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Lv 6
? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

What's wrong with the choice to go topless?

Ok, I'll jump on the topless bandwagon going on here on GWS--partly because I actually feel rather passionately about the subject.

What is wrong with a woman having the legal choice to go topless in environments where men are allowed to go topless (i.e. beach, pool, yard, etc.)? While in the US most women probably wouldn't, shouldn't we be offered the legal choice for those who might? Breasts, while sexualized, are NOT sexual organs. They are not genitalia. They are not dirty. So why is there this need to force women to cover up on a beach?

And for those women who MAY want to go topless, why is there such demonizing going on? I.e. The idea that a woman who wants to go topless at a pool/beach does it only for attention or because she wants to be looked at.

Is a woman's actions with her own body ONLY for men or can she act for her own reasons outside of male attention?

40 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To sum up the vast majority of the answers to this question:

    1. "Because society says it's wrong, it's wrong. End of story. Just accept socialized norms. Stop trying to change or question them."

    2. "I agree that you should be able to go topless, but (insert snide, intentionally insulting sexist remark here)."

    Anyway, obviously, there isn't a good, logical reason men and women shouldn't be equally allowed to go topless in one particular place or other. There's plenty of subjective, emotional reasons, plenty of socialized reasons why it could be problematic, but none that are actually based on evidence or stand up to much scrutiny.

    And for those claiming that breasts are sex organs, put simply, it doesn't matter how society views them. Breasts are factually, scientifically *not* sex organs. They are not necessary to or inherently involved in the reproductive process. No amount of twisting evolutionary psychology will make them sex organs.

    In other words, Fereshte, I utterly agree with your assessment of the situation. I believe that anywhere men should be allowed to go topless, women ought to be also. Unfortunately, even though this rule is discriminatory, there is one crucial hitch to this that hasn't been discussed: damned near NONE of our social rules are logically defensible. Just as one can't make a compelling case for preventing women from going topless where men *can* go topless, there really isn't much of a case for preventing anyone from being nude, either, because our reasons for disallowing nudity are also socialized.

    I'm not trying to make a slippery slope argument here; I'm not saying that allowing women to go topless where men can would necessarily lead to full-on nudity everywhere all the time, or people having sex in public, but I am saying that exclusively socialized rules are inherently not born of evidence-based reasoning. They're based on a mutual social pact among members of a society, and that includes everything from social rules about total nudity to toplessness to table manners.

    Thus, any kind of enforcement of these types of social rules *must* be democratic in nature, because there is no outside authority that we can appeal to in order to say that one particular rule is fair and another is unfair. Now, one *might* argue that because of this, NO societally-based rules should be legally enforced at all, that it just isn't the government's business to begin with. But that's a whole 'nother ball of wax.

  • 5 years ago

    I personally would be uncomfortable with it because I don't like looking at other women's boobs. I wouldn't go to the beach topless, but if it became legal, it wouldn't stop me from going to the beach. I'd just look in the other direction. I don't think it's dirty or wrong; I guess it's because I've been brainwashed by the prudish society that I live in. I think children are the least likely to be damaged by topless women, because they have yet to be brainwashed by our prudish society. Perhaps if women started going to the beach topless now, the stigma against topless women would be erased in a generation or two. But first, women have to be comfortable enough to go topless; and I think I speak on behalf of most women when I say that I would not be comfortable because I wouldn't want men glaring at me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you that there is no reason why a woman should not be allowed to sunbathe or swim topless.

    The inevitable next step would be topless evening dress, which is an altogether different social context. Would you be comfortable with women sitting bare breasted in restaurants or dancing barebreasted on dance floors? I don't mean shirtless, but it fashions that bares the entire breast. Look up "see through shirts" from the sixties. The sixties also produced some entirely bare breasted designs. Considering how natural it is for a man to touch a woman's shoulders or the small of her back if these are bare in a normal social seems some line has been crossed.

    The US is not Europe or Japan. We cannot adopt or return to the attitudes of Europe or Japan. We will have the right to avoid white triangle chest in the US, but it will come with all manner of other breast baring activity. I don't think it's bad. I just think the beautiful body and good design stage will last fifteen minutes, and then we'll be subjected to underarm and back flab under transparent fabric until we recall muffin tops and whale tales or even no panty car exits fondly, as a prettier, more decorous time.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with the choice to go topless. Remember, the U.S. was settled by a bunch of puritans and highly religious people who escaped religious persecution in Europe.

    I have been to a European beach and seen many women topless. Initially, it was quite tantalizing. After about 10 minutes, it seemed "the norm" and the excitement level dropped. Unless, there was a real hot babe walking by....but then I would have looked whether she had a top on or not.

    All I can say is "Show us your boobs!"

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  • 1 decade ago

    Is it actually against the law to go topless in your own backyard in the US? wow. well...hmm..

    Breasts are sexualised. So if you suddenly whip them out in a situation where they aren't normally exposed, it unsettles people for the most part.

    Even in European countries it's not actually all that common for women to match men's toplessness event for event.

    I get the logic of what you're saying, but I think it's important to keep the social context in mind. I suspect going topless at a beach where it's quite normal to do so is vastly different from being the only bare-breasted woman at a barbeque where nearly everyone else, male and female, has kept their shirt on. I have seen that and the clear intention was to become the centre of attention, and it changed the nature of the event in quite an inconsiderate way.

    I don't think it's against the law to take your shirt off here, so I've only commented on the possible social aspects.

  • 1 decade ago

    It scares the children. (Wobbly Bits).

    Best Wishes.

    Mars Mission.

    14th Year Psychology / Counselling Student.

    4th Year Hypnotism Student.

    4th Year Self Taught Music Student.

    32 Years Qualified Automotive Technician.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go topless if you want to, I really couldn't give two shits.

    Just don't complain about the extra attention you get by doing so, even more than wearing a string bikini.

    If going topless as a man brought me attention I didn't want, then I would consider either covering up or going elsewhere.

    But really, I don't see anything wrong with giving women choice to go topless where men can also go topless. I'm just not that passionate enough about the subject to fight for such a right.

  • 1 decade ago

    I honestly think women should have the right and that the government forcing women to cover them up is sexist. I want women to have the right to go topless because I am for equal rights and, besides, I wouldn't mind seeing some boobs. But, I have to agree that women would probably just go topless to get men to check them out. Let's face it. Women are giant attention whores.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are topless in designated topless or nude areas then go for it. Anywhere else, don`t. And breasts are sexualized, just like buttholes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Americans are so hilarious at times, I'm glad I live in Europe.

    But to the point:

    Women want to go topless

    Men want women to go topless

    I don't see the problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    Baby, YOU are in AMERICA! of course men are going to look at you, what do you expect? they wont pay attention? now, in some countries women are topless because of THEIR religion, which means men wont look at it a certain way men do in the states. I say if you feel that way go out of states and try it because you can get arrested here child, think about it. ( and no I'm not saying leave America and don't come back if you are thinking about that!)

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