have to live with parents like that. Obviously my sister and I didn't have good parents either- well, my mom didn't really do the things that you described, but she basically ignored us, which was almost just as bad. Luckily I had my grandma to look up to as sort of a parent figure as a child, even though she wasn't perfect. She was still a much better mother figure than my mom. By the time my sister was born she had died, so I was the parent figure to my sister. Hopefully these kids you see with crappy parents at least have someone else who at least cares about them and that they can look up to.

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW! That's just uncalled for, and then the mother will wonder where the children will get there mouths from. It pisses me off to see or hear about something like that. There is just no reason for it. The only way that that would help anyone is the mother. To get her frustration out. There is no positive side of it, none at all. There is even no reason to yell at a child. I have always said that every child has currency and as soon as you figure out what it is you are golden. What that mother should have said is " If you do that one more time then you have to ride up here with me and you can no longer drive the car". That works for my kids and they listen. Or another big help is give your child a snack while your in the store. For instance, most grocery stores start off with a veggie and fruit isle. Grab an apple or what ever you child likes and let them naw on that while you go through the store. Just make sure you grab another one so it can be scanned. The people never have a problem and it keeps the little ones entertained and quiet :) I agree with you being a parent is frustrating but there is no reason to take that frustration out on them. Kids are kids and that's what they are best at, BEING KIDS!

    Source(s): Me and my experiances. I have 3 kids. 6 almost 3 and 4 months
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  • 5 years ago

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    I have worked with a lot of women on this issue, and have seen very few health related problems that cause such pain and anxiety as wanting to have a child and not being able to. The good news is that all the women who I have worked with who have changed diet and lifestyle factors have eventually conceived.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can call the cops on anyone for anything. For something like this you are more likely to be the one to get arrested/cited for falsely using the police. Although this woman did something in which many (and the world if you go by all the perfect parents on here) would not do their children, it is not illegal to do.

    Also, as detrimental as it is to the children, and I do not like sticking up for such actions, you have to keep in mind this may not be how she treats her children all the time or even most of the time (which is shown by lack of fear or concern when the little one tried to help). In short, sometimes, you have to give someone the benefit of the doubt that it just may be a bad day.

    Edit: Not saying she SHOULD be doing this because, frankly, kid or adult, she SHOULDN'T be doing that. Unfortunately when emotions run high, we all have a tendency to do things in which we typically would not do because we know we SHOULDN'T do it, including losing our cool and saying/shouting profanities.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder if those parents realize that when their child is throwing a fit and they join them in screaming in the middle of the store, they are no less annoying and not making it easier for the rest of us to shop. I don't know when it became illegal to correct your child's behavior in public. It's not illegal to yell at them like that, it's just not the best way to handle it and to a lot of people, it indicates that more may be going on that you can't see.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is very sad. It always saddened me looking at the little girls who would be screamed at by there mom for getting food on their clothes or for messing up there hair 'Ella, what the hell were you thinking. You need to pull your **it together I'm getting really sick of cleaning all of your clothes. Guess what, I JUST BOUGHT THEM.' It was NONSTOP when I worked at after-school programs in my city, and we had to involve school consulars and teachers in multiple occasions because we felt these kids weren't getting the love and patience they deserved from their mother.

    However, I don't believe this particular situation needed to be handled by the COPS. Cussing is a bad habit, granted, but it isn't grounds for a mother to be arrested. Screaming and yelling at your child is unacceptable, but I like to assume that that mom was just having a bad day. However, if you knew that this was not a one time outburst, I would consider involving the police. Abuse is very serious.

    I, personally, have never said a bad word to my son directly, but those words have popped out of my mouth when he was around (he is eight). I also can admit that I have in my life yelled at my son, but I have never insulted him or been rude or vulgar in my statements. Typically, I will say 'Cadence! Please be quiet! Momma is trying to work!' I will usually have an apology as a follow-up. It amazes me when moms flat out YELL and CUSS at their young children in the first place, and when they neglect to apologize... words can't describe how it angers me. Kids need love and support from their parents, not verbal abuse and tourment.

    I do however, feel more leneient when it comes to older children. If your son is 16 and he is sneaking out at night and telling you constant lies, I wouldn't feel as bad for the child if you had to lay down rules. Obviously, physical abuse is unacceptable, and so is direct insulting or tourment. But I thought it was crossing the line when the police were involved because a parent said the following to her 17 year old son at my school- 'You need to pull yourself together and stop all of this **it going on at school. You are graduating soon, so please stop messing with my head and get back on track.' That's almost word for word. I have never said anything like that personally, but I feel that that was a fair comment to make to a 17 year old failing out of his class, or is that just me?

    Just explaining my thoughts.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    yes i do! And I hate when I do it in private as well. Parents don't cuss at your children. And try not to yell unless they're like running out into the road or something urgent. It makes you look bad and is ineffective with your child in the long run.

  • 7 years ago

    Aren't a lot of kids dying in cars from the gear she's a bad mother

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