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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Could it be that religions are dying a painful death because they stubbornly refuse to change?

let me show you a few examples

Holy books teach people that homosexuals are evil , slavery is fine , women are lower than men and permits child marriage

Any intelligent person with some commonsense will know that such beliefs were nothing but wrong and primitive ideas that were upheld by ancient people with a primitive mindset. These primitive customs and beliefs found it's way into our holy books and got sealed as the inerrant words of a God.

How can such primitive beliefs survive in this modern world ? It can never

Why are religious people refusing to discard such primitive beliefs and take their religions forward?

When will they realise that any religion that refuses to change and welcome new ideas based on science, philosophy and human rights will sooner or later die out?



islam seems to be growing only because it's followers are mostly ignorant people who believe in very high birth rates. But with the human race going forward they too will wake up soon

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our ancestors world was a very scary place, one where you needed as many eyes on the lookout as possible, as many hunters as possible - these were filled by the tribes or just small families. Once agriculture began, we began to settle, our tribes became bigger. Our pattern seeking habits led to many different superstitions or beliefs - the first attempts at religion and culture and really understanding the world around us rather than existing within it. These ideas formed into decipherable religions - religion was a way to identify with many more humans that you normally would. It was an easy way to decipher a friend from a foe - something really important when you don't know every person individually. These religions spread as our ability to communicate spread. The further the 'useful stories' made it, the more far reaching your 'family' was - the safer you were. This continued until there were much fewer world views than there had been before. Over the years the same stories kept arising, the same morals, and eventually they would conglomerate to the religions we see today. The problem is, we don't need to be wary of these outsiders anymore. In a world that is completely connected and communication is literally real-time, the spread of ideas has taken a less superstitious role, and a more scientific role. Science does essentially the same thing as religion - it helps understand the universe around us - but rather than rely on faith, we rely on evidence. In a world where real 'truths' are being found, religions are losing there importance and effectiveness. Now religion is the main reason for war, death and hatred - when we want our ideas to be 'correct' we will kill to make it so. This is totally counterproductive to what it originally set out to aid ... science is the new tool of culture and the faster we can accept that and one another the better off we will be.

  • 1 decade ago

    First two people always sum questions up so well :) If religion was a theory like science, it could be shaped, reshaped and chiseled at until it becomes truer each day, even if it is 5 steps back 6 steps forward.

    Religion is too rigid- it is a belief system based on 'the words of a deity'- the belief is so strong that if these people open up their brains to science for one second, they start to doubt their religion. This doubt gets pushed into the back of their mind-

    they still believe only due to using confirmation-bias-type behaviours. I.e. the bible says this and this, science just proved this last year, the bible MUST be true. And whenever they hear something which doesn't support their rigid belief, they ignore and become a slave to their own ignorance.

    They cannot change their religion, as this defeats the whole purpose of 'religion'- no moving forward- the word-of-god-cannot-be-altered-by-man mentality. They are stuck as zombies or sheep who are blind to improvement or truth so long as they take their bibles' every word to heart.

    Not to sound religio-centric or whatever it is you call people who think their religion is supreme, but Buddhism doesn't come under the category of religion (as most atheists define religion (has a god, sets out primitive guidelines), it is more of a philosophy. The only things you really need belief for is the reincarnation and karma laws it claims.

  • 1 decade ago

    When one looks at the evidence religion is nothing more then the design of good government - a means of controlling the masses (afterlife awaits if your well behaved or die on the front line for your god). Of course in the good old days the masses were basically a lot thicker then they are now. I have heard some domination's of various religions are trying to move with the times - but so long as the masses are still dumb eenough to never question what was drilled into them from an early age then religion will always remain. {As a side topic consider that in the modern age television preforms the same function as religion in the old days - think about it, every ones sitting quietly at home not getting to annoyed at the ruling class or out rioting, and their all being brainwashed too (to vvaryingdegrees of course).} Also I believe the need for worship is a natural (again the bumb masses) human condition be it a divinity or a celebrity. If one religion were to die off due to cconfliction with modern ideals it will soon be replaced with another or evolve itself - think about it, 200 years ago to kill a which was a great thing, do it now and even christans will object.

    Source(s): I dont have a TV
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think Atheism is dying a painful death because people seem to think mythomania and flawed logic will get them through to the end when all history suggests that atheism (anarchy) has created nothing of note and religion has been the cornerstone of every civilisation.

    Science tells us that homosexuality increases your chances of diseases like HIV/AIDS and other such conditions which is why gays are not allowed to give blood or organs. Religion just tells you that in short what science explains in full. Slavery is a cultural thing not religious - no religious scripture from the Torah to the Quran supports slavery they all say that all man is equal in the eyes of god and it's deeds that differ between them. Nowadays it's exploitation of illegal/low pay immigrants which is basically slavery as they have no rights so democracy supports slavery too just calls it something different.

    No religion really calls women lower than men and in the Quran there are many verses where women are above men and the first bench judge in Islam was Hazrat Katija, a women, the first philosopher was Hazart Aishsa, a women and many such women held high positions in the Islamic religion. In Athenian democracy women rights and could bear the punishment of her husband and it was only 50 years ago that women suffrage got women voting and women today don't get equal pay and rights to men so it's not a religion problem.

    No religion today supports child marriage though paedophilia is rife as is sex slavery so again putting religion at the forefront is a blatant lie. No intelligent person ignores that all monotheistic religions are the reason we have laws and systems. Do not lie, cheat,steal,kill are the basics of all religion not science so are you telling me that it's not wrong to lie cheat steal and kill?

    What you need is to educate yourself and understand that politics and marketing are more powerful entities than religion today because they make themselves more appealing but do a lot more damage. Science, philosophy and human rights come from religion but because religion is about honesty and not giving into the demands of the rich and powerful Christianity and Judaism are now shadows of themselves and Islam and Hinduism are being dragged the same way.

    To quote Francis Bacon - A little knowledge of science makes you an Atheist, in depth knowledge makes you a religious believer.

    Says it all really.

    Source(s): Book of john
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think you're mistaken in assuming that the human race will move forward and wake them up as you put it. I HOPE that will happen, but it will require substantial changes and even some forcing. It will not be pretty.

    But it's naive to assume that we will be moving forwards. We've gone backwards before. Remember the dark ages? Christianity ruled a theocracy and put to death anyone who went against "the word of god". Put to death, tortured, or imprisoned any great mind or scientist that dared discover something new. That was 500 years that human kind did not advance at all... In fact it went backwards and virtually nothing new was invented..and some things that had previously been invented were banned by the Church. Thank goodness society got out of that, but where would we be now if that hadn't happened? We'd be 500 years more advanced in our technology than we are now! Islam has had their own dark age for over a millenia and it could bring us all to their dark ages. We went backwards before, we can get there again if we allow it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religious believes change over time, but that change lags where Society is by hundreds of years. Christianity is one of the new religions, yet is it a co-incidence that on or near the dates of most Christian holidays there is a Jewish Holiday.

    Even when the US was founded, in part to promote religious freedom, slavery was permitted. A few hundred years later Society work up and addressed the issue. Some Churches are addressing and permitting homosexuals to be leaders.

  • 1 decade ago

    The redeeming value of religion is that it can help keep the sheep in line. Somehow, all religious leaders seem to be exactly the wrong people for the job. I can't really live my life based on a book written in the Bronze Age. Some folks need "religion", or some sort of guidance and I won't begrudge them that. I just wish the sheep would think for themselves sometimes.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a slow process to try to help indoctrinated minds that are living in delusion..

    Especially when those minds have been shown Religion from an early age!

    At least at some point in the future of Man-kind, they will look back & see what a stupid race Humanity has been, believing in the totally Human concept of 'Gods' & Religion.

    You have to 'Thank God' for Atheism lol & one day.... one day ....

    Atheism & Science will prevail & Religion will be put in its rightful place....

    As fictional deluded beliefs once held by Humanity & categorised under Ancient Myth & Superstition in the library!

    Here's looking forward for that day, when Humanity see's the real truth & light!!



    Source(s): Proud Atheist.
  • 1 decade ago

    Lets just imagine that we are able to transport people to a new planet and start populating it.

    We cannot transport a whole society just the minimum required number of people.

    The Bible says two, but lets be generous and put two men and two women on the planet.

    If all turn out to be gay, the future of humanity is over.

    So the hysteria over homosexuality being evil is harsh, but if your creation is in it's infancy and you want it to thrive the best way to ensure it, is to make homosexuality unlawful, that way procreation will take place and there will be a greater chance of success.

    On slavery, the children of Israel went into exile in Egypt as slaves, but they were a strong and healthy race when they left. So rather than being slaves as we think of them, they were more like employees of the Egyptians. They were well fed and through hard work and good food they grew into a fighting fit nation, ready to march to freedom.

    The Bible gives sound advice to those who keep slaves (employees).

    The Bible advises husbands and wives how to conduct themselves in marriage. Why? The husband generally was the provider and the wife the nurturer, by respecting one anothers roles their families would prosper.

    Modern day living has forced us to blur the distinction between the sexes, women can do the same jobs as men, but men don't have the same qualities when it comes to nurturing families. We do need each other, but because of the way we have treated one another over the centuries we have moved away from respecting one another for who we are.

    Child marriage, I don't know of a Biblical account of a child being put up for marriage.

    What we have in this day and age are churches who are trying to move forward to make themselves more modern and appeal to this generation, they are doing it out of fear that if they don't there will be no churches in the future.

    What they are doing is against what the Bible tells them to do.

    There will always be those who say we're in a new century so it's time to modernise but their God tells them that one thing will never change.

    I am the Lord your God, the Alpha and the Omega.

    The whole of creation is about God creating a perfect world/kingdom for His people.

    There are those who want to be His people and for Him to be their God and there are those who do not. Those who do have a greater awareness and that causes them to a have a deeper desire to follow His teaching.

    There are those who philosophise, they are mentioned in the Bible, their philosophies will lead to a greater understanding, but they are taking a different route.

    Science has it's place, we are supposed to question, examine and prove everything, go to and see what science has discovered.

    Human rights, we all are human and we all deserve respect. But being humans we are born with a huge awareness of self, we educate ourselves and build ourselves up with our own philosophies of why we are here and then we start to believe ourselves because we are so well read and then assume we have the right to tell others that unless they drop their traditions and move forward they will die out.

    Well it's true but many will be shocked when they find out who will die out and who will live.

    Source(s): The Bible
  • What you say

    about religions

    is true.

    The question

    based on the facts

    is not 100 % accurate.

    The religions are not sincere enough to admit mistakes both past and present.

    They pretend that mistakes never existed

    and hold they are the perfect Path Way for people.

    (Each one says it is the one and only correct Path.)

    They give unconvincing answers when pressed for explanations.

    But they are all CHANGING

    their tactics / faces etc.

    to survive unto eternity.

    Unfortunately, Govt & Politics are in the hands of HYPOCRITES

    in every country of the world,


    Crime + Poverty > hunger, ill-health, misery, death are on the increase

    driving countless millions of people

    to seek solace from God ...


    have been working in unison ...

    Result :

    Continuing suffering to countless millions of common people > Faith in God > No end to Religion ...

    Real Danger to Humanity

    is not from Religion alone.

    It is from the Satanic Combination

    of Politics + Big Money + Religion ...

    Democracy has become a 'SHAM'

    in every country ...

    and in most of the countries

    what thrives in the name of "Democracy"

    is Hypocritical DICTATORSHIP ...

    The UNITED NATIONS too has turned into a SHAM ...

    and the suffering common people

    see no way out ...

    and are putting all their Faith in God ...

    This is the reality today !

    It is sad ...

    It is wrong ...

    It must stop ...

    It MUST CHANGE towards

    Truth, Justice, True - Grass-root Democracy,

    Humanism, PROGRESS / Liberty / Equality TO ALL ...

    But ...

    Can it ?

    will it ...?

    Will the suppressed / oppressed people in every country

    be able to

    win their just rights


    open, meaningful, transparent, accountable, vibrant, healthy, progressive, grass-root DEMOCRACY where Hypocricy will remain completely eradicated until eternity ... ?

    Source(s): History / Reality
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