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Do you believe that Jesus provides you with everything you need to obey Him?

It is clearly spelled out in the scriptures that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.

This is God's power through the Spirit of Christ working in us to put the flesh under subjection to the Holy Ghost. We are nothing. We have nothing we can do of our own power. The very obedience to the Word must first come from our Lord Jesus!

We have nothing but need, but our Lord has nothing but provision of an endless supply of His Love to provide liberally all that His children need! Praise Him! This is a beautiful thing for the Children of Light!

God, through Christ Jesus our Lord, provides of his great mercy and grace in an endless supply! This is why God is our All in All~He is Everything and We are Nothing~

Have you found this to be true?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The warfare with Satan is in the mind and "They that are in Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts" Galatians 5: 23

    Of course this crucifixion was the operation of God, Romans 6: 3-4 and Colossians 2: 11-12 This truth will set anyone who is in Christ free from any stronghold of the devil ant attack of the devil.

    You see God is telling you and I to put off sin's lusts by the strength of our flesh or mind power, but simply know and believe what God has already done. Notice 1 Corinthians 12: 13 We are by One Spirit baptized into one body which is the LORD'S body, and when we were made to drink into and of one Spirit the death nature that old man was destroyed and put off in circumcision in the one same baptism.

    Notice Romans 6: 4 "By the glory of the Father" which speaks of the baptism with the Spirit.

    Now it is our minds that we renew to and with this knowledge, and bring it online with transforming power See Romans 12: 1-3 WE have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts having believed and been baptized into the body of Christ and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise Ephesians 1: 13-14.

    What the leading of the Spirit is and does is point to a word that shows forth what God has already done in the heart in the spirit; and Satan is trying to keep our minds blinded from see in the realities of God workmanship and the very word of His grace that is of power to transform us saving our soul as well as with he salvation we have being in Christ in the spirit.

    Paul's states it this way: " And put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him who created him" Colossians 3: 10 You acknowledge what God has already done and then you choose to believe it and you thank God for it and you rehearse it over and over again until your mind at Satan's temptation slice and dice his temptation.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    sure. As for agree, the priority isn't my opinion, yet God's. If i do no longer agree i'm the single which is faulty. As for His regulation that is obeyed this could take a protracted communicate. the basic answer is that we are no longer decrease than regulation yet decrease than grace. As for perspectives that are contradictory, you may could desire to offer me some examples. i'm particular I contradict some issues. i'm under no circumstances suitable. could be satisfied to speak greater if this is greater beneficial than a passing theory.

  • 1 decade ago

    AMEN. Preciously put and full of deep reflection.

    Praise the Lord, He has fully furnished us, supplied us and will be faithful to complete what He has begun in us .. THIS is His promise not only to us, but to Himself.

    How we need to give the Lord our topmost cooperation, to come to Him in the Word day by day. Spending that time in His infusing Presence, where our spirit is strengthened, nourished, empowered and energized to face each day, to face our flesh, the self, the oldness of our old man, the world with its many lusts and deceits.

    We have been fully supplied and furnished, but most of the time we live spiritually poor because we do not truly lay hold of who and what we are in this amazing Christ.

    Today sister, I had the opportunity to spend some time with some younger sisters, ranging from 12 to 15 yrs old. Each love the Lord so much and want to pursue after Him, know Him, be found in Him.

    They want their tender teenage years to be those that love the Lord. They really opened up and shared of all the hardships they face at school, with their friends, the peer pressure, the lusts, the general degradation that is in this generation. How my heart went out to them.

    BUT PRAISE THE LORD, right on the heels of acknowledging that YES, we do face many obsticles, many challenging things that attack our love and our stand for the Lord... BUT WOW, the Lord Jesus has equipped us fully.

    We enjoyed that verse in 2 Timothy 2:22 which speaks of fleeing youthful lusts, and pursuing righteousness, faith, love peace WITH THOSE who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.. and in 2 Tim 1:7...That God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, or cowardice, but one of POWER, LOVE and SOBERMINDEDNESS, or of a SOUND MIND. THIS is the spirit we have, and this is what we need to take care of day by day.

    Whatever we feed GROWS. If we feed the flesh, the flesh will grow and dominate us, but if we feed our spirit, then our spirit man would be strong and given a way to dominate the flesh with all its lusts, its cravings, its natural inclinations.

    We were all encouraged to feed our spirit, to spend time with the Lord in the Word, in prayer, in fellowship..and FIGHT for this time because its attacked so much. To have spiritual companions who we can pursue Christ together with. We have been put in the Body so that we can grow WITH the Body and all the supply that comes from being JOINED to Christ as such a Body.

    Praise the Lord, ALL THAT WE NEED IS IN HIM, may we be those who obey Him, to come to Him FIRST, before the mad rush of the world comes to trottle us each day. Seeking Him out as the Bright and Morning Star, even in the early morning, paying the price of sleep, to be those beholding, reflecting His Glory.

    I really love these thoughts sis. You put them so sweetly and it strengthens my entire being to continue running in this race set before us.

    Keep abiding and drawing out of this RICH bountiful supply of the Spirit that we have been given.


    Love in CHrist.

    ur sis


    Add. AMEN to the two sister`s sharing above me. Good to hear from the saints here on the forum.

    Source(s): RcV
  • 1 decade ago

    No. I have weighed this my whole life and discovered that it seems to have been all made up. Really...if this stuff happened today no one would be fooled. If Jesus ever came back with a message of peace and love, he would be ridiculed as a commie liberal hippie by those who purport to worship him. If Jesus ever existed, that is.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus provides me with nothing because god is imaginary. Frankly, I'm tired of people giving credit for good things to these mythical beings while blaming bad things on someone else.

  • so
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No. Why does this almighty being always need praise? I praise my dog. He wags his tail. Why does god want to be treated like my dog? This is nonsense!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, he hasn't provided me with a reason to believe he exists in the first place. If he can manage that one, the obeying part will be gravy.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, he hasn't providend one shred of scientific evidence. Only then will I believe in a bronze age sky-god.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any evidence you might want to provide?

    Or is just another babbling about how god and jesus are great?

  • 1 decade ago

    here is the short version of how I KNOW with no doubt He provides more than we "need" because we are sooooo stupid we can't always get it the first time ;)i started dating a guy from my church..older than me..he even courted me with my fathers permission. He did everything right in my parents and my eyes. That's when it all started. Slowly but surely he lured me away from my folks till there was a HUGE fight and I ended up moving out...with him. We were engaged at that time..well one thing led to another and lets just say I lost my innocense.I ran back home and begged forgivness and things went kinda back to normal..except the church didnt believe me. They took his side. So we started going to another church i..a similar thing happend i stop going to church. Sure am glad it's not the church that saves! at 20 I start going to bars, then dating a bar tender...then sleeping around, kicked out of my home, the place I had been renting burnt down, I moved into a single wide with three adults two children and drugs everywhere...the bar tender moved me in with him..22 now..I move back home under the lie I wouldn't date the bar tender again..they paid all my debt off. $30,000 of debt. because I didn't pay any of my bills..then they found out I was lying to them and had been lying all along.I was still sneaking out, doing drugs, drinking and driving..and yes still seeing the same guy They kicked me out and didn't speak to me for almost 2 years in those two years I began to smoke pot, then extacy, then to coccaine. My father had to rush me to the hospital one time because my boyfriend wouldn't. I hurt my father so badly that day..he saw me hung over, 90ish lbs, and horrible. my kidneys began to give out from the amount of toxic drinks and drugs I was ingesting..and they only got worse. Because I didn't stop I worked in bars, clubs, and all other bad places..i got in a fight with my boyfriend when i was 23 almost 24 and was pushed into the ground. moved in with my boss..who wholesaled this point I had "friends" that were the BIGGEst dealers of coccaine in the state, strippers, murderers, whores, and was what I was becomeing. I was driving porshes, bmw's you name it..i was living what they call the high life. Then my boss told me we were going to yakima to an auction that weekend.I have no idea why i did this but I prayed...and BEGGED God to please just show me if he was there..if he was real.

    while at the car auction (the BIG kind that thousands of people attend) a man walked up to me and said "I know this is going to sound wierd...but I was really led and encouraged by the Holy Spirit to come talk to you. You know there is a God and Hates what you are doing. You know what you have to do and you should do it" to say the least I broke down in tears and called my mom and dad..moved back home..

    but did I listen to the Lord. No I'm a slow and horrible learner..(praise the Lord He is so mercifull)

    I again went back down the path of whistler bc.where i lived in the same house as a satanist. I had nighmares upon nighmares..they were all about the devil coming to kill me and I was unable to speak Jesus' name in my dreams no matter how hard I tried to yell it it would come out..still doing drugs..still slowly killing myself..till one night i saw evil. Pure evil looking at my reflection in the mirror..and the satanist laughed at me. again I called my mom and dad (who were again not talking to me) no one wanted to talk to i drove home. and didn't arrive at a very welcoming place. I fell on my knees and begged them for help..i told them I am at the bottom, I need help and to please forgive me for everything.At this point I had no home, no health, no money, no phone, nothing...My parents forgave me..I couldn't understand how they could do that..They told me the same story I had heard as a child. That Christ forgives all and everything that they have done and He can forgive me. right there I begged Christ for His forgiveness and begged Him to take my past as far away from me as the east is from the change me and make me new in Him. i thought i already belonged to Him..but if I truley had belonged to Him I wouldn't have done those things.That is why in my dreams I couldn't speak His mercifull savior. King of Kings and Lord of Lords.and i tell you the year later..I had my car paid off, I finished school, met a man of God, was married, had no bills, had my family, and was whole inside and out..oh and two months after that we were pregnant!That is my story..these are the things Christ has done for me. NOTHING is too difficult for Him. He saved me, forgave me, and I of all people were least deserving. still you see..i am living PROOF that Jesus Christ provides everything we need!

    Source(s): my life in a nut shell
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